Eenia Vahn

Eenia Vahn

Biographical information
Alliria 28 Home is where ever the road takes her
Physical description
Human Female 5'6" Blonde Aquatic Green Porcelain
Political information
Out-of-character information

Eenia is a natural born healer. The ability reared for her at a young age during a small crisis, and she has spent the majority of her life honing and developing it. The magic has always been an extension of herself; she conjures the ability to heal as easily she breathes - most of the time. But her desire to help and heal others has always been strong, and it was something she and her family did not see eye to eye on. The family were suffocating at times, declaring Nia gave too much, worked herself too thin, and even wanted her to stop all together at points.

So it was this, and needing to get out on her own that made her leave her childhood home and start traveling. There had to be an abundance of people away from Alliria that needed her type of assistance, and that was the driving force that set her on the path she's on today.


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Skills and Abilities

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Biography & Lore

Eenia is a gentle soul. She's mild mannered and has a tender, soft heart. Now, that's not to say that she is one to be walked all over. The blonde has no trouble standing up for herself or putting her foot down when the need arises.

Coming from a home with an older sister who always seemed to be better than her at everything, it was only natural for Nia to learn to stand her ground. While big sister has always been the over protective sort, as the girls grew up Eenia developed a need for independence as well as an escape from beneath her older sister's shadow - and their parents (at times) suffocating control. The young woman has always had a literal healing touch, and she decided to take that ability and set out on her own.

Traveling on her own had not been easy, nor wise considering her less than intimidating appearance and stature. But one thing Nia has always been good at is creating a soft spot in the most rugged of people. She has managed to survive this long by befriending sellswords, mercenaries, and whomever else was capable of keeping her alive while she traveled in the same direction as they did. She offers her healing to places and people in passing who need it - including whomever she's traveling with at the time, and uses whatever profits she garners to split with said company.

Eenia's compassion is unwavering, and thus far? It has served her well


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