Bigsby B. Byron Bighat

Bigsby is a wiry human male of average height and old age. He has shoulder length white hair that is often kept loosely tied at the back of his head. His eyes are a cool gray color like a storm cloud and his skin is a pasty white from lack of sun. A long white full beard with a few braids from his chin and under his nose is normally the only thing visible of his face due to his absurdly large hat.
This wandering wizard wears brown colored robes of intricate make. They are travel worn and there are some permanent stains here and there but they are not dirty and he does not look unkempt in his clothing. Pockets and pouches hang upon a multitude of straps and belts. Trinkets dangle upon his neck, about his arms, or tied to his belt but none are so haphazardly slung that they would trip him up in the event he needed to move at a pace he would call quick. He has a staff with a knotted whorl of wood at its tip, somewhat resembling a shepherd's crook.
Skills and Abilities

Only a select few people in the world are wielders of magic on Bigsby's level. Of all those, wizards like Bigsby have the arguable advantages of adaptability and sheer overwhelming power. Bigby would have you believe that wizards stand at the pinnacle of all arcane craft. Even the least of them can manipulate forces that flout the laws of nature, and the most accomplished among them can cast spells with world-shaking effects. The price that wizards pay for their mastery is that most valuable of commodities: time. For Bigsby this is doubly so.
It has taken him years of study, instruction, and experimentation to learn how to harness magical energy and carry spells around in his mind ready to use. His studying never ends, nor does his quest for knowledge and power.
Bigsby has access to an extensive array of spells to draw upon though he could never hope to carry all the material components he would need to cast every one of them. Material components are not the only cost of his craft. Sometimes he will need to speak specific words or perform distinct hand gestures. He may even need to dance around a little. There is also a the matter of a focus. Can you guess what Bigsby uses as a focus?
The use of magic can physically drain any wizard but there is another cost that the big hatted wizard must pay. Arethil can be cruel and there is a reason why Bigsby is the way he is. Whenever Bigsby slings a spell and the magic flows forth from his mind it takes with it a memory. Bit by bit, evocation by costly abjuration his memory is devoured by his craft. The price paid is not always an important memory or something cherished. For a small unimportant spell the magic will take with it a small and inconsequential memory. Pity those that make him truly test the limits of his craft and pity Bigsby when such a thing comes to pass for his past is the cost of his power.
"Greetings! I am Bigsby B. Byron Bighat and I am at your service. What do I do? Can you keep a secret? Excellent! I'm a wizard and weave the wondrous, worrisome, and sometimes wobbly winding paths of wild magic while wearing my wide brimmed hat. Why the hat? Sometimes it rains and worldly witty wizards such as I do not like to be worried by the wrongness of having a wet walrus. What? Who said walrus?"
Bigsby Bighat is an eccentric, warmhearted old man. He loves food and women. Often he can be rather lustful but he is seldom taken seriously by the women such comments are directed to. In the end most of his attempts at sexual conquest are brushed off as he is never overly crude in his approach. It is 'harmless fun' and he is always just a 'cute old man' so his moderate hedonistic nature is often the butt of jokes. His bottomless pit of a stomach is something to be admired. He very much dislikes being forced to take off his hat.
Bigsby Bighat is an eccentric, warmhearted old man. He loves food and women. Often he can be rather lustful but he is seldom taken seriously by the women such comments are directed to. In the end most of his attempts at sexual conquest are brushed off as he is never overly crude in his approach. It is 'harmless fun' and he is always just a 'cute old man' so his moderate hedonistic nature is often the butt of jokes. His bottomless pit of a stomach is something to be admired. He very much dislikes being forced to take off his hat.
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