Elkin Kharnokoi

Elkin Kharnokoi

Biographical information
The Falwood 215 The Falwood
Physical description
Elves Male 6'6 160 lbs. black black with orange pupils fair
Political information
Assassin and Shadowmancer
Out-of-character information
OptimalOz 8/28/2024 Meninfantasyart

They have a saying on the plains. Beware the Black Dog for he brings your death. - Aberessai proverb

A skilled shadowmancer who has been brutalized by the outside world at a young age, now willing to do anything and everything to protect his people and the ones he cares about.


Elkin stands at the height of 6'6 with a consistently pensive expression. He, unlike many elves, often has a bit of stubble growing out as he rarely remembers to shave. Not the most well-kept individual, who has to often be reminded to change his clothes. His defining feature is of course his eyes, born with such a strange trait, he was viewed by his village as a bad omen.

Far more rough-looking than the stereotypical elf, Elkin often ignores the cultural lean towards natural and flowing clothing, preferring simple leathers and a long black duster coat. His hands are always wrapped in bandages.

Skills and Abilities

Assassin: Skilled in stealth, espionage, hit-and-run tactics, and a masterful knife fighter. Elkin has been practicing in the art for nearly two hundred years. There are very few who are not willing to pay for the skills of an Assassin of his quality.

Archery: Like many elves, Elkin is a skilled archer. However, Elkin is perhaps more skilled as a horse archer, discovering the talent while serving as a slave on the Aberessai Savannah.

Shadowmancer: Trained in shadowmancy after being rescued from his enslavement, Elkin would be considered an adept of the art, but has also made his own talents unique to his own desires and skill set. This includes:
  • Shadow hopping - Jumping from shadow to shadow in very short distances.
  • Shadow Slip - Using the shadows to improve his already skilled stealth skills.
  • Blinding - Able to blind others in shadow that he can see through.
  • The Black Dogs - Elkin's most famous skill, the shadowkin that Elkin often creates tend to naturally take the form of black, shadowy dogs and wolves.


Elkin has a very neutral personality when first meeting many people, often mirroring back whatever emotions and characteristics are pointed at him. However, those who truly get to know him become aware of a simmering rage beneath the surface that when it boils over can cause great damage. The rage drives him, but he will not let it explode outward, preferring careful and meticulous planning before action.

Biography & Lore

Elkin was born in a small Elven village in the Falwood. Born on a solstice, Elkin's eyes caused him to be deemed by the village as an ill omen. They were proven right ten years later when the village was raided by a tribe from the Savannah. Elkin's father was killed and his mother was taken into slavery along with him.

While in the Savannah, he was forced to fight in the pits for his life. It was here that he showed unparalleled ferocity and a will to survive, earning him the moniker the 'Black Dog'. This went on for several years before he was sold in Alliria. The fighting did not stop in his new home. However, a group of rebel freedom fighters attacked his master's caravan. In the resulting chaos, Elkin killed his master and fled with the rebels.

It was with this newfound freedom that Elkin was trained in shadowmancy and continued to fight for free slaves. Eventually, Elkin grew disillusioned with what little good the group was making.

Instead, Elkin returned to the Savannah with his newfound abilities, hunting bandits and tribes that he had the power to kill. Here he truly earned his title. Eventually, Elken returned to the Falwood and Fal'Addas after a century, growing sick of the deeds he committed but still not willing to stop what he ultimately fought for.


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