Christian Albrecht
Born in the Free City of Adro, Christian Albrecht, at least according to himself, is one of the foremost minds in a myriad of subjects.
Both of his parents being wealthy inventors themselves, Christian grew up with an extensive education. Mathematics, science, and a dozen languages were all crammed into his mind well before adolescence. Whether prodigy or simply forged under the pressure of his parents, Christian proved capable of meeting nearly every challenge set before him.
This intelligence however came at the price of a 'real' world education.
Though hardly socially stunted, Christian is lacking any sort of street smarts. Where he to walk down the streets of Alliria's shallows it would be likely he'd be dead by the end of the day. He's the sort of fellow who meets an orc tribe, and without thinking asks about their customs instead of being worried about the four knocked arrows being pointed in his direction.
Although intelligent, and admittedly somewhat charming, Christian has a severe deficit in street smarts. Not helpless or a coward, he simply lacks the awareness that most people growing up in even normal households have. This has more than once lead to him nearly being killed, a fact that he is still ignorant of.
Despite this lack of self awareness, there is no denying Christian's genius.
He is incredibly talented, and has been directly responsible for numerous magnificent designs, inventions, and projects. These have earned him no small amount of acclaim in the city of Adro, and more recently beyond.
This build up of fame has recently seen him hired onto a massive project in the Steppes, though just what it is he has utterly refused to divulge to even his closest friends.

Though no one is quite sure when Adro was founded, the city has since it's inception been a place of peace and learning. Having no standing army, no real defenses, and only a small city watch to maintain order, the city is almost reliant on it's citizens to keep a sense of peace and prosperity.
While this might be a challenge for other places, in Adro it seems almost everyone is on board.
From the richest to the poorest, the citizens of Adro understand and realize the dream upon which their city was founded. Leading almost everyone to cooperate at least to the bare minimum.
Perhaps due to it's smaller size when compared to larger cities like Elbion of Vel Anir, Adro maintains a strong sense of community. This tight knit society is interwoven with a powerful sense of competition, nearly everyone constantly attempting to show off their new inventions and discoveries. Despite this competitiveness, it is rare for the people of Adro to turn violent.
Adro as a city is entirely bent on one purpose and one purpose alone; discovery.
Filled to the brim with scientists and inventors, the city is a constant stream of ideas and fantastical inventions. Sometimes leading to great realizations and sometimes disaster, one can find either success or disaster in Adro entirely depending on the day.
Though sometimes home to mages, the people of Adro tend to focus more on the physical and worldly. Leaving the Arcane to the likes of Elbion and AlthHaven.
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