Faith Rämna (Melody Rämna)
Faith is a fair skinned woman of average build with long reddish brown hair and large curious eyes. She adorns herself in modest traveling gear, keeping to forest browns and greens for the most part. She is above average in height. Faith tends to carry herself in a slouched or diminished posture, whereas Melody stands up tall and open.
Skills and Abilities
Split Personality: Within Faith's body lives both her own mind and the mind of her sister, Melody. While Faith maintains control of her body during the day under most circumstances, Melody gains control once the sun sets. Melody has been known to take control when Faith is in grave danger, as she is not opposed to violence or conflict. No matter which mind is in control, the other is able to speak to them through thoughts (although sometimes the non-active mind will be "asleep").
Faith's Abilities: Faith is an adept cleric and well versed in divine healing magic. By praying and carrying out rituals daily, she is able to set up a finite supply of spells and energy. She is capable of magically healing most wounds and ailments by drawing on this reserve. Faith is more intelligent and careful than Melody.
Melody's Abilities: Melody is also able to utilize the divine magic that courses through Faith's body, but she is not a healer. Instead, Melody uses the energy in chaotic and violent ways. While most effective against undead beings, the divine light can burn away foes of any sort depending on how much power Faith has left for her. Melody is also physically stronger and faster than Faith.
Faith's Abilities: Faith is an adept cleric and well versed in divine healing magic. By praying and carrying out rituals daily, she is able to set up a finite supply of spells and energy. She is capable of magically healing most wounds and ailments by drawing on this reserve. Faith is more intelligent and careful than Melody.
Melody's Abilities: Melody is also able to utilize the divine magic that courses through Faith's body, but she is not a healer. Instead, Melody uses the energy in chaotic and violent ways. While most effective against undead beings, the divine light can burn away foes of any sort depending on how much power Faith has left for her. Melody is also physically stronger and faster than Faith.
Faith: Polite, shy, and reserved, Faith wants nothing more than to help people and be accepted. She is quiet by nature and dislikes confrontation. She has devoted herself entirely to her worship and healing arts as a means of quieting the tumult between her and her sister. Focused activities, such as ritual prayer, strengthens her control and keeps Melody at bay. Faith always sleeps before the sun sets, if she is able, to prevent Melody from taking over. She loves her sister dearly, but Melody tends to get them into trouble.
Melody: Brash, impulsive, and violent, Melody is nearly an exact opposite of Faith. Locked away in Faith's head for most of her existence, Melody seeks to gain control whenever possible. These opportunities are rare, and she attempts to hold control for as long as possible before being forced into the background once again. Ultimately, Melody just wants to have fun, and thinks Faith has been unfair to her by not letting her out more often.
Biography & Lore
Florinthe Rämna was going to have twins. She knew it. She could feel the two lives inside her, growing and blossoming. Her husband, Makar, had made the preparations. Two cribs, made by his own hand. He had acquired plenty of fabrics and yarn for Florinthe to make tiny clothes. He had doubled his efforts tending to their land so that they could store some money and food for the two new mouths that would soon enter their lives.
When the happy day came Florinthe gave birth to one daughter, and one daughter only. Hours passed and she begged the midwife to stay longer. "I'm sorry," she had been told, "but there is no other child."
She had been so sure, but even so, her one daughter was beautiful, and she would love her fiercely.
Faith was a good child. Quiet, obedient, and full of light. By the time she turned three, things began to change. She began speaking to imaginary friends. She started acting out and breaking rules that she had obeyed for years. She complained of nightmares and would sleepwalk every few nights.
At the age of six, she had become two different people entirely. Faith was, as always, a model child. Her sister, as she labelled the alternate personality, was not. Although Florinthe was alarmed at her daughter's peculiar situation, a part of her was vindicated. She had indeed borne twins, just within a single body. She named the second daughter Melody, the name she had always intended to give her.
Unfortunately, Faith and Melody's relationship became ever more unstable as they grew. Finding an innate talent for the healing arts, Faith would routinely mend the wings of butterflies and the wounds of mice in the fields. Melody, ever more frustrated that she was not in control as much as Faith, became destructive. Eventually the two girls split their time evenly, with Faith active during the day, and Melody taking over after dark. Much to their dismay, the girls' parents were soon unable to control them.
