Felix Lanser

Felix Lanser

Biographical information
Allir Reach 27 Alliria
Physical description
Human Male 6'0 (183cm) 170lbs (77kg) Jet Black Dark Brown Slightly Tanned
Political information
Out-of-character information
Kioxes 27/09/2018 Imad Awan

Growing up, Felix wanted nothing more than to see the world. All of it.

Living along the coast of Allir Reach afforded him a view of the ocean, and the ships which traversed it. He would spend hours watching them longingly, waking up as early as he could muster to see the sunrise against the vast blue waste, knowing that one day he would join them as his father had before him.

Raised by a single mother, and an only child, his days were filled with hard labour even before he was old enough to be deemed a man, forced to fill the large boots left behind by his absent father. Ever one to dote on his mother, he often did so without qualm even though it impeded upon any chance for him to gain a proper education, or make friends his own age.

He began life as a farmhand, working the fields of their village for pittance, yet the moment he was able to he got himself a job down at the water on a small fishing boat. There he learned first hand how perilous the sea could be, and though his mother often fretted he remained at it.

When raiders came to their village he was among those who came to the townfolks defense, and when all was said and done he decided to join up with a local mercenary group operating along the coast in ships meant to oppose the pirates and reavers who threatened their home.

He was out at sea for many years, participating in small battles and skirmishes, and though he discovered that he was a particularly skilled swordsman during that time, often among the team who boarded the enemy vessel, he knew that continuing along the same vein would surely land him in an early grave.

Their presence in those waters had scared away most of their problems, and seeing that the coast had become a safer place he handed in his resignation and took the coin he'd made to the city of Alliria to settle down, sending for his mother in the meantime.

He began work in an inn known as The Tipsy Hive in the outer city, eventually going so far as to become its proprietor, and he hasn't looked back since.

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