Dhala Agloshk

Dhala Agloshk

Biographical information
Bhathairk 27 Bhathairk
Physical description
Orc Machairi Female 5'11" (180.4 cm) 212 lbs (96.2 kg) Black Sky Blue Orange Brown
Political information
Bhathairk Circle of Shamans; Bhathairk Shaman Agloshk Spirits/Magic
Out-of-character information
Shade August 20, 2019 TinEye and Google show this was originally a Shaman Woman with Dreads, though the image/url redirects to a bogus site.

Dhala (pronounced Jahlah) was born to commune with the spirits, and continues her training and travels for just that purpose.



Dhala is an average sized Machairi Orc, with long dreaded hair that reaches the middle of her back and is typically tied back loosely. The ends of her dreads each have special totems tied to them, and swift movements cause them to rattle, and sometimes whistle as wind passes through them. Here eyes are a sky blue that clearly show a keen intellect, and a deeper wisdom than her short number of years would otherwise indicate. She typically remains in clothing that is of the Bhathairk style of dress.


Dhala is inquisitive and open, and she clearly has a very curious outlook on life. When the topic swings to the spirits, she gets more enigmatic, giving puzzles as answers to questions, and more questions when people attempt to confront her puzzles directly.

Skills and Abilities

Skills and Abilities

Biography & Lore


The Early Years

Dhala was born into a tribe that spent at least half of the year within Bhathairk, and the other half traversing the plains. Machairi Orcs are few in number, and tend towards the very spiritual and maintain many of the totemic shrines around the world. Her tribe specifically maintained several that were built on the plains, and their travels tended to be specifically for the reason of maintaining the shrines.

Growing up, Dhala found communion with the spirits to come easily. Her most memorable playmate growing up was her own personal totem, a spirit that typically took the form of a plains wolf. When she came of age to formally begin training, she often excelled at the lessons with interacting with the spirits, and often had to be reined in for trying to leap ahead in her exercises.

Circle of Shamans

Dhala went through the Rite of Naming when she was seventeen, becoming a formal agent of the Circle of Shamans. Since that rite, her training took the form of travels, some with her tribe, some by herself, and some with complete strangers. Broadening her mind and exposure to the world while also learning advanced techniques of her Shamanic heritage.

The Continuing Story


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      Dhala Agloshk

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