12th December, 370
The Warband have returned in the winter months as they do every year, raiding and pillaging our coast line. They have made it far further inland than they dared previously with reports from today placing them near Llysfrm.
The men slaughter women, child and man with no preference. They burn everything they leave behind so that nowt can be salvaged and tar the farmers fields too. This is different to the usual raids for survival. They take not women, livestock nor gold. Their intent seems to be pure savage butchery.
What is most appalling is the rumours we hear of women sharing this same frenzy as the men. One in particular has been described as the wrath of the devil personified. She laughs as she cuts down people like they were weeds and drags the families from their homes to force them to watch their loved ones die. They say she baths in their blood by the light of the moon and decorates her throat with their teeth.
-- Novgrod Chronicler
Dhara is a tall woman though her icy glare will make a man feel miles shorter. She wears her brown and auburn hair long as is the tradition of her people though she wears it in braids more often than not, making it appear far shorter than it is. Her body is muscular and suits her broad frame. Her face seems to wear a permeant scowl and when she does smile it is often worse than the frown.
Skills and Abilities
Dhara's main skills lay in the art of war. In particular she excels as javelin throwing, horseback combat and dane axe combat.
This warbandit is not an easy woman to get along with. With a temper that is quick to ignite it is prudent to remember she finds insult as the slightest provocation and will ensure whoever offended her pays handsomely for their troubles. She has a militaristic mind and is keenly intelligent despite her preference to settle disputes with fists not words. For those that know her, Dhara has a biting sense of humour that is slow to coax out of her and is a sound confident.
She has a strict code of personal rules that she abides by, though not many people believe her rules to be ethical.
She has a strict code of personal rules that she abides by, though not many people believe her rules to be ethical.
Biography & Lore
Dhara was the firstborn child to the chief and for many years was also the only one. As such she was raised with the intentions of inheriting the tribe and leading it to continued glory. However, on her 12th year her mother fell pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. Dhara's title of presumed heir was stripped in favour of her brother and her parents turned their back on their daughter. It was her uncle who was put in charge of her training to be a good wife for some foreign lord. Whilst Dhara suffered terrible abuse by her uncle he did teach her how to fight.
On her 18th birthday Dhara made her case to take over the tribe as a proven and known skilled fighter. Her parents laugh in her face at the audacity and it was said by many who witnessed it that that was when the girl snapped. In a blood rage she slaughtered her family and any supporters of her brother. What remained she gathered up and left into the wilderness.
On her 18th birthday Dhara made her case to take over the tribe as a proven and known skilled fighter. Her parents laugh in her face at the audacity and it was said by many who witnessed it that that was when the girl snapped. In a blood rage she slaughtered her family and any supporters of her brother. What remained she gathered up and left into the wilderness.
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