Cadwaladr Mikkelsson
Cadwaladr is a cheerful and muscular Nordenfiir smith with an easy-going personality, typically he's found either sleeping, hunting, stuffing himself full of meats and mead or tirelessly working away at his smithy to craft all manner of weapons as a bladesmith, but also working to create things such as nails, on rare occasions horseshoes and the like. While not forging away, he can be found deep within the tundra sniffing out his next prey to hunt.
Cadwaladr is a tall and brawny Nordenfiir in his late teens, with a somewhat youthful yet rugged appearance. Most of his muscle focuses around his arms, shoulders and back as a result of his years of blacksmithing and his extensive practising of archery, although he regularly exercises the rest of his body. His hair is shaved at the sides and back and cut short up top after an accident involving fire, while a small beard has begun to grow across his chin and jaw, recently allowed to grow without being shaven off. His eyes are mundane and unremarkable, being a brown hazel colour.
Two of Cad's most notable features are the black face paint he often wears across his face, and his right ear being partially missing thanks to a wolf biting it during his rite of passage.
Cad is almost always seen wearing his armour, consisting of a quilted gambeson stuffed with thick wool that's worn underneath a set of Lamellar made of steel plates that cover his torso and down to his mid-thighs. Atop his shoulders and down his back he typically wears the pelt of a grey wolf to better stay warm.
While shifted into his Svalen form, Cadwaladr is a large and muscle-bound grizzly bear that stands at 7ft on his hind legs, his fur is in the process of shifting from black to brown as his Svalen matures, with mostly brown fur across his body. A distinctive feature in this form is the single ear, as the right appears to have been bitten off.
Two of Cad's most notable features are the black face paint he often wears across his face, and his right ear being partially missing thanks to a wolf biting it during his rite of passage.
Cad is almost always seen wearing his armour, consisting of a quilted gambeson stuffed with thick wool that's worn underneath a set of Lamellar made of steel plates that cover his torso and down to his mid-thighs. Atop his shoulders and down his back he typically wears the pelt of a grey wolf to better stay warm.
While shifted into his Svalen form, Cadwaladr is a large and muscle-bound grizzly bear that stands at 7ft on his hind legs, his fur is in the process of shifting from black to brown as his Svalen matures, with mostly brown fur across his body. A distinctive feature in this form is the single ear, as the right appears to have been bitten off.
Skills and Abilities
Blacksmith & Bladesmith - For as long as he can remember, Cadwaladr has been helping and working in his family's smithy. This had led to him becoming a skilled smith capable of forging almost anything the folk would find themselves needing.
Warrior & Hunter - Cadwaladr was taught from a young age on how to hunt and track, relying on his nose to follow scents for miles while learning to be sneaky enough not to startle what he's tracking. Along with this, he was taught how to fight using all manner of weapons including a longbow, boar spear, javelins, axes and his fists.
Nordenfiir Racials - Being a Nordenfiir grants a few boons due to his blood, the first is the incredibly strong sense of smell and a legendary amount of stamina and strength which all three are put to good use on the daily, either sniffing out and stalking an animal for days on end in the tundra or working for days on end at his smithy.
Wrought Grip - Thanks to the years striking glowing steel and iron, Cad's arm and grip strength have become something fierce even compared to other Nordenfiir. He's capable of crushing many things with his hands, and once used his grip to crush a wolf's lower jaw.
Svalen - After a long two year long pilgrimage he was able to discover his Svalen, and as a result could shift back and forth to his Svalen form at will, putting it to good use a great deal many times as it matures over time.
Partially Deaf - Due to his right ear having been bitten off, Cad finds it much harder to hear things to his right side.
Impatiently Rash - Cad has always been impatient and rash as he's always had a habit of acting first and thinking later. This has lead to many times where he has ran headfirst into dangerous situations or in other cases leaped before he looked. One such time he lost his right ear.
Hay Fever - A common allergy amongst Nordenfiir as no flowers grow in the freezing tundras, Cadwaladr is similarly allergic to pollen, it causes cold-like symptoms when exposed to it for long enough
Warrior & Hunter - Cadwaladr was taught from a young age on how to hunt and track, relying on his nose to follow scents for miles while learning to be sneaky enough not to startle what he's tracking. Along with this, he was taught how to fight using all manner of weapons including a longbow, boar spear, javelins, axes and his fists.
Nordenfiir Racials - Being a Nordenfiir grants a few boons due to his blood, the first is the incredibly strong sense of smell and a legendary amount of stamina and strength which all three are put to good use on the daily, either sniffing out and stalking an animal for days on end in the tundra or working for days on end at his smithy.
Wrought Grip - Thanks to the years striking glowing steel and iron, Cad's arm and grip strength have become something fierce even compared to other Nordenfiir. He's capable of crushing many things with his hands, and once used his grip to crush a wolf's lower jaw.
Svalen - After a long two year long pilgrimage he was able to discover his Svalen, and as a result could shift back and forth to his Svalen form at will, putting it to good use a great deal many times as it matures over time.
Partially Deaf - Due to his right ear having been bitten off, Cad finds it much harder to hear things to his right side.
Impatiently Rash - Cad has always been impatient and rash as he's always had a habit of acting first and thinking later. This has lead to many times where he has ran headfirst into dangerous situations or in other cases leaped before he looked. One such time he lost his right ear.
Hay Fever - A common allergy amongst Nordenfiir as no flowers grow in the freezing tundras, Cadwaladr is similarly allergic to pollen, it causes cold-like symptoms when exposed to it for long enough
<Will also continue this later>
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