Castro Keane
Magic Monk. At least, he WAS magic. All that stuff is gone now. He wanders the world as a member of the Yaegirs, using his training to kill monsters and save people. It's not as though he's any sort of hero, and nobody knows it better than he does, but the feeling he gets helping people fend off beasts is somewhere close.
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Skills and Abilities
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Look to the past when it is necessary, but life is most manageable when one lives in the moment. Castro himself is guilty of breaking such a creed even in the present, but he mostly manages to make do with the cards he's given. Y'know, life and lemons and all that. Living as a nomad, Cas has found there are not many basic goals beyond getting from point a to point b and perhaps making a difference along the way. However, his policies on violence are far less lax thanks to his training. If he is to participate in such activities, the end result must serve as a net good.
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