Basic Details
* Name: Caelestis no Elani
* Species: Human/Elf
* Age: 42
* Height: 5’8”
* Weight: 121
* Hair: Blonde
* Eyes: Blueish-Green
* Skin: White, lightly tanned
Personal Details
* Occupation: Runaway, former Cook, Servant, Maid of House Keirkegarde
* Place of Birth: Estate of Kierkeborg, Mystmarch
* Affiliation: House Kierkegarde, Mystmarch
* Home: Estate of Kierkegarde
* Aliases: Esti, Cae, Caeli

Elf or human? Most individuals aren’t quite sure when they get a glance at Caelestis. Luckily for them, they are always half right – she is a bit of a mix.
Regrettably for the average height Caelestis, this meant that she had the ears of an elf. Long, pointy, and easily noticed.
Atop her head, usually rests a blonde, messy bun but was occasionally known to let it fly down. Despite her short stature, she was slim and still obtained some of that Elven grace.
Naturally pale, she had obtained a light tan from her time in the sun.

Skills and Abilities
Hunting – Caelestis lived as a servant and cook at the Kierkegarde Estate. At a young age, she was forced to help the hunting parties for food. Ada likely forced Caelestis into the trips in hope she would be killed, but Caelestis excelled. As such, she can track animals with laser precision, knows how to kill humanely, skin the animal for its hide, etc.
Cooking – Caelestis had learned from various chefs that were employed by the Estate and as such, picked the skill up naturally and can cook a mean meal.
Healing/Magic - Caelestis, mostly from the chefs and healers that also worked as chefs, Caelestis picked up healing. Magical healing, to be precise. While she likely could use other magics as well, the young woman was only trained in healing due to the lack of a formal education.
Her price? While she heals, in the same exact spot on her own body, a type of magical scar tissue forms. While not a problem immediately, continuous healing and particularly dangerous healing can create complications. The scar tissue reduces her ability to move and can create pain. Particularly troublesome, she has to be extremely careful if healing an organ or near an organ - scar tissue will form inside her own, which while not lethal itself, could reduce the function of her organ to the point where it would kill her.
Usually, the scar tissue 'vanishes' without a trace after about 24-36 hours.
Alchemy - Along with the chef's knowledge, she learned how various plants and ingredients could be used for various reasons. She learned how to craft concoctions for help with a cold, combat insomnia (or make her overseers fall asleep quicker), energy, and many more at a rudimentary level.
Bow & Arrow – Due to hunting her entire life (mostly to ensure she could have a full stomach at least every now and then), out of necessity, Caelestis has excellent aim & can shoot a bow and arrow with excellently.
Caelestis’s personality is typically described as optimistic, happy, friendly, and outgoing. All positive traits of a young woman who managed to thrive despite her life circumstances. Manufactured or not, she tries to bring the best out of those around her and is frequent in checking on her friends, or even strangers she comes across. Another way to phrase her personality would be that she is a mother hen.
Caelestis is, however, generally timid, afraid, generally naive, and seriously lacks confidence. Lacking such a trait, she often keeps herself out of the limelight. Mostly, this is due to living her entire life as a servant to a tyrant. It is frequent to hear her question herself, or perhaps beg to return to a less anxiety/stressful situation.
The opposite of her best friend Gihada, Caelistis is no match for combat unless she is at a prepared range with her bow. Despite the damning precision of her arrow, she still says "s'alright of an aim."
Biography & Lore
The only blessings came from the occasional surprise gifts she would receive from an unknown benefactor – educational books, a better bow, dresses. Unlike other servants on the Estate, Caelestis self-educated herself through this mystery person.
Sometimes, when she couldn’t sleep due to the hunger in her belly, she’d sneak out with her bow and arrow, to get some game and have a decent meal. The scraps, and the little bites she stole when cooking, was not enough to satisfy the appetite.
But, Caelestis vaguely remembered Llyr teaching her how to read, write, and other basic necessities. That’s how she could read. But, he stopped as soon as she could safely cook and clean. Maybe he was her benefactor, he was kind to her despite Ada’s fits of rage. Caelestis never asked, though. Not with the idea of Ada trying to exact revenge – likely on either of them.
The only other person, was her best friend. The heir of the House, they had bonded as children and continued to stay close friends till their present, late-teen age of 42. In truth, Gihada was the only person that Caelestis could get along with on the Estate. The others seemed weary, as if they wanted to stay away from her. The only time she ever got close to someone was the rotating chefs. Recipes, alchemy concoctions, skinning an animal, and many basic survival skills. A new one would come every now and then before leaving, usually by the force of Ada. It was strange, though, as each one knew how to do some form of healing, either through magic or other means.
Caelestis assumed it was like Ada said. They saw no worth in her.
Something changed as Caelestis and Gihada grew and matured – both beautiful and graceful, each with striking features. Of course, Caelestis did her best to serve Gihada. Despite being her best friend, it was part of her job to ensure the best for Gihada and Ada was known for no mercy, especially towards Caelestis.
It wasn’t long before Ada framed Caelestis for crimes she never committed or would ever even want to try. Caelestis did not understand, and with no one but Gihada to turn to, she was paralyzed. A bounty on her head, her best friend came through in a streak of luck – and together, they escaped the tyranny of Ada and House Kierkegarde.
If only their escape had been without casualty. A battle broke out between Ada’s forces and another House’s, leaving many guards deceased or injured. Caelestis followed Gihada’s lead – she grabbed as much as she could carry from their items, including her bow & several arrows, and jumped behind Gihada on the horse. And they ran. They hid. They could be betrayed by any – but also, people could have been killed like those guards.
Caelestis wanted to find out why Ada did this. But, first, she had to find her mom – and maybe her dad, if she was lucky. If they were alive and out there.
Finally, they found a group of pirates which gave them refuge and a trip to Elbion. Perhaps, for a moment, they could rest from their pursuers. But, their rest would not be long – a whole new world was before them.
Moss and Granite - The Grand Escape of Best Friends from Keirkeborg
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