Dane Greymane
Dane is a sleek creature with short glossy grey fur that is incredibly soft to the touch, his face and head are humanoid but distinctly wolf-like with a pair of pointed wolf ears. His imposing physique is lean and well defined even through his tawny fur, the longest parts of his fur being on his head and mane, and the long wolf tail that never seems to be able to conceal his emotions.
His fur is mostly kept short due to his obligation to wear armor, and it would be a pain for his glorious fur to get caught in the plates and chainmail. Off duty he wears a grey military uniform with the trappings of his rank as captain.
His fur is mostly kept short due to his obligation to wear armor, and it would be a pain for his glorious fur to get caught in the plates and chainmail. Off duty he wears a grey military uniform with the trappings of his rank as captain.
Skills, Traits & Weaknesses
Ranger: He is a skilled hunter and talented tracker, his sense of smell is honed to a razors edge. He knows the wilderness and can survive in the worst of conditions.
Captain of the Guard: He is skilled in Sword work, spears and archery. He utilizes heavy armor and shields effectively and is specifically trained to protect others, especially the princess.
Whittling: His favorite way to pass time is to carve little trinkets or toys out of wood.
Abjuration Spellcasting: As a sworn protector he is trained in the use of nearly all manner of protection spells.
Captain of the Guard: He is skilled in Sword work, spears and archery. He utilizes heavy armor and shields effectively and is specifically trained to protect others, especially the princess.
Whittling: His favorite way to pass time is to carve little trinkets or toys out of wood.
Abjuration Spellcasting: As a sworn protector he is trained in the use of nearly all manner of protection spells.
Canine: He has all the defining traits of a dog, from his sense of smell and hearing to his ability to see with minimal light. But also inborn into his very genes is his undying and unconditional loyalty to his master.
Moon Phase: He has the ability to turn practically invisible at night under cover of darkness, and all of his senses and abilities are heightened while the moon is visible in the night sky.
Moon Phase: He has the ability to turn practically invisible at night under cover of darkness, and all of his senses and abilities are heightened while the moon is visible in the night sky.
Duty has been ingrained into him since the day he was born. Loyalty to his master has been his mantra for as long as he could remember.
He is always serious, always on task, and always protective of those under his charge. Even off duty his guard is always up, there is no room for anything but the bare minimum amount of food and rest before he's back to business.
He keeps his thoughts to himself and rarely speaks unless spoken to unless he's giving orders, though his tail often betrays his current mood.
He is always serious, always on task, and always protective of those under his charge. Even off duty his guard is always up, there is no room for anything but the bare minimum amount of food and rest before he's back to business.
He keeps his thoughts to himself and rarely speaks unless spoken to unless he's giving orders, though his tail often betrays his current mood.
For generations the White Moon Clan has sworn their very lives to the protection of the Le Roux bloodline, not just the family or the crown, but to the exact bloodline carried by that family.
For generations the clan has sent their finest to serve the Le Roux family, raising them as warriors tuned and trained for the purpose of protecting them and ultimately giving their lives should it be required of them.
Dane was no different... Except that he was probably the most exceptional guardian ever raised among the White Moon Clan.
His skill and devotion earned him great respect and honor, and as the princess of Le Roux was to come of age he was elected to be her guardian. For many generations the descendants of the Le Roux bloodline were assigned a wolf guardian, and he was destined to follow that path.
For generations the clan has sent their finest to serve the Le Roux family, raising them as warriors tuned and trained for the purpose of protecting them and ultimately giving their lives should it be required of them.
Dane was no different... Except that he was probably the most exceptional guardian ever raised among the White Moon Clan.
His skill and devotion earned him great respect and honor, and as the princess of Le Roux was to come of age he was elected to be her guardian. For many generations the descendants of the Le Roux bloodline were assigned a wolf guardian, and he was destined to follow that path.
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