|name=Blazh Orlov
|age=Appears to be around 27 to 28 years old physically. Chronologically speaking he is closer to 50.
|home=He has no singular residing place, Blazh travels the world at his leisure, usually taking refugee at inns and other, similar establishments. Tho, he owns a medium-sized house somewhere in Allirias Inner City.
|race=Homo Sapiens (Augmented)
|gender=One hundred percent manly man.
|height=203 cm tall
|mass=134 kg
|eyes=A combination of black and blue
|occupation=An occult scientist as well as a healer, even a hunter of supernatural creatures in some cases. Blazh has, on many occasions, used his superb understanding of human biology and humane medicine, in combination with supernatural powers, to help sick or injured individuals. To the point where his healing abilities were regarded as miraculous and otherworldly. He also possesses great, if not unnatural, experience and knowledge in paranormal beings, how to understand, detect, and combat against them.
|avatar= LoranDeSore
Blazh is an exceptionally tall man, with a sinewy, muscular, mesomorphic build. He's the wiriest and defined person, every ounce of him is either dense bone or sinewy muscle and he's as lithe as an Olympic gymnast. His facial features are sharp, well defined as if molded from stone. Graced by a strong, masculine jawline. Pronounced cheeks and an aquiline nose, Blazh can be considered a handsome man. His facial and bodily hair is entirely black. Blazh is usually seen sporting a thick, lustrous beard that compliments, if not augments, his already masculine facial features. His hair is slicked back, having a small widow's peak to it.
Perhaps his most pronounced physical feature is his eyes. His irises are naturally the blue-green of the mountain lakes, hues that could tell tales of the sky and evergreen giants all the same. While the sclera is pitch black, to the point where even capillaries are rendered thoroughly invisible. But not soulless nor lifeless black. Instead, they are like two pristine stones of onyx, that light up with a purple flare when touched by intense light.
His skin may appear slightly gaunt, if not a little leathery to touch. There is the tiniest level of greyness to his skin tone, just enough to be noticeable, but not nearly enough to make him stand out in the crowd. Miniscule, irregularly scattered patches that are as monochrome as the old family portrait that hangs in the hall, diffused and mottled, like the sun on a storm cloud.
A pragmatic, utilitarian man who values consistency and usefulness over aesthetics. His primary dress code consists of a strange, flexible tank top, a pair of black boots, and perfectly fitting trousers. On other occasions, he may opt to wear a long-lined garment of oriental origin, commonly known as Zupan.
Perhaps his most pronounced physical feature is his eyes. His irises are naturally the blue-green of the mountain lakes, hues that could tell tales of the sky and evergreen giants all the same. While the sclera is pitch black, to the point where even capillaries are rendered thoroughly invisible. But not soulless nor lifeless black. Instead, they are like two pristine stones of onyx, that light up with a purple flare when touched by intense light.
His skin may appear slightly gaunt, if not a little leathery to touch. There is the tiniest level of greyness to his skin tone, just enough to be noticeable, but not nearly enough to make him stand out in the crowd. Miniscule, irregularly scattered patches that are as monochrome as the old family portrait that hangs in the hall, diffused and mottled, like the sun on a storm cloud.
A pragmatic, utilitarian man who values consistency and usefulness over aesthetics. His primary dress code consists of a strange, flexible tank top, a pair of black boots, and perfectly fitting trousers. On other occasions, he may opt to wear a long-lined garment of oriental origin, commonly known as Zupan.
Skills and Abilities
There exist mysticists who specialize in the use of manipulating biological energy and processes. Through this art, they are capable of changing or influencing a change in the physical form of either themselves or their enemies. With it an experienced crafter can sculpt the flesh and bone of a subject, making them a creature of alien beauty or gnarling them into a deformed monstrosity. Note that while this Discipline permits powerful and horrific effects, the wielder must obtain skin-to-skin contact and must often physically sculpt the form. This even applies to the use of the power on oneself, the user must actively use their mind to imagine and shape the desired result. Necromancers skilled in Vicissitude are often inhumanely beautiful; those less skilled are simply inhuman. The eternal curse of mother nature is reflected in Vicissitude in that it replaces the ability to nurture and care with the ability to rend and corrupt. Advanced users find that the discipline develops a certain degree of independent existence: Spontaneous flesh- and bone-crafting effects manifest from time to time, usually as a response to outside stimuli. These changes usually manifest at the speed of thought.
