
Basic Details
* Name: Caddell
* Species: Human
* Age: 21
* Height: 5'10
* Weight: Fit
* Hair: Black
* Eyes: Blue
* Skin: Pale
Personal Details
* Occupation: Scholar; Adventurer; Bard
* Place of Birth: Northern Mystmarch
* Affiliation: Runic Circle; Mystmarch
* Home: The Road
* Aliases: Wisp
Caddell is a young human male on the tall end of average. His hair is black as a crow feather and his eyes as deep a blue as glacial water. His face is usually clean shaven with kept up hair on his head, although sometimes a little not due to travel or his hood. One large, intricate tattoo is on his body. It starts as a circle of curved lines with strange runes mixed into it around his heart then flow up from it in multiple directions. A branch heads towards each shoulder and go down each arm to end on the back of his hands. The last branch goes up towards his neck and ends with one section on his right cheek and the other over his chin.
Caddell has minor scars all across his body that reflect an active lifestyle when he was younger. They range from cuts gained while exploring woods and rocks to those gained from training with weapons and armor. The most iconic scars on his body though would be several arrow wounds all across his back. The look of them suggests kill shots yet he is still alive and well.
Caddell has minor scars all across his body that reflect an active lifestyle when he was younger. They range from cuts gained while exploring woods and rocks to those gained from training with weapons and armor. The most iconic scars on his body though would be several arrow wounds all across his back. The look of them suggests kill shots yet he is still alive and well.
Skills and Abilities
Magic- Caddell is capable of magic and been trained in its use. While his skill with most is only the level of a novice, he excels with magic that requires reagents or preparation to perform. Rune magic, rituals, and enchantments. He is able to form them all on an adept level.
Swordplay- Caddell was born into a knight family and as such has received training with both arms and armor. While he is no prodigy, he is competent. He can keep up with most, although knows he has no chance against a master duelist with his skill in blade alone.
Spirit Magic- Caddell has a rare affinity for spirit magic. Be it communing, commanding, or defending against spirits he can do it. He also is able to tap into the spiritual energy around him to do spell more in line with traditional magic. He can create chains to bind a person, spawn weapons that act of their own accord, and other similar tricks. He is also capable of placing a curse or boon upon another's very soul. These qualities make it incredibly hard for others to defend or stop his magic. But it comes with a cost. The more he uses this magic the stronger his pull on spirits becomes. Like a candle in the dark the more he uses this magic the further his light is cast out. He will attract the attention of spirits and become a target of their trickery because of it or even have to fight off possession. This will also cause spirits to be drug out of their rest if used too much too soon in too large an area. These spirits will be angry and turn that angry onto him.
One Foot in His Grave- Caddell has experienced death once before. While his body did not fully die his spirit did leave for a bit. This experience lead to his affinity with spirit magic and his sudden awakening to magic itself. His body is unnaturally sturdy because of it and quick to heal. It also granted him the ability to see spirits and communicate with them. It came with its own toll however as his soul has already been claimed. He can not use it as a bargaining chip because of it. His skin was paled and it can be hard to distinguish him from a true undead such as a lich. He also can be burned if his skin is exposed to silver and other such anti-undead materials. He also hears whispers and sees things from time to time. These things are not the dead nor spirits, and it bothers him. The more he uses his spirit magic and more he relies on his new found bodies strength the stronger and more often they grow.
Poet & Bard- Caddell was born into a knight family but he swears his soul is that of a poet and bard. He is able to play instruments well and pick up on new ones quickly. His voice and singing is naturally alluring to hear.
Swordplay- Caddell was born into a knight family and as such has received training with both arms and armor. While he is no prodigy, he is competent. He can keep up with most, although knows he has no chance against a master duelist with his skill in blade alone.
Spirit Magic- Caddell has a rare affinity for spirit magic. Be it communing, commanding, or defending against spirits he can do it. He also is able to tap into the spiritual energy around him to do spell more in line with traditional magic. He can create chains to bind a person, spawn weapons that act of their own accord, and other similar tricks. He is also capable of placing a curse or boon upon another's very soul. These qualities make it incredibly hard for others to defend or stop his magic. But it comes with a cost. The more he uses this magic the stronger his pull on spirits becomes. Like a candle in the dark the more he uses this magic the further his light is cast out. He will attract the attention of spirits and become a target of their trickery because of it or even have to fight off possession. This will also cause spirits to be drug out of their rest if used too much too soon in too large an area. These spirits will be angry and turn that angry onto him.
One Foot in His Grave- Caddell has experienced death once before. While his body did not fully die his spirit did leave for a bit. This experience lead to his affinity with spirit magic and his sudden awakening to magic itself. His body is unnaturally sturdy because of it and quick to heal. It also granted him the ability to see spirits and communicate with them. It came with its own toll however as his soul has already been claimed. He can not use it as a bargaining chip because of it. His skin was paled and it can be hard to distinguish him from a true undead such as a lich. He also can be burned if his skin is exposed to silver and other such anti-undead materials. He also hears whispers and sees things from time to time. These things are not the dead nor spirits, and it bothers him. The more he uses his spirit magic and more he relies on his new found bodies strength the stronger and more often they grow.
Poet & Bard- Caddell was born into a knight family but he swears his soul is that of a poet and bard. He is able to play instruments well and pick up on new ones quickly. His voice and singing is naturally alluring to hear.
Caddell is a rather quirky individual. He is cheerful, hopeful, and friendly at times, but then at others can be withdrawn, pessimistic, and standoffish at others. Which of his moods he is in seems to be dictated less by who is around and more about what is going on around him. The more negative sides of his personality seem to surface the more he uses his magic in a short period of time.
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