Aurelia Dunn
Aurelia is elven-born but human-raised. She was discovered as an infant by human farmers and raised alongside their own children. They did the best they could, and Aurelia has grown into a kind and hard-working individual. Tumbleton was her home for a long time, but now she has outlived most of her adopted family. It is time for her to move on and find her place in the world. Perhaps she will return to Tumbleton with the riches of her journeys, or perhaps she will explore her elven heritage. With many centuries ahead of her, the future is bright and unknown.
Aurelia holds typical elven elegance and beauty. Her figure is willowy, and she carries herself in a way that makes her seem taller than she truly is. She has long, gently waved red hair and glittering green eyes. Her face and body are dappled in small freckles, most densely over the bridge of her nose and to a lesser extent shoulders and chest. Her long, pointed ears mark her as an elf wherever she goes.
Skills and Abilities
Aurelia's elven lineage gifts her with silent footfalls, superb balance and reflexes, and excellent senses. She is a master marksman with a bow and decent with a short blade.
Aurelia's farm upbringing has left her strong and durable. She can travel great distances without tiring and can lift more than her slight frame would suggest.
Aurelia's farm upbringing has left her strong and durable. She can travel great distances without tiring and can lift more than her slight frame would suggest.
Aurelia has known love and acceptance in her childhood and young adult life. Her human family and fellow villagers have never made her feel out of place, though she always knew she was different. She has a special appreciation for displaced creatures and values understanding and acceptance of others. She knows the value of hard work and sacrifice, and the benefit of community when times are lean. She tends to think in big picture, "long-game" terms when solving problems as is typical for long-lived species. Her time with humans, however, has allowed her to adapt to more short-term solutions when necessary.
Her quiet life has left her somewhat naive of the crueler aspects of the world. Her human upbringing has not taught her anything of her heritage or ancestral culture, nor the full extent of her racial abilities. She has never met another elf, those from the Falwood being reclusive where she was raised.
It is painful to outlive the ones you love. Aurelia had been prepared for this, but it was still very difficult for her to lose her parents, then her siblings, and now her nieces and nephews as they approach their twilight years.
Her quiet life has left her somewhat naive of the crueler aspects of the world. Her human upbringing has not taught her anything of her heritage or ancestral culture, nor the full extent of her racial abilities. She has never met another elf, those from the Falwood being reclusive where she was raised.
It is painful to outlive the ones you love. Aurelia had been prepared for this, but it was still very difficult for her to lose her parents, then her siblings, and now her nieces and nephews as they approach their twilight years.
Biography & Lore
Hubert and Frances Dunn followed the sounds of a wailing babe to the edge of their fields where they found an infant girl. She had pale skin and pointed ears, and the couple knew immediately what they had found. Tumbleton sat within the outermost edge of the eastern Falwood, where the trees were numerous but not choking, and the bark not thick enough to where they could not be cut to make fields. The people were well aware of the elves, but they tended to live deeper in the forest and were seldom heard from. They tried, for a few days, to see if any were nearby and could claim the child, but they were not equipped to venture deep into the woods. They cared for the child in the mean time, and when no one came to claim her after several weeks, began to think of her as their own.
Raising an elf is no small task for humans. Aurelia grew slowly, much slower than their own children. She was still very much a child by the time her adopted siblings were married and having children of their own. She did not reach adulthood until she was 70 years old. In this time her adopted parents had passed, as had a handful of her siblings. She had been raised in part by her own nieces and nephews, who were now middle-aged with families of their own.
Aurelia took to the family farm easily. She did not tire quickly and required little food to sustain herself. She absorbed all the wisdom her parents could impart, then from the rest of her family and the village as a whole.
Her family has moved on, though, it has become clear. While a few relatives remain close, the subsequent generations have either moved elsewhere or hold less connection to the old family ways. Tumbleton had always been a stable home for her, but she has begun to feel a pull from afar. A wanderlust common to elves that come of age.
Having been a staple presence in the town for nearly a century, she was gifted supplies by almost everyone as she set off to forge her own path.
Raising an elf is no small task for humans. Aurelia grew slowly, much slower than their own children. She was still very much a child by the time her adopted siblings were married and having children of their own. She did not reach adulthood until she was 70 years old. In this time her adopted parents had passed, as had a handful of her siblings. She had been raised in part by her own nieces and nephews, who were now middle-aged with families of their own.
Aurelia took to the family farm easily. She did not tire quickly and required little food to sustain herself. She absorbed all the wisdom her parents could impart, then from the rest of her family and the village as a whole.
Her family has moved on, though, it has become clear. While a few relatives remain close, the subsequent generations have either moved elsewhere or hold less connection to the old family ways. Tumbleton had always been a stable home for her, but she has begun to feel a pull from afar. A wanderlust common to elves that come of age.
Having been a staple presence in the town for nearly a century, she was gifted supplies by almost everyone as she set off to forge her own path.
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