Candle of Vior
An odd looking grey candlestick in a plain pewter pedestal. It is etched by curious runes and bound by leather at its base. When this candle is lit, the holder immediately becomes "invisible" to the senses of undead creatures for up to 5 posts.
- This candle can be lit and used for up to 5 IC posts.
- This candle can be blown out at any time within those 5 posts to use the remaining wick at another time (example: candle is lit and used for 2 posts, then blown out. It can be relit and the remaining 3 posts used at another time.)
- If the candle is dropped during use, the flame goes out. If the candle is passed to another holder, the flame goes out. If the candle is exposed to Holy/Divine/Light magic, the flame goes out and the wick disperses and must be reformed before being usable again.
- Once all 5 posts of the wick have been used, the candle can be reformed by taking it to a graveyard and burying it in a fresh, "warm" grave overnight. Cold graves will steal the candle.
- When burning, the candle stinks of decaying flesh and burnt hair - this smell tends to linger on the holder for several days.
- Candle does not make the holder "invisible" to anything but undead.
The origins of this candle is unknown, though a seasoned and knowledgeable Dark Arts practitioner might guess it was made by the dark sorceries of a witch. Notably, the wick is made of a tiny braid of hair and the wax is from the fat of a human. The leather binding its base is guessed to be from the skin of something just as dastardly.