Skills and Abilities
Swordsmanship. Fallion was trained to use many weapons, however his favorite weapon to use is a blade. The man is a skilled swordsman. He has spent his entire life practicing his craft, and because of his dedication, it feels like second nature to him. Though he is far from being called a sword-master Falion is skilled enough to hold his own against most.
Black Blade Wielder. Fallion owns a black blade, a powerful sentient blade that has granted the young half-elf a variety of abilities in exchange for the souls of the dead that have been slain by the blade. While Falion is wielding or carrying his black blade, he can communicate telepathically with the sentient weapon.Fallion's black blade, often found strapped to his back, is a bastard sword. It is very durable and sharp to boot and capable of being used to slice, stab, or guard, essentially making it a versatile close quarters weapon in most cases. Like all black blades weapons, it is black in coloration. (Example)
Spirit Form. Fallion can create phantom blades, that can be manipulated with his mind. Falion can comfortably create and manipulate up to six of these phantoms at a time without too much drain, however if he continues to create more he will begin to become tired making him an easy target. While being manipulated the phantoms can move around territory at highspeeds. Yet once fired they can no longer be manipulated. Falion also can summon short-lived phantoms of both himself and the spirit living within his blade, a much more draining version of the previous ability Appearing ghostly pale they can be weaved into existence at an instant if when summoned. Resonating from his being these phantoms are ethereal, their forms possessing a spiritual aspect. Their existence is brief, fading moments after they are formed.
(Example 1) (Spirit Form + Hexs) (Phantom Blades)
Necromancy. One of the abilities the black blade grants is Fallion is necromancy. Falion can use his ability to summon souls that have been devoured by his sword to fight for him. (Example)
Hexes. Falion can use a variety of hexes that can bring pain, misfortune, despair, disaster, and ruin to those that they are used upon. The hexes can be used in the form of spells, be infused into objects, or take the form of monsters such as snakes or demons that will be subject to Falion's will.
Weakness. To perform any of the above abilities Falion needs to have the Black Blade in his possession, all of the magical powers originate from the sword, not its wielder.
Kind. Falion believes that no matter what, there is one ideal that should always be upheld as much as possible- and that is to be kind to one another. He's not some fool that thinks always sparing the enemy is a good idea, or that having mercy against killers or people who are obviously evil is a good idea- however, he does recognize that honor, kindness, and mercy has its place. Being kind to others is one of the most powerful things you can do in his mind, and he firmly believes that it can make you many allies- or at least ensure you make few enemies.
"I've been asked what my religion is many times in my travels, the answer is simple: Kindness."
Lawful. A trait that can be good, but often ends up causing him more trouble than he'd like- as many think that freedom, chaos, and "doing whatever they want" is a good idea. Falion holds a firm belief that Order, Law, and Structure are critical components to the world- even if the governments can be corrupted, it's far preferable to the alternative. The lesser of two evils when compared to absolute anarchy and chaos. He truly believes that instilling order is one of the first significant steps to creating a better world, without laws and regulations he knows all too well how terrible the world would start to turn out.
"People like to complain and say that the government is fucked. But law and the government is the only thing that separates us from barbarians."
Calm. One of the man's keenest characteristics is his natural aptitude when it comes to keeping a level head, experience with having his life put on the line combined continuously with his natural personality making him the type to rarely allow himself to be overtaken by fear, anger, surprise, or similar emotions. When they do manage to get ahold of him, he never lets them control him for long and quickly snaps out of it.
"Keep a level head, or get it cutt off."
Self-Sacrificial. Not exactly one to enjoy pain by any means, Fallion still has a subconscious desire to protect those around him to his last breath. To the point that many would almost deem it illogical- even if the person in question may be stronger than him, he can't help but want to use himself as a human shield. Especially when it comes to his friends and teammates, or children and women.
"It's a hell of a lot better to be hurt, then to see other's hurt."
Open-Minded. Falion has been built on a life of being bullied for his heritage as a child, due to this, his mindset is even more open than most. Believing that no matter who you are, what you are, where your family may have come from- it didn't matter.
"I've been asked what I consider myself, Elf or Human? I always shrug my shoulders and say why not both."