Those who wield mystical powers in this way do not carefully sculpt and tweak the arcane so much as simply grab the mystical energies and force them into the effect required through harsh and bloody-minded determination. Whereas a skilled Sorcerer draws upon a single refined source of arcane, shapes it, and forms it to produce a spell, a practitioner of Vicissitude psychically grasps whatever energies are present, forcing them to conform to his wishes. They channel any available sources, bending the sorcerous energies to create the desired effect. Risks aside, the true appeal of using Necromancy is the power it offers. Even relatively unskilled users can achieve monumental effects if their fortitude and hunger are strong enough to manifest a certain desire. These spells are crude, terrifying, and apt to strike down anyone and anything in an indiscriminate manner.
The users can manipulate life on a cellular level, including but not limited to, genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions. They can cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, increase their physical stats, induce diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity. This makes it a sort of low-level, super-specific reality-warping, as biomass (formed from both organic and inorganic components) is materialized out of thin air at the cost of a certain energy amount.
Say that the user wants to regrow a limb, they would need to sacrifice a significant amount of their overall energy to do so, and the regrowing process would take several turns to finish. Or they want to increase their overall physical stats, which will also drain a good chunk of overall power. A general rule of thumb is, the amount of energy spent will always be directly proportionate to the magnitude of physical alteration/augmentation. Energy is regenerated on a per-turn basis, meaning that Blazh replenishes from 1/10th to 1/7th of his overall energy reserves per turn. Another obvious weakness is that Blazh cannot alter the form of another person if they are actively resisting, which would break his concentration. But on a more positive note, any attempts to alter his form with an outside force (something similar to biomancy) will be met with an unresponsive effect, only Blazh can change his physique.
Allows Blazh to see and feel different types of energies. Both natural and otherworldly. Since he can see and manipulate flows of energy, this ability renders him incredibly resistant to illusions and other forms of mind-altering. This allows him to not only loosely understand the properties of certain types of energy. But it also allows him to know when an enemy is preparing some sort of an attack, based on the changes in their energy flow. These predictions are not 100 percent precise, yet still offer a massive asset to his arsenal as a whole.
It allows him to see through people's skin, organs, bones, and muscles, thanks to this ability he can quickly assess damages done to himself or other people. This form of "meat vision", even allows its user to zoom in on the target's body, down to a cellular level, meaning that they can dissect even the most alien of physiologies by simply looking at them for long enough.
Combat Doctrine
Blazh is very proficient in many known combat systems and has an aggressive, if not slippery, fighting style. His style also involves psychological warfare. He is a very adept mixed martial artist and is able to hold his own, overwhelm and defeat opponents much larger than himself, or multiple opponents inside and outside the ring. However, Blazh is not above cheating, and will often use the environment, and other distractions to gain the upper hand when outnumbered or outsized. Blazh does not have one singular fighting style, but rather a wide repertoire of moves that he can draw from at any time. But, more choices means taking more time to choose, which could be lethal if the delay is too long.
He combines intricate knowledge of biology and biomechanics with his meat vision, allowing him to easily pinpoint weak areas on the opponent's body (vital organs, arteries, joints, nerve clusters, etc.) The wonderful thing about his style is that it has a few core principles that when followed allow him to adapt his offensive and defensive skills in most unpredictable situations. One of these core principles relies on assaulting the natural weak points, aiming to cause the largest amount of deliberating damage in the shortest period. These areas of the body cannot be strengthened and are innately vulnerable to a physical attack.
His armed combat skills are nothing to scoff at either, as a supreme martial artist, Blazh heavily favors using swords or polearms in melee. After having trained with various private instructors, his main weapon of choice became a kriegsmesser.
