Celerity Character

Celerity (Character)

Biographical information
Falwood Early 20s Depends
Physical description
Half-Elf Female 5'8" Pink Pink Fair
Political information
C-Rank Assassin, Healer
Out-of-character information
Eilerias Still looking for source


Bright pink hair and pink eyes. Celerity isn't known for her subtlety.

Like many half-elves, she retains a willowy look about her. Unlike most half-elves, however, there are scars on her ears where she cut the pointed ends off in an attempt to look more human many years ago.

Skills and Abilities

  • Shadowkin: Celerity's shadowkin is a snake.
  • Healing: Other assassins may be able to heal minor wounds in the darkness. Celerity is where they go when they really screw up. With her proficiency in both shadow and blood magic, her skills are a rarity amongst the members of the church.
    • Celerity is a damn good healer. Because of this, she doesn't often take contracts on her own.
  • The art of disguise: Celerity is able to "permanently" alter appearances of herself and others. Though some people (cough sol cough) use her to remove scars, most use her to aid them in disguises. It should be noted that she must physically have the parts one wishes to replace. It is advised to make requests in advance to give her enough time to "harvest" them from her victims patients.


Regardless of the circumstances, Celerity tends to retain an aloofness some people may be concerned about. She thinks they should worry about themselves.

Biography & Lore

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