Ferran el Machir
Slim and athletic, Ferran walks with the calm steady strides of a sailor. He has a mop of dark hair and a pleasant easy going face. A well worn cutlass hangs at his hip and his leather armour is scarred and pitted from combat. His movements are smooth and quick, almost like a bird.
Skills and Abilities
I am the monarch of the sea. Ferran's most comfortable at sea with his feet on his own ship. A talented sailor he's weathered storms, charted courses through vicious reefs, and lost pursuers after chases that dragged on for days.
Talk the hind leg off a donkey. Ferran might have a talent for putting his foot in it but his cheerful manner usually helps him dig his way out of a hole. He can confidently converse in a half dozen tongues and manage to bargain in a dozen other bastardised pidgins and creoles.
Small fry. There's a hundred other small time smugglers like Ferran scattered about the Cortosi coast. Those with power can discard them at will. They've limited resources, little bargaining power, and few allies. Only a few make their riches, watery graves, slave chains, or the hangman's noose await the majority.
"Discretion is the better part of valour"
Ferran is a friendly, personable individual at first glance. Practiced at the art of the deal, he can use his honeyed words and silver tongue to his best advantage when he needs to. He's a person accustomed to steering his way around obstacles rather than confronting them head on. Taxmen, excise, pirates, cannibals, privateers, he knows that it's just better to avoid them where possible.
Two things really are what gets his goat. Pirates and slavers. As an 'honest' trader, Ferran is reluctant to hand over any of his hard earned gains to the wolves of the sea. He'll run when he can't fight and fight when he can't run. As for slavers...Ferran spent the worst year of his life chained to a galley oar. He detests abhors the thought and sails into Cerak At'Thul only when he has to.
Biography & Lore
Born and raised by the coast, Ferran's spent the better half of his life at sea. A lifelong sailor, he's been pressganged onto naval vessels, rounded The Spear in winter, watched storms tear apart fleets, and dived overboard to escape a burning ship.
Ferran would be happy being an honest merchant but all too often the customs duty is too much or a particularly powerful crime lord wants something transported to their affiliates half a continent away. He's only one rule, he never takes human cargo though he doesn't comment on those who do.
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