Bastian Tirel

Bastian Tirel

Biographical information
Vel Anir - Slums 22 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Male 1.91m MUSCLES Black Brown Whire
Political information
Sailor, Anirian Expeditionary Fleet
Out-of-character information
Kasim Areth Gladiolus

Born to a mother who did not want him with an unknown father, the man who would later become Bastian Tirel grew up on the streets of Vel Anir and within the slums outside it's walls.

Though his life was a cacophony of misery and disappointment, the boy had a surprisingly pleasant outlook on life. He grew up believing that through his own wit he would be able to drag himself up from the gutter he'd been born in. As with all street kids in the slums, he grew up quickly.

He learned to steal and take what he could, often hiding in sewers and moving through market stalls nabbing whatever he could. As he got older the boy joined several street gangs, never lingering in one for too long as he always found a better opportunity.

Though he made friends and connections, he was always incredibly mercurial. Never allowing himself to be tied down to one place or person.

As one would think, this part of his life was wrought with danger.

More than once the boy found himself caught, either by a stall owner, the Guards, or some rival gang member. He suffered through many beatings, fights, and sometimes outright torture. It was through this way that a rather ruthless nature took shape within the lad.

It was during one of these beatings, when he was only thirteen years old, that the boy took his first life. Defending himself from a group of older kids he wrestled one of them to the ground, using his fists to beat him bloody and never stopping until his foe was no longer moving.

By the time he was eighteen, the boy had become an enforcer for various Anirian Gangs. He would come in as an outsider, take care of whatever 'problem' presented itself, and then disappear back into the gutters. Eventually his renown grew enough that he was even hired by several minor Noble Families.

Inevitably, his work began to draw the attention of of the Anirian Guard.

Having over the years left behind a string of bodies, one particularly observant Guardsmen made note that several killings he investigated had all been done with the same type of blade. A strange serrated and curved knife that left a distinct tear in the flesh of it's victims. Using this the Guardsmen went back through records and noted that over two dozen bodies had held the same marks.

With the Guard now actively aware of his calling card and searching for him, the man who would become Bastian was tipped off. Having no intention of being caught nor thrown in prison, the young man contacted one of the nobles he had worked for in the past. Calling in a favor, the Noble managed to use his position to give the assassin not just a new name; but an identity.

Bastian Tirel was born.

A young man from Vel Garren who had worked on his fathers farm in the outskirts of Anirian Territory. Never having left his village until one day records were discovered that he had not yet done his year of service. When finally called upon, Bastian joined the Navy voluntarily, and due to his surprising skill was placed in the Anirian Expeditionary Fleet.


Though he does not realize it, Bastian is capable of an innate magic that renders him far more difficult to see, hear, smell, and 'sense' with other forms of magic.

This ability is not something he can use on command, nor does he even realize that it really exists. Instead the magic simply comes into effect at times of high stress or need. It is not a conscious thing that happens, but rather almost an 'extra kick' when his body enters a fight or flight response.

The magic does not render him invisible however.

It would be more accurate to say that it more effects those around him rather than Bastian himself. It is as though a shroud form around him, and within his shroud people simply do not tend to notice him. Even if directly searching, they might overlook him in favor or something else more interesting.

When this ability wraps itself around him, Bastian is capable of slipping directly in front of someones eyes and going unseen. Though he is now aware of this ability, he has at time noticed that his 'luck' seems far greater than others. More than once when it appeared as though he and his gang were about to be caught, Bastian's ability allowed him and him alone to escape.

Though he does not know about it, the ability is perhaps something that could become something more if he was made aware and trained.


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