Aylin Denizal
The daughter of a Gildan with a zealous belief in Jura, and a mother with opposing views of magic and religion, Aylin has been caught between two worlds, never truly knowing what to believe. Her already tenuous moral compass is shattered when she discovers that she has inherited the magical ability that her mother had kept hidden from her father -- and the other Gildans -- for years before she was discovered and taken into custody. To this day Aylin has no idea what happened to her mother and has given up hope of ever finding out.
Aylin's small, thin stature helps her blend into Gild's crowded streets. Her deep brown hair runs in wild rivulets down her shoulders. Her honey-amber eyes look almost dulled beneath the burden of a terrible secret. She wears cheap, undyed tunic and pants, and typically a dark cloak that barely keeps the weather at bay.
She carries a knife with her at all times, usually for utilitarian purposes but will use it for defense in a pinch.
She carries a knife with her at all times, usually for utilitarian purposes but will use it for defense in a pinch.
Skills and Abilities
Latent Magic - Scryer: Aylin's maternal bloodline is descended from Curite mages with an affinity for extrasensory magic (magic that allows the mage to sense things beyond the normal senses). The most powerful of this type of mage was said to have been able to tell the future, but the deaths of most of the family during the second Curite War left this information unverified.
Streetwise Survivor: Perhaps Aylin has never left Gild simply because she is so familiar with surviving in its streets. She knows her way around, she knows the paths the Praetors and guards tend to ignore, and she has contact with some members of the city's criminal underbelly.
Streetwise Survivor: Perhaps Aylin has never left Gild simply because she is so familiar with surviving in its streets. She knows her way around, she knows the paths the Praetors and guards tend to ignore, and she has contact with some members of the city's criminal underbelly.
Aylin is a rebel. She has a broken sense of morality that now only hovers chiefly over survival. Having been raised by her father in the following of Jura, Aylin hasn't yet decided whether to keep her magic hidden or to fully accept herself as an unrepentant sinner. (It is very unlikely she would ever willingly become a Penitent)
She has a tendency to distrust men in general, particularly authority figures.
She has a tendency to distrust men in general, particularly authority figures.
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