Estranged Crown Sovereign of the Endless City, Dahldaera is hellbent on rebellion against the overreaching hand of the Priesthood that had sent her people into turmoil for the last two hundred years. Wielding a honed intellect and a mastery of the eldritch powers of Alchemy, she intends to take back her home and her people at any cost.
Called "Silver One" by her people, Daera's figure is the epitome of royalty among the El'eth Surrah. Her skin is of an ashen, polished granite shade while her hair is long and silvered-white. Her eyes are a shocking hue of bright blue - ethereal in their ability to hold emotion and power. Tall, pointed ears frame her head while a lithe figure cuts a striking silhouette.
Skills and Abilities
Mastered Alchemist. Highly skilled with a sword and staff. Analytical and intelligent.
A strange dichotomy of sober and scalding - Daera's personality can change as quickly as the weather of the rampant seas, depending upon her situation and her company. Prideful to a fault, she holds an extreme disgust and racism for a great majority of sentient creatures on the planet, especially those that live in the Overbright. If you are not of her people but are of the Underdark, her temper can be cured with a cool wit and and a controlled tolerance. For anything beyond the realm of her home, the intense abhorrence can be near impossible to overcome.
Biography & Lore
Slighted by her chance for power and greatness by her younger sister, Fieravene, Dahldaera is a woman changed by the whims of fate. Where once the Priesthood of her people held all sway over her principals and loyalty, now a violent rebellion stokes her every decision.
Following the turmoil Fieravene's disappearance brought to her home, the imprisonment of her parents, and the treachery of the Priesthood against her, the Crown Sovereign has taken measures to extricate herself from the chaos of constant civil war to build up her powerbase elsewhere.
Following the turmoil Fieravene's disappearance brought to her home, the imprisonment of her parents, and the treachery of the Priesthood against her, the Crown Sovereign has taken measures to extricate herself from the chaos of constant civil war to build up her powerbase elsewhere.