Erwin Geschwind

“Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.”
― Chuck Palahniu

Corporal Erwin Geschwind

Biographical information
Strojland 26 Forest, Strojland
Physical description
Human Male 6’0” 186 lb
Political information
Strojland Huntsman
Out-of-character information
Elekta Kount 12/18/2019 Pinterest

Skills and Abilities

  • Marksmen - A fellow with a good eye for detail, coupled with a bit of skill, allows him to quite the crack shot when the situation calls for it. With a longbow, distant targets are not much of a problem to reach.
  • Trickshots - Given his family roots, Erwin has been introduced a wide variety of tricks-of-the-trade, so to say. These are various techniques that can be used to give Erwin a bit of variety to his arsenal. This ranges from ricocheting arrows to shooting multiple arrows in one volley.
  • Tracker - Being out in the wild so often, you're bound to be running up against various beasts of the wild and even humans. Erwin has experience tracking down both.
  • Trapper - A skill for a side-job, hunting/trapping for animal pelts and meat to be able to make a bit more money on the side is helpful for the likes of Erwin.
  • Huntsman Alchemy - Not necessarily a creative art, more so a series of memorized recipes for a variety of fun arrow types. Widens Erwin’s arsenal even further.
  • Intermediate Swordsmanship - If push comes to shove, Erwin can hold his own in a melee against the average individual. Although if given the choice, the huntsman would rather gouge someone’s eyes out with an arrow.


  • Longbow - Your average affair when it comes to a longbow. Standing at 6’ tall, this longbow appears a bit unwieldy, but packs a massive punch at a long distance. Though it does not have the intrigues of a bow produced by other races, it nevertheless serves its purpose at what can be argued is a fraction of the cost. Erwin usually keeps the weapon unstrung when traveling, but will string up the bow before going into combat or when passing through hostile terrain.
  • Quiver - Your standard quiver that hangs off the huntsman’s hip.
  • Leather Armor - Not much in the way of protection, but it’s at least something. Good against the lucky slash and dash.
  • Longsword - A well kept tool used when the opponent gets to close. Might not be a legendary weapon, but it gets the job done.
  • Traveling Satchel - Nothing too special, just something to keep what little belongings Erwin has together.
  • Alchemy Satchel - A separate satchel containing the tools and material to create arrowtips designed with specific functions in mind,
  • First-Aid Pack - More helpful than you think, especially in the wild, miles away from a healer.
  • Rope - Simple but useful, especially in a bind.


Often described as the strightman of the group, Erwin usually tries to keep his head out of trouble. Easier said than done, especially considering the circumstances that his profession forces him into.Not that Erwin would give it up for the world, but Erwin wonder what his life would be if he wasn't constantly chasing after or being chased by things that usually wanted to eat him. It’s certainly not a dull life by any stretch of the imagination, there’s always something to do! Trapping, hunting, battling, chasing after conspiracies. There’s always seems to be something that needs to be nailed to the side of a board.

Erwin often is found serving his people in the matter, keeping to his patrol roots along his realm. Although this is not to say he has never venture out of the borders of his realm; currently, the lad is trying to expand his options and opportunities, finding his services loaned out to those outside of the realm. He’s not in it for the money, the practise and tale alone would be worth it. This has led Erwin to travel the continent looking for opportunity to hone his skills further, and develop a story to tell around the campfires back home.

Afterall, life is better with a bow to your side and good friend to watch your back.

Biography & Lore

Descendant of an Allieran Rangers, who traveled to Strojland in order to advise the local hunters in the art of combat, Erwin comes from a lineage that often lived and died among the foliage. Born within some of the more particular forests of Strojland, Erwin has spent most of his life within the wilds rather than among what most would call civilization. Born into a band of part-time soldiers called the Strojland Huntsman Brigade, Erwin has spent his childhood among a lot that can be described as survival experts.

Growing up among this lot definitely taught the young lad a lot about the wilderness and those whom lurked. But it also taught the lad methods of which to combat these beasts. Much of Erwin’s childhood goes unsaid, as the lad himself doesn’t seem keen on talking about it all that much. But one wonders why the lad holds the rank of Corporal, despite his skill set. Erwin could make a Sergeant at minimum, yet talks of upwards progression usually causes an otherwise calm individual to shrink.

Instead, Erwin has been notable for acting more as an independent agent more than a brigade leader. Often times, this is being entrusted with certain tasks by his employed noble, a matter that Erwin takes quite seriously.

  • Ace- The trusty canine companion. It is rare for the two to be seen without the other.
  • Karl von Stehlen- Perhaps Erwin’s only none canine friend, the two have seen many skirmishes and battles together. It’s not a rare site to see the two at a local tavern, swapping stories and news.


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