Bayde Foemarr
An exemplar of average qualities within an already average race, Bayde's prospects as the third son of a smithy in a village by a babbling brook was dim. As a child he nearly died from a short period of plague that spared his life in exchange for the miller's daughter- many in his village considered it a poor trade. Rather than stay in his village he ran away from home for a pot of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow. Ten years later he found his treasure, although no in the same sense that he envisioned as a brash brat.Every man and woman worked for the promise of gold- as a mercenary he did a little bit more than simply 'work'. Often the job was dirty, messy and your employers would try to undercut him: quality work and a steadfast disposition means he usually doesn't have to worry about that issue so much. These days the wandering mercenary sticks to the roads, eventually hoping that one day he'll make it to Vel Anir: word is, his estranged aunt has a company that's in dire need of more hands.
Working as one of many mercenaries trying to eke a living out of a conflict-less land is hard to do without a unique selling point- for Foemarr, third son of a smithy this was especially difficult in his early days. Eventually after one or two failed experiments he created a small list of principles that he stuck by, marketing himself as a 'principled' man of iron. The success of his strategy didn't depend so much on what ideals he lived by but by the preconception employers had of someone who had a semblance of self discipline. As a mercenary his first and most important principle was to never be inquisitive. Curious men had their nose cut off and was more likely to be burned by their employers and Bayde was in no hurry to be stabbed in the back.The rest of the principles are all varying degrees of moderation and cautious warnings to himself, although as mellowed out as he is, he still carries the same impulsive decision making and hotheadedness he inherited from his mother. Along with a sharp tongue it takes a lot of willpower for the man-at-arms to control his urges to speak out of turn. Often he jokes that he has lost the sense of taste on the tip of his tongue from all the biting down he had to do for years.
Yet for a man of sharp wit he is more proficient in blunt honesty than carefully worded diplomacy.Thus for the sake of the flow of gold into his pockets he struggles to live in practiced moderation, although it's not all that bad: in certain areas, playing the stoic man attracts the ladies. Beats being alone at night with only a crudely drawn diagram in Bayde's mind.
Those who encounter the man will not find much to pin on him, until they spend some time with the mercenary and discover his propensity to shoot one-liners even when inappropriate.
Perhaps it is why he often travels alone.
Trade maketh man, and in his business Foemarr's body has been well sculpted for his dirty job. Stocky with broad shoulders and well defined muscles, he can easily pose for a farmer with a pipe in his mouth. His mousy. unkept hair and the faint smell of bayleaf adds authenticity for a very convincing disguise, and with a slight twist of his accent Bayde has fooled many an agent of the law with his simpleton act. Of course with his background it is an effortless disguise as well.Dressed in clean but faded clothing Bayde wears a padded shirt and trousers held up by several leather belts, with the hems tucked into a pair of black knee-high boots. When preparing for battle he dons half plate over a gambeson that bears neutral colors (grey and yellow), and a kettlepot helm for his noggin'. Wielding a lucerne hammer and a buckler in his other hand, Bayde completes the image of a shock infantryman true and true.
Skills and Abilities
Gifted people sling spells, graceful archers peppers the field with arrows and Foemarr hits people hard with his hammer. The same arm that made his armor is the same arm that can defy the armor of a hardened foe; no self respecting duelist will ever approve of his fighting style, but what he lacks in style he makes up for an aggressive fighting style that makes good use of his buckler for a swift punch in the face. Occasionally he may switch to a two handed stance to really drive in his point. As the third son he has also a slippery foe to grapple, having mastered the means to escape from all manners of chokeholds his brothers tried to bullied him into- there's nothing more Bayde relishes than a mud wrestle for a homefield advantage.An adept smith, much of his operating costs goes to maintaining his gear. Many of his kit was forged by himself, paid for over several years and earned in blood. As such he is never truly out of work as he can easily shod horse shoes for nobility if conflict ever dries up.
But when he's better at hitting things in the head with his hammer, why would he ever demean himself?
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