
Corlis Haywood

Biographical information
Alliria 52(appears late teens, early 20's) Alliria
Physical description
Half Elf Female 5'1” / 1.54 m 90lbs / 40.8 kg Platinum Blonde Blue Pale
Political information
Out-of-character information
Hollic Fire Keeper - Dark Souls - Sugar:coffee?@steam - Image - @thetruthseek3r on Pinosy


Corlis has the appearance of a human thanks to a visor which covers her eyes as well as the point of the right ear. Her left ear however does not have this point, as it looks as though someone unskilled with a knife tried to make it look human. Rarely does she remove the robes that she was given, hiding her body among the flowing material.

The silver and steel visor covers her eyes and some parts of her ears. It is see through, and seems to be well fitted as it does not slip down nor move without her touching it. An dull emerald adorns the region close to her forehead, and aids in her ability to see.

Skills and Abilities

Healing Magic - Brought to a healer after an incident with another street rat, the healer gave her lessons in their free time. Having made a slight reputation for herself as a healer, what little she could pay back to the healer she did so in coin.

Light Sensitivity - Corlis had the unfortunate luck to have been near a lightning strike and lost some of her vision. A healer attempted to return some of her sight, and while marginally successful, also made Corlis sensitive to light of all kind. The visor she wears dims all light sources to a tolerable level through careful construction.


Corlis is a cheerful woman, even being a fairly unlucky person as some would say. She prefers to see the silver lining on the situations that have been presented to her however. The lightning that harmed her vision could have struck her instead of the tree next to her. The bandits that raided her house could have ended her life instead of just scarring her physically. While not unbearably cheery, she does tend to keep a bright outlook on situations. With this however, when something does manage to dash her spirits, there is little she can do to hide it.

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