Elizabeth Auclair

Elizabeth Auclair

Biographical information
Caladane, a Kingdom between Oban and Elbion along the Cairou River 32 Homeless, displaced from her home by invaders
Physical description
Human Female 5'11" Toned, muscular Long Brunette Blue Warm Ivory
Political information
(Former) Royal Guard
Out-of-character information
Last Origin 8-21-2022 Kevin Dudley (Imgur) (https://imgur.com/a/EX9IcfW#ioROJ2M)

A former royal guard of the now-destroyed Kingdom of Caladane, who wanders after having lost both King and Kingdom


Tall for a woman, she often carries a sincere, serious, or confident expression. She has begun to show signs of aging, though only her face betrays this, as her body is still in peak form in terms of athletic ability. She often wears plate armor, bearing the Oak and Moon crest of Caladane painted onto her left pauldron. She wears a dark cloak embroidered with gold, otherwise plain, signifying her as one of the Caladane Royal Guard. Her dark hair is usually tied into an elaborate bun, another part of the pageantry she demonstrates as one so close to the King.

Skills and Abilities

Mounted Combat: She is capable on horseback with the sword and lance, with both armored and unarmored horse.

Expert Fighter: As one of the King's Royal Guard, she is possessed of skill beyond what most can achieve, though this comes more from training than practice.

Armor usage: Capable of fighting in everything from leathers to plate armor.

Tactical Mind: As one of the Royal Guard, she was taught to think as much as fight, and has an advanced grasp of tactics and command of battlefield formations.

Sergeant: Capable of leading a formation in battle, shouting orders loudly enough to be heard in the heat of battle, and keeps cool in stressful situations.


Strong-willed and determined, and noble in spirit, Elizabeth is braver than most, almost to the point of recklessness at times, yet also intelligent in terms of her tactical understanding of a battlefield. She possesses a keen eye and ears as well, needed for guarding the King in the event of an assassination attempt. She is often quick to anger, however, including a particular ruthlessness when identifying weakness, especially among her own comrades. With the death of the King and her Kingdom, however, she is less brave than before, and often wallows in melancholic fugues at the feeling that her life has been wasted, having lost both her homeland, as well as the man she loved--the King himself. Elizabeth is a faithful ally and very much a team player, but that is only once she has been convinced to give her fealty in the first place.

Biography & Lore

Elizabeth was born a commoner, the daughter of a farmer, and would have been no one of any particular note had she not, on a routine trip with her father to the capital of Caladane, Stonebrook, defied the current King himself when the King's party asked her and her father to stand aside while the King and his knights paraded down the street. Rather than execute her for impudence, the King was amused, and offered her father a generous sum if he could train her when she reached her teenage years. Elizabeth's father accepted, who then proceeded to train her in the use of simple spears and tree branches as best he could, preparing her for the life that lay ahead of her.

When she turned 13, the King came to collect Elizabeth, and her father was paid the due amount, and more. While she was glad her family would not want for anything perhaps ever again, she quickly became homesick after her training began. For many long years, she learned the ways of the palace guard, of both blade and command, to see unseen threats and put down insurrections. During this time, the old King passed, and his son and heir, Peter Caladane, became King. The only woman on the Royal Guard, Peter was drawn to Elizabeth, and the two formed a close bond, seemingly able to confide in each other with just about anything. This was much to the chagrin of Peter's wife, a woman named Alice, although there was little she could do given Peter's authority. However, the two never acted on any of the feelings that lingered, knowing the trouble it would cause for Peter in particular, and so Peter went on to have two sons of his own, Calvin and Carrin, which left Elizabeth two-parts joyous and regretful, as she herself was still unmarried and childless, even late into her twenties.

Still, their close relationship persisted, but one day the men of Oban declared war on Caladane, hiring vicious mercenaries from the Savannah, which combined proved to be too great for Caladane to handle. In one large battle near the eastern edge of the Cairou River, Caladane's forces were destroyed when a flanking force of Aberassai Cavalry gave a surprise charge to their line while the cavalry were away, causing them to rout and summarily be destroyed. Caladane's knights were then encircled by Oban's forces, who, unable to escape, fought to the death. Among them was King Peter, who perished. Elizabeth, who was commanding one section of the infantry on Peter's orders, was trampled during the rout, taking a few horse hoofs to the head, knocking her unconscious but alive. Hours later, she would awake to find that Oban's forces had already moved to Stonebrook Keep, which she knew would be impossible to save. She knew that, in time, Peter's children and the Queen would both likely perish.

After making one final stand at her home village of Gwynning, she eventually surrendered under fair terms to the Oban commander, who allowed her to keep her life under pain of exile. As such, she now wanders the continent wherever her feet will take her, mourning the loss of all that she once possessed.


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