Cetus Aegian
A Kivren with skin of purple and blue to match the ocean that raised him, Cetus is most set apart by a long fin that trails down from his head to his waist. A skirt fashioned himself from seakelp and shells adorns his lower half, his chest exposed except for a shoulderplate made of gold.
Skills and Abilities
A Skilled Fighter
Cetus is no stranger to the art of war, having been a predominant part of his pod's hunts ever since he came of age. He is most skilled with his weapon of choice, the trident, able to use it to great efficiency in both hunts as well as the field of combat. He is also armed with a net, useful for immobilizing his enemies before having his pod go for the attack.
Gift of Kiva
Those who are touched by the Goddess Kiva find their will to have sway over the very tides and the creatures that dwell within them. Cetus is one of those Kivren. While his ability to call upon sea creatures is less honed, he has spent many years training his control over water. He can use this for utility means, such as quickening the swimming speed of him and his pod, or more offensive outlets such as sending water out in waves or blasts to attack foes. As a skill primarily only functional in the seas instead of also on land, he isn't as well-versed in his ability to manipulate sealife, only being able to call upon a few for so long, although this is something he is honing.
Walker of Land and Swimmer of Seas
As all Kivren, Cetus is able to shift between his fully aquatic form and a more humanoid one. Having spent much time transitioning between the two, the amount of time he can spend on dry land before being forced to return to water has been extended. In recent years, as Cetus grows more ambitious and interacting with the land-dwellers became more profitable, this is a gift of Kiva he has used more often.
Cetus is no stranger to the art of war, having been a predominant part of his pod's hunts ever since he came of age. He is most skilled with his weapon of choice, the trident, able to use it to great efficiency in both hunts as well as the field of combat. He is also armed with a net, useful for immobilizing his enemies before having his pod go for the attack.
Gift of Kiva
Those who are touched by the Goddess Kiva find their will to have sway over the very tides and the creatures that dwell within them. Cetus is one of those Kivren. While his ability to call upon sea creatures is less honed, he has spent many years training his control over water. He can use this for utility means, such as quickening the swimming speed of him and his pod, or more offensive outlets such as sending water out in waves or blasts to attack foes. As a skill primarily only functional in the seas instead of also on land, he isn't as well-versed in his ability to manipulate sealife, only being able to call upon a few for so long, although this is something he is honing.
Walker of Land and Swimmer of Seas
As all Kivren, Cetus is able to shift between his fully aquatic form and a more humanoid one. Having spent much time transitioning between the two, the amount of time he can spend on dry land before being forced to return to water has been extended. In recent years, as Cetus grows more ambitious and interacting with the land-dwellers became more profitable, this is a gift of Kiva he has used more often.
Cetus can be described as many things, but none ring truer than ambitious. He has dreams of more than a successful hunt, dreams that extend beyond the Grotto and the home of his pod. He dreams of an empire to rule the oceans, akin to those who dwell on land. A charismatic tongue aids him in this dream, and a hope for a future where Kivren hold dominion those on land respect drive him to accomplish it.
Biography & Lore
Since Cetus was a child, he had a fascination with the lives of those who dwelled, not within the tides like his people, but on the earthen ground. As his pod went out on hunts led by the matriarch, his own mother, he would often venture out from the Grotto, navigating the maze of underwater caverns and passageways adeptly to make it out into the wide oceanic expanse. It was there he would watch the land dwellers, atop their constructions of wood that grazed upon the waves. He would observe them, the way they breathed the air yet couldn't survive a moment when submerged into the depths by the other Kivren. He saw how they walked, how they spoke to one another in their strange tongue, and how many seemed to fight amongst one another atop their masses of driftwood. He picked up many words from them, adapting them to his own use. He even attempted to walk on his own, experiencing his first taste of the pain that accompanied the Kivren's gift of being changelings.
As he grew older, his mother as Matriarch of the pod needed a successor. Killed during a hunt, a profound honor as it showed her service and dedication, a new leader had to be found. Without a suitable daughter, the title of passed on to Cetus, the first Patriarch and male leader of his pod. It was then that he learned of the Gift of Kiva, training to use it to great efficiency at defending his people. However, he wasn't satisfied with just his pod. No, nor was he content with the land dwellers crossing into Kivren hunting grounds with no regard for their living there. He decided he needed an empire, one to hold dominion over the seas and unify the pods of Kivren.
As he grew older, his mother as Matriarch of the pod needed a successor. Killed during a hunt, a profound honor as it showed her service and dedication, a new leader had to be found. Without a suitable daughter, the title of passed on to Cetus, the first Patriarch and male leader of his pod. It was then that he learned of the Gift of Kiva, training to use it to great efficiency at defending his people. However, he wasn't satisfied with just his pod. No, nor was he content with the land dwellers crossing into Kivren hunting grounds with no regard for their living there. He decided he needed an empire, one to hold dominion over the seas and unify the pods of Kivren.
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