There exist mysticists who specialize in the use of manipulating biological energy and processes. Through this art, they are capable of changing or influencing a change in the physical form of either themselves or their enemies. With it an experienced crafter can sculpt the flesh and bone of a subject, making them a creature of alien beauty or gnarling them into a deformed monstrosity. Note that while this Discipline permits powerful and horrific effects, the wielder must obtain skin-to-skin contact and must often physically sculpt the form. This even applies to the use of the power on oneself, the user must actively use their mind to imagine and shape the desired result. Necromancers skilled in Vicissitude are often inhumanely beautiful; those less skilled are simply inhuman. The eternal curse of mother nature is reflected in Vicissitude in that it replaces the ability to nurture and care with the ability to rend and corrupt. Advanced users find that the discipline develops a certain degree of independent existence: Spontaneous flesh- and bone-crafting effects manifest from time to time, usually as a response to outside stimuli. These changes usually manifest at the speed of thought.
Those who wield mystical powers in this way do not carefully sculpt and tweak the arcane so much as simply grab the mystical energies and force them into the effect required through harsh and bloody-minded determination. Whereas a skilled Sorcerer draws upon a single refined source of arcane, shapes it, and forms it to produce a spell, a practitioner of Vicissitude psychically grasps whatever energies are present, forcing them to conform to his wishes. They channel any available sources, bending the sorcerous energies to create the desired effect. Risks aside, the true appeal of using Necromancy is the power it offers. Even relatively unskilled users can achieve monumental effects if their fortitude and hunger are strong enough to manifest a certain desire. These spells are crude, terrifying, and apt to strike down anyone and anything in an indiscriminate manner.
The users can manipulate life on a cellular level, including but not limited to, genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions. They can cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, increase their physical stats, induce diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity. This makes it a sort of low-level, super-specific reality-warping, as biomass (formed from both organic and inorganic components) is materialized out of thin air at the cost of a certain energy amount.
Say that the user wants to regrow a limb, they would need to sacrifice a significant amount of their overall energy to do so, and the regrowing process would take several turns to finish. Or they want to increase their overall physical stats, which will also drain a good chunk of overall power. A general rule of thumb is, the amount of energy spent will always be directly proportionate to the magnitude of physical alteration/augmentation. Energy is regenerated on a per-turn basis, meaning that Blazh replenishes from 1/10th to 1/7th of his overall energy reserves per turn. Another obvious weakness is that Blazh cannot alter the form of another person if they are actively resisting, which would break his concentration. But on a more positive note, any attempts to alter his form with an outside force (something similar to biomancy) will be met with an unresponsive effect, only Blazh can change his physique.
Allows Blazh to see and feel different types of energies. Both natural and otherworldly. Since he can see and manipulate flows of energy, this ability renders him incredibly resistant to illusions and other forms of mind-altering. This allows him to not only loosely understand the properties of certain types of energy. But it also allows him to know when an enemy is preparing some sort of an attack, based on the changes in their energy flow. These predictions are not 100 percent precise, yet still offer a massive asset to his arsenal as a whole.
It allows him to see through people's skin, organs, bones, and muscles, thanks to this ability he can quickly assess damages done to himself or other people. This form of "meat vision", even allows its user to zoom in on the target's body, down to a cellular level, meaning that they can dissect even the most alien of physiologies by simply looking at them for long enough.
Combat Doctrine
Blazh is very proficient in many known combat systems and has an aggressive, if not slippery, fighting style. His style also involves psychological warfare. He is a very adept mixed martial artist and is able to hold his own, overwhelm and defeat opponents much larger than himself, or multiple opponents inside and outside the ring. However, Blazh is not above cheating, and will often use the environment, and other distractions to gain the upper hand when outnumbered or outsized. Blazh does not have one singular fighting style, but rather a wide repertoire of moves that he can draw from at any time. But, more choices means taking more time to choose, which could be lethal if the delay is too long.
