

Biographical information
Vel Anir 25 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Female 5'3" Petite Wine Red Hazel Fair to tan
Political information
Out-of-character information
Eilerias 5/27/2024 AI art of Andy from Powerless (Courtesy of Floof)

Healer of the twilight


Blythe has shoulder length wine-red hair that was obviously cut by herself. Her skin is fair to tanned with freckles spread throughout. She tends to keep covered up with long sleeves and pants which serve to cover up a body littered with tattoos. Not that anyone has seen them.

Skills and Abilities

  • Herbalism and Alchemy
    • Blythe is highly educated. She spent years studying various flora and its uses in potion crafting, salve creation, and poison making. It is uncommon for her to use her skills to create poisons, however it is beneficial to know what is ailing the people she treats.
  • First Aid
    • Blythe is a healer for a band of thieves and criminals. She is proficient in treating minor cuts and bruises as well as surgically repairing whatever those idiots break.


Blythe is an intelligent young woman. Possessing a sharp mind as well as an extensive knowledge of medicine, she can quickly diagnose and treat illness or injury but she has little patience for stupidity and ignorance. Two things that seem attracted to injury. Like flies to shit. She does seem to be quite short tempered and is easily frustrated by incompetence and risk taking- especially when there is simply no need for risk. Blythe firmly believes if you plan something, it should work.

Years surrounded by the morally ambiguous has left her rather cynical. She expects the worst and typically receives the worst. While she is very compassionate about her practice, her fiery temper often precedes her. Some find it amusing, poking and prodding at the woman to elicit a reaction, while others tread carefully to avoid being on the wrong side of her blades and potions.

Biography & Lore

Blythe Nightingale was born into a family whose lineage was renowned for their expertise in healing. Her father, James Nightingale, serves as a physician for the nobility of Vel Anir while her mother, Josephine Nightingale, was a gifted herbalist whose remedies and potions saved many lives. Their status allowed Blythe to become highly educated at an early age, following in her parent's footsteps as a physician who used both a blade and plants to save her patient's lives.

Despite her success, Blythe found herself increasingly unhappy with the conventional path that had been paved for her. The elite frustrated her, often receiving the best of care while the poorest people in the slums of the city were left to suffer. The turning point was when Blythe discovered corruption within the establishments, officials attempting to bribe her as they had others to prioritize care for nobility. It was unfair and Blythe refused to stand for it. She publicly denounced the city's institutions. Her family disowned her for her scandalous actions and she was cut off from the life that she'd been created for.

The transition was not easy. Blythe lived on the streets for months, offering care to those who truly needed it. And although rumors had been spread, her skills drew attention. She had been escorted somewhere safe. Somewhere that saw value in her caliber and allowed her to heal beggars and orphans. In return, she was invited to join a criminal organization as their personal healer where she would quickly become and indispensable asset.


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