Clarissa Vansire
400 years ago our ancestor bled and sweat for the preservation of our homelands. Clarissa Vansire proved the might of our family and tenacity of our resolve as she reclaimed our lost lands and beat back the elven menace deep within their Falwood.
Now our great city looks to make peace with the knife-eared creatures who burned our crops, who sacked our manors, and who beat upon the walls of our ancient city.
It is a disgrace and a heresy. Some among my family might stand for it but I will not and I can guarantee you that our great great grandmother, Clarissa Vansire, one of the first Dreadlords, one of the greatest vanguards of our people, is rolling in her grave at the thought of elves living in Vel Anir.
- Geraldine Vansire, Post-Revolution Vel Anir
Martial Capabilities
Being trained from a young age Claire is adept at fighting and killing. She typically prefers thin one-handed swords so that she can be fleet of foot. For similar reasons she usually wears leather or light chainmail, preferring to stay mobile over highly defensive.
Corpus Arcanum
Clarissa’s special type of magic is an extremely rare and somewhat volatile blend of the arcane. Her body courses with magic at nearly all times and this magical force can be expelled to shield allies or assault foes.
Once expelled the arcane energy manifests itself in shades of indigo and can be launched outwardly to rip apart terrain, flesh, and even durable metals depending upon the strength of the onslaught. The energy can also be used defensive to create powerful barriers inbetween Claire and her foes.
Of course, this energy courses through her so to expel it means sacrificing the use of parts of her body. Perhaps she simply causes one of her fingers to go numb and become unusable. Or she may need enough power that one of her arms is forced limp until the arcane energy finishes its task and returns to her body. In dire circumstances she may expel the entirety of her magic and cause her entire body to slip into unconsciousness while her magic rips apart anything before her on the battlefield.
Some have theorized it could be possible for her to suffer permanent damage from overuse of the rare indigo magic while others wonder if she could possibly expel so much arcane power as to bring down battalions of foes in a single, horrific, blast of destruction.
House Vansire
For generations the Vansire Vineyards were well known throughout Vel Anir. Their wines were even known within the circles of high society within Oban and Alliria.
Originally the house got their start as first cousins of the Urahil’s and with that house’s rise so too did Vansire rise. Over time the bloodlines became more-and-more distant, the relationships more-and-more strained, and as House Vansire found a niche with wine making the two houses drifted far apart.
While Vansire never rose to the prominence and wealth of the Great Houses of Vel Anir the members of this house lived in splendor for centuries and enjoyed the benefits of living in the Anirian countryside, far away from the politicking within Vel Anir proper.
The First War
When the King declared war upon the elves of the Falwood all of the noble houses of Vel Anir answered his call. Lawrence Vansire, the patriarch of the house at the time, was no exception to this. He took up arms, as did many of his sons and brothers, and they marched with their banner men and the Anirian Guard into the elvish forests.
But, as history tells us, the war turned ugly for the humans swiftly. Lawrence perished at the hands of the elves as did most of his offspring and kinsmen. And when the Anirians were routed the elves showed no mercy.
All of House Vansire’s vineyards were burned to the ground. Their homes were sacked and destroyed. Only a few of the once numerous Vansires managed to make it within the walls of the city of Vel Anir before it was too late. Only a few managed to survive the carnage of the elves.
For the next fifty years the surviving Vansires lived in squalor compared to their past lives. Refugees whose mansions were replaced by apartments, banquets placed by whatever rations they could barter for.
Biography & Lore
Clarissa Vansire, or as she prefers to be called, ‘Claire,’ was the second born of two children. In her earliest days of youth her little family was happy. Her grandmother used to regale her with stories of House Vansire’s old wealth, her mother would forage for garment scraps from the trash and knit them into little berets for her, and her father constantly doted on her elder brother and herself.
Once she was six it all changed. Her grandmother had passed away from the flux, her father had turned to drink, and her mother was delusional about the problems their family faced. For a time it was Frederick, her older brother, and herself having to fend for themselves on the streets of Vel Anir.
By chance House Urahil became aware of the state their distant cousins had fallen into and embarrassed by the disarray they’d fallen into sponsored both children. Clarissa was inducted into the newly formed Dreadlord Academy after displaying magical prowess and her brother Frederick was sent to one of the finest Guardsmen Academies within Vel Anir, where he would be groomed to become an officer.
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