He combines intricate knowledge of biology and biomechanics with his meat vision, allowing him to easily pinpoint weak areas on the opponent's body (vital organs, arteries, joints, nerve clusters, etc.) The wonderful thing about his style is that it has a few core principles that when followed allow him to adapt his offensive and defensive skills in most unpredictable situations. One of these core principles relies on assaulting the natural weak points, aiming to cause the largest amount of deliberating damage in the shortest period. These areas of the body cannot be strengthened and are innately vulnerable to a physical attack.
His armed combat skills are nothing to scoff at either, as a supreme martial artist, Blazh heavily favors using swords or polearms in melee. After having trained with various private instructors, his main weapon of choice became a kriegsmesser.
Blazh owns a kriegsmesser named Xeshm. There is not much to say about this blade, it has been blessed with magical enchantments that greatly increase its durability while enabling it to harm entities that would otherwise be highly resistant, if not outright immune to mundane forms of damage.
Mysterious, aloof, reserved, yet nonetheless kind man. Indeed, despite his light-hearted and even superficial attitude in certain areas, he is just as capable of efficiency and dedication in others; the keyword here is motivation. A very "no-nonsense" and "straight to the point person", Blazh may be adamant in social graces, frowning on discourtesy and rudeness, but he does so in his own way. He loves beauty and harmony and could be an aesthete who is interested in art and creativity in general. Blazh longs for a peaceful and quiet life, safe from any worry, and does not wish for it to be interrupted. Whenever that life seems assured, he adopts a jolly and confident demeanor. Blazh genuinely respects people of strong will and unshakable conviction and will bend and/or modify his morality according to whomever he is interacting with. In conversations with other people, he appears witty and easy-going.
He has impeccable manners, an affable demeanor, can be very friendly, easily approached, and is quite charming. While he uses these qualities to manipulate others to his ends, this affability is not entirely an act as he will act polite regardless of the circumstances. He has no problems moving about in normal society and interacting with the population at large because he genuinely enjoys watching the lives of others and events of the world unfold. He's like a salesman who exploits people's nature and desires demanding dues after granting their wishes. But, aside from his charming personality, Blazh also has standards and personal ethics. He believes that when one makes a deal they must keep it. He cannot abide by blatant dishonesty and people who go back on their word.
Neither truly good nor bad, Blazh likes to think of himself as a decent man. Even in the darkest of hours he always has certain, unspoken moral rules that he refuses to break. This should suggest that Blazh is someone who can establish his own values in the world where others live their lives, often unaware of that which they are not given. This means that he can affect and influence the lives of others. In other words, he is a man who has his own values, independent of others, which affects and dominates others' lives that may not have predetermined values but only herd instinct. Someone who has a life which is not merely to live each day with no meaning when nothing in the past and future is more important than the present, or more precisely, the pleasure and happiness in the present, but with the purpose for humanity.
A man who gives himself morality and value as he sees fit according to him alone. Blazh is a person capable of creating a new perspective without dogmatically forcing his perspective on others, neither a slave nor a master, he wishes to be an independent individual who has the power to banish herd instincts from his mind and become a master of self-discipline. He sees mastery over the physical and mental prowess as the only way for a man to rise above the mediocrity of modern society. But his reserved nature and the desire to have control over himself first and of others second is by no means a sight that he lacks confidence. On the contrary, he is incredibly confident in his abilities, simply because he is well aware as to where his limitations lie. And often looks to choose the most favorable situations, while wisely avoiding the ones that would leave him in a deliberating state. He has little patience for those who are arrogant or foolish, especially if they exhibit such traits while holding little to no power. Blazh can be vicious in the presence of such people, regardless of whether he is on offense or defense. At such times his fury is often overwhelming and relentless. But in the end, he is not a sadist, because even if he doesn't show any compassion or mercy towards a certain person, he will not enjoy their suffering or even death, but he indeed enjoys seeing that his plans have unfolded accordingly, and this is what he likes; success. As he is a firm believer in the idea that through using one's mind to understand the world, combined with determination and wit, one can overcome all obstacles set before them. His overall philosophy is some strange mix of stoicism, belief in the concept of the overman, gnosis, and so on.