With heavy hearts, and no shortage of tears, Florinthe and Makar entrusted their only daughter to the nearby Convent of the Holy Creator. A group of clerics, nuns, and priests, all women, who had devoted themselves to the divine arts. They promised to watch over the girl and would help her to control her mind, all while developing her skills as a healer.
Faith took to the teachings immediately. She excelled in all aspects of her education: memorizing scripture, practicing traditional medicine, and most of all divine magic. The sisters of the convent taught her meditation techniques, and this combined with prayer gave her both magical reserves and control over her mind, and her sister.
Strict isolation had been necessary for her education, she had been told. The outside world had no shortage of perils and temptations to lead the followers of light astray. Once her training was complete she would be free to roam the world at her discretion, but no sooner. Although she missed her parents terribly, she devoted herself to her studies. Perhaps if she worked very hard she could finish early, and see them that much sooner.
Unfortunately this was not to pass. When Faith was nine, just two years into her training, a devastating plague swept the countryside. The convent's isolation kept them safe, and while a few of the sisters had been permitted to assist those in need, Faith was nowhere near ready. It was not until two years later, after the plague had passed in full, that she had been permitted leave for a single day to visit her parents' graves. Two of the many that the plague had taken.
Faith's training was completed when she was fifteen. With blessings from her mentors she set out on her own. With no more ties to her homeland she has traveled for many years, helping wherever and however she can. Melody, wishing for more freedom, has taken advantage of every opportunity she's had to gain control.
When the happy day came Florinthe gave birth to one daughter, and one daughter only. Hours passed and she begged the midwife to stay longer. "I'm sorry," she had been told, "but there is no other child."
She had been so sure, but even so, her one daughter was beautiful, and she would love her fiercely.
Faith was a good child. Quiet, obedient, and full of light. By the time she turned three, things began to change. She began speaking to imaginary friends. She started acting out and breaking rules that she had obeyed for years. She complained of nightmares and would sleepwalk every few nights.
At the age of six, she had become two different people entirely. Faith was, as always, a model child. Her sister, as she labelled the alternate personality, was not. Although Florinthe was alarmed at her daughter's peculiar situation, a part of her was vindicated. She had indeed borne twins, just within a single body. She named the second daughter Melody, the name she had always intended to give her.
Unfortunately, Faith and Melody's relationship became ever more unstable as they grew. Finding an innate talent for the healing arts, Faith would routinely mend the wings of butterflies and the wounds of mice in the fields. Melody, ever more frustrated that she was not in control as much as Faith, became destructive. Eventually the two girls split their time evenly, with Faith active during the day, and Melody taking over after dark. Much to their dismay, the girls' parents were soon unable to control them.
With heavy hearts, and no shortage of tears, Florinthe and Makar entrusted their only daughter to the nearby Convent of the Holy Creator. A group of clerics, nuns, and priests, all women, who had devoted themselves to the divine arts. They promised to watch over the girl and would help her to control her mind, all while developing her skills as a healer.
Faith took to the teachings immediately. She excelled in all aspects of her education: memorizing scripture, practicing traditional medicine, and most of all divine magic. The sisters of the convent taught her meditation techniques, and this combined with prayer gave her both magical reserves and control over her mind, and her sister.
Strict isolation had been necessary for her education, she had been told. The outside world had no shortage of perils and temptations to lead the followers of light astray. Once her training was complete she would be free to roam the world at her discretion, but no sooner. Although she missed her parents terribly, she devoted herself to her studies. Perhaps if she worked very hard she could finish early, and see them that much sooner.
Unfortunately this was not to pass. When Faith was nine, just two years into her training, a devastating plague swept the countryside. The convent's isolation kept them safe, and while a few of the sisters had been permitted to assist those in need, Faith was nowhere near ready. It was not until two years later, after the plague had passed in full, that she had been permitted leave for a single day to visit her parents' graves. Two of the many that the plague had taken.
Faith's training was completed when she was fifteen. With blessings from her mentors she set out on her own. With no more ties to her homeland she has traveled for many years, helping wherever and however she can. Melody, wishing for more freedom, has taken advantage of every opportunity she's had to gain control.
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