Dizz Gleehkokx

Dizz Gleehkokx

Biographical information
Forest near Bhathairk 106 Everywhere
Physical description
Goblin Male 2'1'' 56 lbs N/A Red Green
Political information
Mutiny Bard / Emcee (Band member, Mutiny)
Out-of-character information
The Welsh Paddy 26/10/2019 https://paizo.com/community/blog/tags/kikiMochRizky


Dizz looks just like any typical Green Goblin. Green, leathery skin, beady eyes, sharp teeth, sharpened nails... He is, overall, extremely average looking for one of his kind with nothing remarkably different to distinguish him from any other Goblin.

Skills and Abilities

Musician: Dizz is rather talented when it comes to playing musical instruments. In particular, he specialises in percussion instruments and, during concerts, will arrange various drums to form a 'kit' on which he can play. He is also good at playing the Didgeridoo and can play very basic chord patterns on mandolin. Surprisingly, he has a really good voice and can sing rather well. He also has what he likes to call "Good flow" when it comes to reciting his poetry. He likes to recite his poetry in rhythm with accompanying drum beats to a good groove.

Poetry: Dizz is an exceptional writer, but he also has an uncanny ability to perform improvised poetry during concerts.

Voice Mimickry: An ability shared amongst most Goblins, Dizz is able to mimic the voice of just about anyone he hears. This also extends to being able to replicate animals sounds. When performing, he likes to use this ability to deepen and strengthen his voice in order to sound more cool.


Dizz is a very chilled out person. Thanks, in part, to his recreational herb smoking, he can is always relaxed, sometimes bordering onto the point of being outright lazy. This sets him apart from other Goblins, who tend to be far more mischievous. The only thing that excites him as much as a groovy drum beat, however, is fire. He loves crafting explosives, especially when they can be used to upset the "establishment". Like his band mate Maeve, he has a dislike of rich, fatcat nobles.

Biography & Lore

Dizz had a perfectly normal upbringing. From a young age, he had a passion for music. His parents were not particularly keen on him pursuing that, however, as they wanted him to be a warrior like his mother and her father. While this clash of interests often led to disputes within the family, it was never that serious. Nonetheless, when Dizz had the opportunity to leave, he took it.

Meeting up with Agnar and Borstig, two bards from the North, he traveled with them, later recruiting Maeve as the fourth and final member of their band.


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