Calcifer Thornton

Calcifer Thornton

Biographical information
Fal'Raheal 29 On the road; caravan
Physical description
Half-Elf Male
Political information
Travelling Alchemist, Apothecary and Merchant
Out-of-character information
midjourney AI

After his mothers death, caused by malpractice and misinformation from a falsely licensed apothecary, Cal decided to travel the roads in his wooden caravan, helping people in need to prevent them from falling victim to the same fate that had befallen his mother. Travelling from town to town he seeks to find peace and happiness in helping those who can afford his services - and sometimes even those who can’t.


Calcifer Thornton’s hair is a bright flaming red, curly and cut short, so it doesn’t get in the way when he works. His eyes are of a bright green-ish blue colour and seemingly change a little depending on his emotions, ranging from dark stormy greys to bright foresty greens. Light freckles mark his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, as well as his shoulders. His attire is practical, usually in earthy and natural colours. Key element of his outfit is his cloak, dark green in colour, with many visible and hidden pockets for trinkets and valuables.

Skills and Abilities

As licensed Apothecary and Alchemist, Cal has a seemingly endless knowledge of herbs, plants, potions, poisons and medications of all kinds. Although he has a green thumb, he often uses magic to aid him in caring for the many plants in and on his wagon, to make sure that they are always in excellent condition, which is why they grow faster than they normally would. As he is by no means perfect in his use of magic, he still makes mistakes from time to time, unfortunately killing off plants in the process.
In addidtion to using the plants and herbs he grows for his many potions and poisons, he also perfected the art of tea making and started to sell the homemade beverage as part of his travelling business.


Cal is an open minded and non judgemental individual, and likes to get to know people of all sorts as long as they seem to have good intentions. His easy going and charming personality help him in finding customers for his travelling business and make it easier to establish new contacts and make friends on the road. He loves to talk and have conversations with everyone who visits his caravan, easily making smalltalk and bringing smiles to peoples faces.
Living the life of a travelling Merchant can get lonely, but he doesn’t mind spending days and nights alone in his wagon.
The incident of his mothers death made him a partly bitter man, but he has become very good at suppressing these feelings - the only time he can’t help but expressing them is when he comes across the likes of unlicensed or unprofessional Apothecaries and Healers of all sorts. He doesn’t share these feelings with many people, which is why most only know him as a particularly happy and content person.

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