Despite his overall moral nature, Blazh is capable of going overboard when wanting to prove a point or defend his integrity. One might consider him to be mildly sociopathic in these tendencies, despite this he doesn't exhibit pleasure from killing or harming people, seeing it as nothing more than a tool and a means to an end. To that end, he made sure that those afflicted did not suffer extensive pain, as torture was never something he enjoyed indulging in.
He also isn't shallow or a drifter, those with sociopathy also display superficial charm and glibness, something that Blazh does not possess. He is genuinely charismatic and highly likable as long as his integrity is not being encroached upon. Atop of this, he has a great deal of generosity in giving gifts. In his life, he has indulged in many cultured hobbies and fields of expertise, from art, music, especially opera, literature, and of course culinary.
He has impeccable manners, an affable demeanor, can be very friendly, easily approached, and is quite charming. While he uses these qualities to manipulate others to his ends, this affability is not entirely an act as he will act polite regardless of the circumstances. He has no problems moving about in normal society and interacting with the population at large because he genuinely enjoys watching the lives of others and events of the world unfold. He's like a salesman who exploits people's nature and desires demanding dues after granting their wishes. But, aside from his charming personality, Blazh also has standards and personal ethics. He believes that when one makes a deal they must keep it. He cannot abide by blatant dishonesty and people who go back on their word.
Neither truly good nor bad, Blazh likes to think of himself as a decent man. Even in the darkest of hours he always has certain, unspoken moral rules that he refuses to break. This should suggest that Blazh is someone who can establish his own values in the world where others live their lives, often unaware of that which they are not given. This means that he can affect and influence the lives of others. In other words, he is a man who has his own values, independent of others, which affects and dominates others' lives that may not have predetermined values but only herd instinct. Someone who has a life which is not merely to live each day with no meaning when nothing in the past and future is more important than the present, or more precisely, the pleasure and happiness in the present, but with the purpose for humanity.
A man who gives himself morality and value as he sees fit according to him alone. Blazh is a person capable of creating a new perspective without dogmatically forcing his perspective on others, neither a slave nor a master, he wishes to be an independent individual who has the power to banish herd instincts from his mind and become a master of self-discipline. He sees mastery over the physical and mental prowess as the only way for a man to rise above the mediocrity of modern society. But his reserved nature and the desire to have control over himself first and of others second is by no means a sight that he lacks confidence. On the contrary, he is incredibly confident in his abilities, simply because he is well aware as to where his limitations lie. And often looks to choose the most favorable situations, while wisely avoiding the ones that would leave him in a deliberating state. He has little patience for those who are arrogant or foolish, especially if they exhibit such traits while holding little to no power. Blazh can be vicious in the presence of such people, regardless of whether he is on offense or defense. At such times his fury is often overwhelming and relentless. But in the end, he is not a sadist, because even if he doesn't show any compassion or mercy towards a certain person, he will not enjoy their suffering or even death, but he indeed enjoys seeing that his plans have unfolded accordingly, and this is what he likes; success. As he is a firm believer in the idea that through using one's mind to understand the world, combined with determination and wit, one can overcome all obstacles set before them. His overall philosophy is some strange mix of stoicism, belief in the concept of the overman, gnosis, and so on.
Despite his overall moral nature, Blazh is capable of going overboard when wanting to prove a point or defend his integrity. One might consider him to be mildly sociopathic in these tendencies, despite this he doesn't exhibit pleasure from killing or harming people, seeing it as nothing more than a tool and a means to an end. To that end, he made sure that those afflicted did not suffer extensive pain, as torture was never something he enjoyed indulging in.
He also isn't shallow or a drifter, those with sociopathy also display superficial charm and glibness, something that Blazh does not possess. He is genuinely charismatic and highly likable as long as his integrity is not being encroached upon. Atop of this, he has a great deal of generosity in giving gifts. In his life, he has indulged in many cultured hobbies and fields of expertise, from art, music, especially opera, literature, and of course culinary.
