Cassia is a small girl standing around 4'1", and with a lightweight build to match. Her dark brown hair is normally pulled back in a ponytail and decorated with braids, beads and small bird feathers. Green eyes shine brightly with a curiosity of someone eager to learn, but also hold a slight wariness to them. Her typical attire consists of a blue tunic, brown pants with several pockets to hold herbs and other items to help with healing, and a pair of worn brown boots.
The healer of the urchins, the herb carrier or simply Cassia are some of the names she's earned amongst the orphans who roam the streets of Alliria. Orphans just like her. Cassia can't remember much before she lived on the streets, not even her family or if her name is actually Cassia. Blurry memories and distant voices are all she has from that time.
Whatever happened to her real family is unclear, but young Cassia had lost them and no one seemed to be looking for her. A herbalist and alchemist named Felix Riddle found the young girl wondering the streets of Alliria one night alone. He took pity on her and took her in. Little Cassia had found a new home and for the next several years learned everything she could from Felix.
As the years went by, Cassia showed a natural talent for healing with herbs and even showed talent with healing magics. She spent hours studying every healing herb, potion, scrolls on healing techniques and whatever else she could get her hands on.
Unfortunately for Cassia, not all good things last forever. One night Felix received a visit from a local gang looking to extend their power. They wanted Felix to heal their hired mercenaries for next to nothing. Felix turned them based on moral principles. They wouldn't take no for an answer and things turned violent. During the struggle, Felix was mortaly wounded. Luckily Cassia was hiding in the back and didn't catch their attention. As the thugs made a quick retreat from the home, they set it ablaze to cover their tracks. Little Cassia barely made it out of the inferno, after being forced to leave Felix behind. Not only did she lose her home that night, she also lost her adoptive father. She wondered the streets until coming across another group of orphans. There were some injured amongst the small group, injuries Cassia knew how to heal. The group of orphans quickly took her in after what she did for them. After that, her reputation amongst the street urchins grew and she became busy helping her new friends.
<Briefly describe what your character looks like>
Skills and Abilities
<List a few key skills your character has>
<What is your character's personality like?>