Blunt. When it comes to normal conversation, this trait doesn't come into play too much- not minding a bit of playful banter by any means. However what he doesn't enjoy is arguments, and needless debates in general- tending to prefer ensuring things are clear cut. If a situation is serious, he won't hold any punches, and similarly, he's the type to answer honestly even if the answer in question may get him smacked for being "rude".
"Stop wasting my time and just fucking say whatever the point of this monologuing bullshit is."
Responsible. Fallion is above all else, someone that takes great pride in handling an issue if he say's he's going to do so. If it's a problem he's involved in, or caused- be it indirectly or directly, he won't hesitate to stand up and accept the punishment for his actions as long as he deems it fair. Similarly, if it's not a punishment but instead something that needs to be done- he'll ensure that it's taken care of before anything less important is allowed to raise its head.
"I'll handle it."
Vindictive. Fallion is not one to forgive, and certainly never forget- if anything his skillset is limited to "enduring" a situation. He is vindictive, cold, sarcastic, and cruel to those that he has lost faith in. A downside of constantly giving others the chance to earn his trust, and supporting them with it once they have earned it- is that once that trust is betrayed, it's immensely challenging to earn it back. This extends to his combat, and often finds himself representing some sadistic tendencies when in battle- if someone were to harm him, tending to deal tremendously more harm to someone else in return.
"Hurt me or my own, and I'm not going to forgive or forget anytime soon."
"I've been asked what my religion is many times in my travels, the answer is simple: Kindness."
Lawful. A trait that can be good, but often ends up causing him more trouble than he'd like- as many think that freedom, chaos, and "doing whatever they want" is a good idea. Falion holds a firm belief that Order, Law, and Structure are critical components to the world- even if the governments can be corrupted, it's far preferable to the alternative. The lesser of two evils when compared to absolute anarchy and chaos. He truly believes that instilling order is one of the first significant steps to creating a better world, without laws and regulations he knows all too well how terrible the world would start to turn out.
"People like to complain and say that the government is fucked. But law and the government is the only thing that separates us from barbarians."
Calm. One of the man's keenest characteristics is his natural aptitude when it comes to keeping a level head, experience with having his life put on the line combined continuously with his natural personality making him the type to rarely allow himself to be overtaken by fear, anger, surprise, or similar emotions. When they do manage to get ahold of him, he never lets them control him for long and quickly snaps out of it.
"Keep a level head, or get it cutt off."
Self-Sacrificial. Not exactly one to enjoy pain by any means, Fallion still has a subconscious desire to protect those around him to his last breath. To the point that many would almost deem it illogical- even if the person in question may be stronger than him, he can't help but want to use himself as a human shield. Especially when it comes to his friends and teammates, or children and women.
"It's a hell of a lot better to be hurt, then to see other's hurt."
Open-Minded. Falion has been built on a life of being bullied for his heritage as a child, due to this, his mindset is even more open than most. Believing that no matter who you are, what you are, where your family may have come from- it didn't matter.
"I've been asked what I consider myself, Elf or Human? I always shrug my shoulders and say why not both."
Blunt. When it comes to normal conversation, this trait doesn't come into play too much- not minding a bit of playful banter by any means. However what he doesn't enjoy is arguments, and needless debates in general- tending to prefer ensuring things are clear cut. If a situation is serious, he won't hold any punches, and similarly, he's the type to answer honestly even if the answer in question may get him smacked for being "rude".
"Stop wasting my time and just fucking say whatever the point of this monologuing bullshit is."
Responsible. Fallion is above all else, someone that takes great pride in handling an issue if he say's he's going to do so. If it's a problem he's involved in, or caused- be it indirectly or directly, he won't hesitate to stand up and accept the punishment for his actions as long as he deems it fair. Similarly, if it's not a punishment but instead something that needs to be done- he'll ensure that it's taken care of before anything less important is allowed to raise its head.
"I'll handle it."
Vindictive. Fallion is not one to forgive, and certainly never forget- if anything his skillset is limited to "enduring" a situation. He is vindictive, cold, sarcastic, and cruel to those that he has lost faith in. A downside of constantly giving others the chance to earn his trust, and supporting them with it once they have earned it- is that once that trust is betrayed, it's immensely challenging to earn it back. This extends to his combat, and often finds himself representing some sadistic tendencies when in battle- if someone were to harm him, tending to deal tremendously more harm to someone else in return.
"Hurt me or my own, and I'm not going to forgive or forget anytime soon."