Religious beliefs
Orlov is both agnostic and an occultist. He believes that a good chunk of the material world as we know it was created by some sort of imperfect Demiurgic deity. To be a gnostic means rebelling against and breaking free of the conformity set forth to people by religious dogma. That same Dogma that, for centuries, has instilled unbelievable fear and guilt upon the masses. In the same vein, Blazh believes that the nature of true creators and/or similar conceptual entities cannot be so easily perceived by the fickle minds of mortal men. In the modern age, only a small handful of people claim to be Gnostics, it's pretty much died out since then.
Blazh has a great deal of affection for animals, he refuses to harm them if it is not necessary, going as far as to not harm insects and spiders that he finds roaming around his home, preferring to instead displace them outside. As an avid lover of biology, Blazh used to own multiple pets in the past. Some of them were arthropods, amphibians, lizards, or fish. While the others were warm-blooded, mostly mammals and birds of prey. He currently owns a large war hound who he affectionately named "Bagzi". Bagzi is some sort of molasses/bull-type dog, about 65 kg heavy and 67 cm tall at the shoulders. Blazh made sure to infuse his dog with mutagenic energies, giving him increased physical abilities far in excess of what any normal canine could do, and a prolonged lifespan, meaning that Bagzi could in theory live for several centuries before finally dying of old age.
Bagzi is a brindle, rustic looking dog with highly developed bodily musculature and little to no fat. He possesses thick bones, a sturdy build, a squared head with a short muzzle, and highly developed sagittal crest/jaw musculature. His eyes are sharp and almond-shaped, while his ears have been cropped.
Bagzi is a brindle, rustic looking dog with highly developed bodily musculature and little to no fat. He possesses thick bones, a sturdy build, a squared head with a short muzzle, and highly developed sagittal crest/jaw musculature. His eyes are sharp and almond-shaped, while his ears have been cropped.
Biography & Lore
There is not all that much to say about his early life, as it was fairly uneventful. Born in Alliria, to a merchant father and a sorceress mother. His father was a well-respected merchant, loved by many, disliked only by a few. Likewise, his mother was a kind-hearted person and a dedicated worker, using her arcane skills as a local healer. Blazh was technically an illegitimate child, since his parents were never truly married, having him as a by-product of a passionate affair. Despite all of this, he grew up in an affectionate environment, his relatives did not care about whether Blazh was a bastard or not, they loved him all the same. His father died while Blazh was still young, so he has little direct recollection of his paternal figure. From that point on, the young boy was being taken care of by his mother and relatives. And since they were a solid upper class of citizens, Blazh enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle, with little to no struggles of his own.
Even at a young age, he was endowed with quality education. Excelling in both mastery of mind and body. He grew up well-tutored under the eyes of his mother, who out of silent curiosity spoiled him with learning languages and healing magic every day in the mansion’s study. As a teen, he studied biology, botany, physiology, theology, and physics, while immersing himself in things such as philosophy and psychology. The young male was not lacking in bodily departments either, as he tediously trained pankration with some of his relatives, learning the basics of armed and unarmed combat. All things considered, life was going pretty cozily for him. He grew up into a moral, polite young man with a bright future laid ahead.
Tragedy struck first with the death of his mother, caused by an unexpected stroke, as Blazh was 20 at the time, and legally considered an adult, his mother's fortune was his to inherit. He was devastated by the sudden death of the only parental figure he had, yet things only got worse when the young Blazh got diagnosed with a rare case of respiratory cancer. The healers at that time were giving him a couple more years to live, at best, as the disease itself was incredibly complex and beyond their ability to repair.
Blazh greatly feared death, especially such a premature one. The idea of going gray and wrinkly was bad enough already, having to die before reaching 40 was something that he considered appalling. Despite receiving an inheritance large enough for him to live a life of luxury, it would be all for naught if his life was cut short so early. To that end, he gave away most of his inheritance, donating much of it to worthy charities, and only keeping enough as to be capable of comfortably traveling the world and perhaps finding a way to save himself from the premature grave that fate had dug up for him. His journey was a long and tedious one. Moving around the world like a restless spirit, in search of occult knowledge. At each step of his journey, he paused to improve his martial skills and fighting prowess.
