
Cedric Miller

Biographical information
Duchy Dosque 18
Physical description
subrace=Elf Blood (Not enough to be a half-elf)
Male Average Lithely muscled Dark Brown Blue-Gray Light Tan
Political information
Allirian Rangers Archer/Ranger
Out-of-character information
Shade October 23, 2018 Cord Sullivan by GerryArthur on DeviantArt

Born to the simple life of a miller/baker family, Cedric wanted more.


Physical Description

Cedric is still fairly young, especially for an Elf blooded human. He makes sure to be clean of face, not letting the little bit of beard he can grow get more than to stubble before he shaves it off. His brown hair is on the shorter side of medium length, and tends to be mussed. He wears muted colors for the most part, and rarely has more metal on him than the requisite chainmail he has to wear as a ranger. That chainmail is often below his outer clothing, and muted by running thin streams of wool between the rings. A long process when cleaning, but well worth it to a ranger of Cedric's type.


Early Years

Cedric was born and raised in a small Duchy on the Allirian Reach. The duchy is only famous for three things. The high instance of useless minor nobility, the strange goings on of the Duskwood within its borders, and the quality of it's grain and bread. The latter of the three is thanks in no small part to Cedrics family, being an extended family that fairly well corners the market on milling and baking within the duchy. The second of those is partially to blame for Cedric becoming a ranger, while the first of them is the reason he wanted to leave in the first place.


Personality Traits

Unsure - Cedric is sure of his skills with a bow, and his skill at moving around quietly. Aside from that, his confidence needs a fair turn in the oven before it is quite ready.

Skills and Abilities

Archery - Cedric was the best archer in his duchy, and was accepted into the Allirian Rangers primarily for his skill with a bow.

Stealth - Moving around the edges of the Duskwood as a youth taught Cedric how to remain quiet. He'd become so good at it, that he tended to move quietly without trying, and was known as Ghost within his Duchy for the frequency that he accidentally snuck up on people.


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