Eilasandree Ival Faerachon
Eilasandree strikes an imposing figure to the mortals around her, an aura of regality and untouchability exuding from her and making her stand out even amongst a crowd. Her attire is always both at the height of the current fashion dictated by the commoners and opulent enough to please the nobility she spends her time with on the rare occasion she leaves the large, expansive home that she presides in. Deathly pale and with white hair, she stands at the rather tall height for an elven woman of 6'1''. Beneath her clothing, however, shows a different story. It shows a pale, fit body marred with slight cuts and bumps accrued over hundreds of years that never healed, and instead were stitched or held together with magic so as not to cause a problem. It shows a chest that does not breathe, and a heart that does not beat. Her skin is deathly cold, and her makeup designed not to increase her looks but instead to hide her true nature.
Skills and Abilities
Nobility: Eilasandree is a member of the elvish nobility, and because of this is always able to find a place at the table of the upper society of any species friendly to the elves. She has connections in every major city, and does not need to worry about problems such as money.
Necromantic Prowess: Eilasandree exists as a sentient member of the undead, a female spirit risen in the form of a Banshee. Ancient, even to her own people (not that they remember just how old she is), she does not need to eat, breathe or sleep. She feels no pain, and her status as a banshee allows her unique access to abilities signature to her species, notably the infamous banshee scream. Coupled with this, she is an extremely capable and powerful necromancer, utilising millenia of collecting ancient artefacts and tomes of knowledge to dominate the realm of the dead.
Necromantic Prowess: Eilasandree exists as a sentient member of the undead, a female spirit risen in the form of a Banshee. Ancient, even to her own people (not that they remember just how old she is), she does not need to eat, breathe or sleep. She feels no pain, and her status as a banshee allows her unique access to abilities signature to her species, notably the infamous banshee scream. Coupled with this, she is an extremely capable and powerful necromancer, utilising millenia of collecting ancient artefacts and tomes of knowledge to dominate the realm of the dead.
Eilasandree is a cold woman, not one for petty notions of morality or honour. Putting herself first has gotten her to where she was, and she doesn't plan on stopping. That being said, she isn't incapable of maintaining things such as alliances and even friendships, even though the former is more due to her family's resources and the latter can be counted on a single finger. Utterly ruthless, she is always looking for a new advantage to be gained,whether through physical means such as resources or yet another name to add to her already long list of supporters and partners. She holds an intense dislike for the sun, preferring to leave her ancestral home, if at all. Should she be needed elsewhere in the city, or even need to leave the realm of the elves, she carries with her a dark purple and black parasol designed to keep the sun from her pale skin. She looks down on what she views to be the lesser classes, maintaining a snobby and snide attitude, even if it is often covered up behind a veneer of a gentle demeanor when in front of others. To her the lives of mortals mean next to nothing,and even those of her fellow undead are more curiosities than anything of any real value.
Biography & Lore
Very little is known about Eilasandree's early life,even to the woman herself. Born as the oldest out of three sisters, she spent her entire life being groomed for the rigors of nobility, even as her sisters clowned around and wasted away the family resources on frivolous expenses, at least in her opinion. For almost twelve decades she was molded into the next head of house,only for it to be snatched away from her at the very last moment. Marriage into another noble house, one that would combine the two into one powerful enough to be considered one of the major houses. Only problem was, the son of the other house was smitten with her youngest sister and refused to bind with anyone else, and Eilasandree had to watch as everything she had worked for was swept away in flowers and smiles. For a moment, everything became too much for Eilasandree, and she snapped. Months later, when she finally found herself calm again, she was alone and in an empty house. Each member of her family had met with 'tragedy', leaving her the sole heir to the fortune and the responsibility. Taking in the new situation, she couldn't help the grin on her face. She wouldn't have had it any other way.
While many were suspicious of her, or superstitious of the tragedies that had befallen her house's name, elves live for a long time and eventually things are forgotten. Soon, using the knowledge she had gained from those younger days of her life, Eilasandree found herself once again leading one of the major houses of the Elven union, and all alone. But instead of seeking any sort of companionship, she went down a different path. Whether it was guilt, or a warped sense of logic, over the centuries of life she had now spent alive she had slowly grown more and more obsessed with just how easily she had managed to take over, none of her family the wiser until the very, very end. Eilasandree wanted, needed, a way to avoid that same fate and eventually, she found it. An old, wandering human sold a tome of necromancy to one of her employees, who in turn took one look at the cover and quickly passed it off to his mistress to deal with. The moment the pages of skin touched her slender fingers, the elf knew she had found what she was looking for. Far and wide she sent her emissaries, working under the cover of darkness to collect as many tomes on necromancy and anything connected to it as they could find. Eilasandree poured over the books, scrolls and ancient tomes with a mania that only the obsessed can wield, and eventually she found her answer. It took years to gain the necessary skill in necromancy that was required, but she had the time, and eventually she was ready. In a ritual seen as the most unholy and abominable act that one can possibly commit by those around her, she took her own life and on that day was raised as a banshee, a member of the Undead, and impervious to the effects of old age. Just under a millenium later, with all who remember her long since buried, she now resides within her darkened dwelling in Fal'Addas, watching the world,and waiting.
While many were suspicious of her, or superstitious of the tragedies that had befallen her house's name, elves live for a long time and eventually things are forgotten. Soon, using the knowledge she had gained from those younger days of her life, Eilasandree found herself once again leading one of the major houses of the Elven union, and all alone. But instead of seeking any sort of companionship, she went down a different path. Whether it was guilt, or a warped sense of logic, over the centuries of life she had now spent alive she had slowly grown more and more obsessed with just how easily she had managed to take over, none of her family the wiser until the very, very end. Eilasandree wanted, needed, a way to avoid that same fate and eventually, she found it. An old, wandering human sold a tome of necromancy to one of her employees, who in turn took one look at the cover and quickly passed it off to his mistress to deal with. The moment the pages of skin touched her slender fingers, the elf knew she had found what she was looking for. Far and wide she sent her emissaries, working under the cover of darkness to collect as many tomes on necromancy and anything connected to it as they could find. Eilasandree poured over the books, scrolls and ancient tomes with a mania that only the obsessed can wield, and eventually she found her answer. It took years to gain the necessary skill in necromancy that was required, but she had the time, and eventually she was ready. In a ritual seen as the most unholy and abominable act that one can possibly commit by those around her, she took her own life and on that day was raised as a banshee, a member of the Undead, and impervious to the effects of old age. Just under a millenium later, with all who remember her long since buried, she now resides within her darkened dwelling in Fal'Addas, watching the world,and waiting.
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