Cthurgorg, Jarlax Chieftan
"Who would have guessed that the Jarlax had any sort of ordered hierarchy at all?"
A large, muscle-bound creature of vaguely human shape, save for his dusty green skin, wide toothy mouth, and eyeless face. He wears a full helmet of smooth, white bone,
Skills and Abilities
Cthurgorj is exceptionally large and strong amongst Jarlax and an unusually skilled wyvern-rider. If there is an unnatural source of his abilities, it is well guarded. Jarlax are not known for welcoming historians.
Records of Jarlax are extremely limited. Cthurgorj appears to have gained his rank by being the biggest, strongest, but also smartest Jarlax in his tribe. There are limited accounts of him applying strategy, not just brute force, to problems.
His control of Yzzx also shows a profound strength of body and mind.
Records of Jarlax are extremely limited. Cthurgorj appears to have gained his rank by being the biggest, strongest, but also smartest Jarlax in his tribe. There are limited accounts of him applying strategy, not just brute force, to problems.
His control of Yzzx also shows a profound strength of body and mind.
Ruthless and bloodthirsty, as the Jarlax are known for. Behind the faceless bone mask there is more calculating thought than most humans would like to admit.
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