Daniele Bergara

Daniele Bergara

Biographical information
Alliria 16 Where does your character tend to reside now?
Physical description
Human Female 5'6" strong black black bronze
Political information
Wandering mercenary
Out-of-character information
LovesickSiren 8/2/24 Lou (on X)

You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.

-Friedrich Nietzsche



Daniele (or Dani as she much prefers to go by) has olive skin, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Her hair falls to her elbows and is thick and wavy. She tends to braid back a small amount of her hair on the top of her head to keep it from falling into her eyes. She has a rather sqaure jaw but in some angles her face looks more narrow. She has a straight nose and well-defined cheekbones.

She wears clothes fitting for her job as a mercenary. The fabrics are bright and colorful and nearly always mismatched. She never wears dresses (hates them in fact) and never plans on wearing dresses. She doesn't like wearing jewelry but she has no qualms against stealing it and selling to make money.

Skills and Abilities

Smartmouth- She's very sassy and knows how to sweet talk people when she needs to. Her vocabulary consists of a good bit of course words as well. When necessary, she also knows how to give a passionate speech.

Swordswoman- She has a broadsword and she's named it Willbreaker. Her sword lives up to its name, and she sharpens it religiously. Some in he adoptive family have even joked that her sword was her best friend. Dani has never denied it.

Strong- She's strong and still training to get stronger. She can run very fast, but she lacks grace and delicacy. She can be a bit of a klutz but when she's fighting she finds a solid rhythm.

Literate- Despite her poor birth and upbringing, she learned how to read and write with her new family. She doesn't particularly like reading, but she's glad she knows how to read and write.


Dani is a complicated and sometimes confusing woman. She can seem grumpy at first sometimes, but that's only partly how she truly feels. One thing she is honest about is her name. She hates the full name Daniele and so pretty early in her childhood she was telling others she went by Dani instead. She is also honest about the fact that she is slow to trust. It has come with the training and the job and it's also been a method of self-protection.

Dani prefers pants over dresses, has never worn makeup, dislikes jewelry, has little to no manners, and seems to have no sense of style. She has a tendency to take insults very personally and has been known to blow her already very short fuse. She can go from 0 to 60 real fast.

Dani is a passionate woman. All of her emotions seem to be dialed up a notch, whether it's anger or love. Her intensity can be off-putting at first, but some of the braver type say she's really hiding a soft heart. Not that she'd ever admit it.

Biography & Lore

Daniele was born in Alliria to Netalia Bergara, a prostitute working in a brothel. She lived the first four years of her life in the brothel, being taken care of mostly by other women working there. Her mother was very absent and just when she turned five, her mother took her own life. Now that her mother was dead, the other women were no longer as willing to take care of her, and so they gave her to a nomadic family that was in town at the time. The husband and wife had been trying to have a child for a while, and were ecstatic to call Daniele their own.

Since then, she's lived her life on the road with her new family and their clan as they wandered the continent. Eventually she made her way to the Steppes and there she has spent most of her teenage years. As she got older, she started exploring and going on adventures on her own, but she'd still return home to her adoptive family for visits.

Since she's become a nomad, she has learned the art of being a mercenary, and she takes her job very seriously. On one of her jobs, however, she ventured back to Alliria and out of curiosity visited the brothel where her mother stayed. Some of the women there remembered her mother and gave her what little of her stuff she'd kept. In it she found out she had a brother named Julian, and now she's determined to find out who and where he is...


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