Captain Keali'i Strix

Captain Keali'i Strix

Biographical information
Isle of Pele 28 The Storm Breaker
Physical description
Half-Sylph Female 5ft 8 Airy Dark brown Gold Golden brown
Political information
Out-of-character information
Caliane Rune

Born on the heights of the mountainous Isles of Pele, Keali'i was always destined for a life with one foot in the sea and one in the skies. Her father, a Sylph from the Faerie Isles of Dawn, was absent for most of her life though not through lack of love but rather an immortals loss of sense of time. The majority of her childhood was instead spent on the decks of her mothers ship; Wyndfall. Legend had it that Cersei was a witch, her mother from the deep swamp of the Bayou, and over time she veered from Privateering to outright pirating. She passed much of her mixed morals onto Keali'i, along with secrets of the Bayou Witches. Keali'i had a happy childhood aboard the ship, though her happiest moments were those spent on the Isle of Pele where they would be joined by her father and she would learn of the air magicks she showed an inherent strength for.

As she grew into her own, Keali'i sought out her own ship and fortune.

She took her first ship at the age of 18 - a Cortosi Barque - and began to pillage her way across the Akea'oma'o sea. At times she would sail under her mothers flag, but as her reputation grew she sailed increasingly under her own flag. By 21, Keali'i commanded her own crew of 30. Impressed and delighted with his daughters gift for chaos, her father blessed the ship with his own magic allowing the craft to sail not only the seas, but the sky as well.

Over the years Keali'i has steadily added to her Amada and is now a renown pirate Commadore with ten ships sailing under her flag alongside her flagship, Storm Breaker.


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