It took him years to finally stumble upon even the tiniest glimpse of hope, in the form of The Forbidden City. Laying deep within the heart of the Amol-Kalit desert, this city proved to be a juicy bait for wayward magic users, adventure seekers, and even grave robbers. The many stories of treasures and arcane knowledge beyond the wildest dreams of any mortal have managed to tickle his interest.
The male knew that he was running on borrowed time, he made haste and assembled a ragtag crew, made mostly from local grave robbers who were all too eager for a chance to do their shady business and some hired muscle in the form of professional mercenaries. Within the first 24 hours of their arrival to the forbidden city, a bit over half his crew was already slaughtered by the restless dead and other monsters who inhabited these deserted lands. Blazh was abandoned by his men, left to fight on his own while cutting down wave after wave of skeletal warriors, zombies, and anything else that may have stood in his path. Mortally injured, and on the brink of death, he found a secret chamber within the ruins of a temple, there was nothing inside, beyond a single book. Bound in human skin and decorated in shrunken bones. With strange runes carved into the Tome's clasp. Knowing that he was at death's door, knowing that he had nothing left to lose, Blazh reached out for the book, feeling its call licking at his soul.
What he was met with can only be described as "horrifying" and "mind-bending". It granted him a vision, a mere glimpse, of what lies hidden behind the veil, things that the fragile human mind should not have been handling. And at that moment, he understood the terrible truth of the world or least had an inkling of understanding what the world was. There he stood, a changed man. His head throbbing with newfound knowledge and voices that he could not recognize, yet, he remained unafraid. After surviving his first foray into the dangerous world of the beyond - a foray that was life-threatening, terrifying, and violent - Blazh felt invigorated for the first time in years. Either by a freak chance of fate, a series of unfortunate events, or by the grand designs of some greater intelligence hidden in the shadows using unseen malicious guiding hands moving its chess pieces across the board. It did not matter whether it was unintentional or not, in one fell swoop, the male had succeeded in retaining his sanity against all odds.
Blazh was quick to notice the obvious changes to his physiology. He was stronger, faster, his stamina and dexterity being increased further as time went on. Instead of fearing the ensuing mutations, he welcomed them. He carved his flesh with strange symbols, opening it up and encouraging otherworldly powers to seep in. To him, these mutations were not an affliction but rather an evolution of divine will made manifest in the flesh. For a moment, his mind was devoid of concepts such as good or evil. All he cared about was relishing in his new, glorious form. Having had surpassed human limitations and the shackles of mortality that he was previously bound by, all of this at such a tiny cost, a small fracture in his sanity. In his enlightenment, he had come to understand that the fickle affairs of mankind were often subject to powerful beings and other cosmic forces and that these forces were not so much malevolent as they are indifferent toward humanity. He vowed to never be a slave to the forces of fate and to become master of his destiny.
Turning his head to the idea of wandering the Earth while indulging in a hedonistic lifestyle, reverting to the baser methods of gratification for satisfaction and pleasure as many people do, he would instead unlock secrets of life and death, becoming the master of both, only through mastery of arcane knowledge could he truly rule over himself.
Even at a young age, he was endowed with quality education. Excelling in both mastery of mind and body. He grew up well-tutored under the eyes of his mother, who out of silent curiosity spoiled him with learning languages and healing magic every day in the mansion’s study. As a teen, he studied biology, botany, physiology, theology, and physics, while immersing himself in things such as philosophy and psychology. The young male was not lacking in bodily departments either, as he tediously trained pankration with some of his relatives, learning the basics of armed and unarmed combat. All things considered, life was going pretty cozily for him. He grew up into a moral, polite young man with a bright future laid ahead.
