Calibar the Colorful
Calibar has a strong jaw, with various scars and burns all over his body from an assortment of experiments. His left arm is gone due to one of his creations turning wild and attempting to kill him.
Skills and Abilities
Calibar has some skill in the workings of magic, with a specialization in dark magic and Monster magic. Working with animals has given him an understanding of most creatures, allowing him to form an empathetic bond with beasts.
Years of being teased for his hair has caused Calibar to become shy and aloof. He doesn't enjoy fighting, and would rather spend his time learning and honing his craft. Calibar has a soft spot for animals, valuing their company more than that of sentient creatures.
Biography & Lore
Left at an orphanage as a baby, Calibar has known nothing but difficulties his entire life. For years he has sought out validation and comfort in something bigger than himself. When he was given that chance by being recruited into the Violet Sphere when he was sixteen, Calibar was elated. Now though, his demeanor is less of happiness and more of a quiet resignation of his circumstances.
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