Durin Stonefist
Long ago in the deepest and most inhospitable regions of The Spine lived a being so rare as to border on unique, his name Durin, and he is the offspring of a sexual union between a Dwarf and an Earth Elemental. He and his kin call themselves Deep Eldar, though only the most studied scholars and the oldest of Dwarves know of their existence. While the world may not know of Deep Eldar, the Deep Eldar are aware of the world and much of what Durin know is through stories and myths told by his people. These tales have kindled the fires of his interest and wanderlust, only now in his advanced age and the last of his clan does he finally act on those desires and leave The Spine in order to learn more about the world he has lived separate from for more than four centuries.
For the past few years he has travelled through the vales, canyons, and highlands and finally the foothills of the great mountain range and began to interact with the first humans he had ever seen. He is new to their land, the peoples and cultures are foreign to him, as is their nations and politics. He has to admit that he is fearful but his excitement for the adventure has renewed his soul, he has even dared to hope for the company of others during his travels.
Durin's skin is the same grey as the granite bedrock of The Spine mountain range, his hair and beard are lighter in color due to his advanced age. He stands 5'3" and is far heavier than other dwarves of his size by double. Durin wears a dark grey tunic and pants, the soles of his leather boots are made to withstand the wear of the miles that pass. He has a worn leather satchel that hangs over his shoulder on and rests on one hip, it doesn't look like much but holds far more than it's size would suggest both in weight and volume (holds up to 500 lbs of gear, and anything he is searching for is at the top within easy reach). Around his waste is a belt that has two pouches, one holds a flask of Dwarven Spirits that never runs dry and the other is a bottomless tobacco pouch for his pipe. He carries no weapons.
Skills and Abilities
Deep Eldar are the result of a sexual union between a Dwarf and Earth Elemental which have a lifespan of up to 600 years. They can see in the dark as well as any dwarf, but are not as sensitive to the dark or light as the Duergar are. Thanks to their elemental heritage their bodies are as hard as stone and their skin just as impenetrable which gives them a respectable measure of natural armor and makes their unarmed attacks very effective, they are also considerably stronger than any of their Dwarven kin . They are exceptional craftsmen of stone, and can instinctively sense traps and doors made of stone. On natural ground they can always move with easy, and have even been seen moving on vertical cliff faces with the ease of a mountain goat. They seem unbothered by all but the most extreme of natural weather temperatures, both the bitter colds of the highest mountains peaks and the sweltering heat of a lava filled caldera are easily tolerable for this hearty race.
The main difference between Deep Eldar and other Dwarves is that they are not as communal as their pure blooded kin, Earth Elementals are solitary by nature or live in small groups of a few individuals and most of their half blooded offspring have taken to such a life as well. It is very rare for Deep Eldar to interact with other races and will try to pass as a Dwarf. but from time to time one will succumb to wanderlust and curiosity and venture into the world.
The main difference between Deep Eldar and other Dwarves is that they are not as communal as their pure blooded kin, Earth Elementals are solitary by nature or live in small groups of a few individuals and most of their half blooded offspring have taken to such a life as well. It is very rare for Deep Eldar to interact with other races and will try to pass as a Dwarf. but from time to time one will succumb to wanderlust and curiosity and venture into the world.
Durin acts very much like a Dwarf in all ways. He can be cranky, gruff, blunt, at times harsh, and impatient. Also like other Dwarves he can be extremely loyal, steadfast, and brave. While having no use for the laws of human societies he is good natured and kind hearted, even if he comes across otherwise, and cannot stand by as others are harmed by cruelty or greed. While not always honest with others outside of his race, he does not feel the need to steal or deceive for personal gain. Durin does not share the greedy nature of other Dwarves, personal wealth was never a driving factor for his kind, though he has great appreciation for works such as sculpture and architecture made out of stone.