Tragedy struck first with the death of his mother, caused by an unexpected stroke, as Blazh was 20 at the time, and legally considered an adult, his mother's fortune was his to inherit. He was devastated by the sudden death of the only parental figure he had, yet things only got worse when the young Blazh got diagnosed with a rare case of respiratory cancer. The healers at that time were giving him a couple more years to live, at best, as the disease itself was incredibly complex and beyond their ability to repair.
Blazh greatly feared death, especially such a premature one. The idea of going gray and wrinkly was bad enough already, having to die before reaching 40 was something that he considered appalling. Despite receiving an inheritance large enough for him to live a life of luxury, it would be all for naught if his life was cut short so early. To that end, he gave away most of his inheritance, donating much of it to worthy charities, and only keeping enough as to be capable of comfortably traveling the world and perhaps finding a way to save himself from the premature grave that fate had dug up for him. His journey was a long and tedious one. Moving around the world like a restless spirit, in search of occult knowledge. At each step of his journey, he paused to improve his martial skills and fighting prowess.
It took him years to finally stumble upon even the tiniest glimpse of hope, in the form of The Forbidden City. Laying deep within the heart of the Amol-Kalit desert, this city proved to be a juicy bait for wayward magic users, adventure seekers, and even grave robbers. The many stories of treasures and arcane knowledge beyond the wildest dreams of any mortal have managed to tickle his interest.
The male knew that he was running on borrowed time, he made haste and assembled a ragtag crew, made mostly from local grave robbers who were all too eager for a chance to do their shady business and some hired muscle in the form of professional mercenaries. Within the first 24 hours of their arrival to the forbidden city, a bit over half his crew was already slaughtered by the restless dead and other monsters who inhabited these deserted lands. Blazh was abandoned by his men, left to fight on his own while cutting down wave after wave of skeletal warriors, zombies, and anything else that may have stood in his path. Mortally injured, and on the brink of death, he found a secret chamber within the ruins of a temple, there was nothing inside, beyond a single book. Bound in human skin and decorated in shrunken bones. With strange runes carved into the Tome's clasp. Knowing that he was at death's door, knowing that he had nothing left to lose, Blazh reached out for the book, feeling its call licking at his soul.
What he was met with can only be described as "horrifying" and "mind-bending". It granted him a vision, a mere glimpse, of what lies hidden behind the veil, things that the fragile human mind should not have been handling. And at that moment, he understood the terrible truth of the world or least had an inkling of understanding what the world was. There he stood, a changed man. His head throbbing with newfound knowledge and voices that he could not recognize, yet, he remained unafraid. After surviving his first foray into the dangerous world of the beyond - a foray that was life-threatening, terrifying, and violent - Blazh felt invigorated for the first time in years. Either by a freak chance of fate, a series of unfortunate events, or by the grand designs of some greater intelligence hidden in the shadows using unseen malicious guiding hands moving its chess pieces across the board. It did not matter whether it was unintentional or not, in one fell swoop, the male had succeeded in retaining his sanity against all odds.
Blazh was quick to notice the obvious changes to his physiology. He was stronger, faster, his stamina and dexterity being increased further as time went on. Instead of fearing the ensuing mutations, he welcomed them. He carved his flesh with strange symbols, opening it up and encouraging otherworldly powers to seep in. To him, these mutations were not an affliction but rather an evolution of divine will made manifest in the flesh. For a moment, his mind was devoid of concepts such as good or evil. All he cared about was relishing in his new, glorious form. Having had surpassed human limitations and the shackles of mortality that he was previously bound by, all of this at such a tiny cost, a small fracture in his sanity. In his enlightenment, he had come to understand that the fickle affairs of mankind were often subject to powerful beings and other cosmic forces and that these forces were not so much malevolent as they are indifferent toward humanity. He vowed to never be a slave to the forces of fate and to become master of his destiny.
Turning his head to the idea of wandering the Earth while indulging in a hedonistic lifestyle, reverting to the baser methods of gratification for satisfaction and pleasure as many people do, he would instead unlock secrets of life and death, becoming the master of both, only through mastery of arcane knowledge could he truly rule over himself.
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