Birtingr Hrutr



Basic Details

  • * Name: Birtingr Hrutr
    * Species: Dwarf
    * Age: 134
    * Height: 4'2
    * Weight: Healthy
    * Hair: Elm wood brown
    * Eyes: Brown
    * Skin: White

Personal Details

  • * Occupation: Fighter; Ramherd; Ram trader; Delver
    * Place of Birth: Ramkin Hold
    * Affiliation: Clan Ramkin; Hrutr family
    * Home: Ramkin Hold
    * Aliases: N/A


Birtingr is a stout, thick dwarf with some extra height to him. His eyes are brown and his hair the color of elm wood. He keeps his hair cut shorter but his beard is long with multiple braids in it. He clearly takes time to care for his facial hair as well. On his back he has the Ramkin clan's ram head tattooed. Dwarven clan lines surround it and go over his shoulders and down his arms to form a pair of ram horns on the back of his hands. This marks him visibly as being a member of the Ramkin clan, a fighter for the clan, and a ramherd and trader for the clan as well

Birtingr is considered handsome by dwarven standards, although not extremely so. He has no real blemishes or marks on his face or even on his body outside of the usual scars associated with his way of life. The only scar of note is one located on the right side of his torso where a boar nearly gutted him one day while watching his rams.

Skills and Abilities

Born Fighter: Birtingr is a natural born fighter. He takes to arms and armor quickly no matter how foreign they might be to him. This is further supplemented by his training and experience gained over the hundred plus years he has been alive. While he does favor maces, hammers, and crossbows the most, he will use whatever is best in the given situation that he has available to him.

Ramkin Born: Being from the Ramkin clan Birtingr is more familiar with rams than most. Be it herding a flock of them from one valley to the next to riding one into battle, he is able to get the notoriously stubborn beasts to do what he wants with less fuss than they would give to others. His connection with the animals runs so deep that they just naturally flock to him, despite how annoying that can be at times.

Magicless: Magic is a gift and one not granted ot Birtingr. He is as capable of using it as water is of turning into solid stone. This leaves him vulnerable to it as he is incapable of sensing even the faintest amount of it. His only hope of identifying it is by noticing the signs of its use on either his own state of being or on the sudden change in the state of being of things around him.

Swimming: Birtingr swims like a stone. He has no fear of water. He just did not learn how to swim. This can be a serious problem if he ever finds himself in a situation that involves water deeper than what his feet can keep his head out of.


Birtingr is fairly typical in his personality as a dwarf. He is boastful, proud, and stubborn. He is brave and honorable as well. A heart full of kindness with a moral compass that always points in the proper dwarf direction. He values his family and clan above all else and has a natural love for animals. In many ways he is a paragon of dwarven culture.

Birtingr, though, is known for having his fair share of greedy moments. It can be hard for him to pass up on the idea of treasure and glory. He can drink too much and start brawls for the flimsiest of reasons. These things have gotten him into trouble before. He is also prone to pettiness towards those he does not like.

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      Birtingr Hrutr

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