Ashryn Heira

Ashryn Heira

Biographical information
Fal'Addas 239 Alliria
Physical description
Elf Female 5'5" White Green
Political information
Elf for Hire
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Having grown up in Fal'Addas surrounded by scholars, travelers, and merchants from around the world she had always been led by her curiosity. From the whimsical stories of drunken travelers and merchants that sent everyone into fits of laughter to the stoically told stories by scholars as they passed on lore, her very core was much like a kitten exploring the world. As such, she often found herself wondering this way or that in search of the next entertaining or enlightening adventure.


At first glance, one might mistake Ashryn for perhaps being human instead of Elven descent. Her trademarked pointed ears hidden amidst a crown of twigs and vines resembling antlers and flowing white locks of silken hair that came to a rest just below her shoulders. Though a bit on the smaller side at 5'5" she viewed the world through dark green eyes that danced and dazzled with the curiosity that captivated her world. While lithe in form, her upper arms and wrists were adorned with the twigs, vines, and leaves from the forests of Falwood, the adornments rumored to be poisoned during times of combat. When traveling outside of Alliria, within the depths of her knapsack can be found a small orb about the size of a small melon. In the warmer months, she can be found scantily clad with a preference for clothing made from the finest of lightweight materials. In the winter months, she can be found wrapped in an overabundance of thick animal furs, preferring not to become an Elf-cicle.

Skills and Abilities

Beast Speech: The ability to decipher noises and gestures made by animals. This does not mean that Ashryn is friendly with the animal. Though she can understand the noises and gestures made by the animals not all animals have the intelligence to convey events or follow simple concepts, let alone complex ones.

Hand to hand combat with a weapon proficiency in daggers.



Driven by curiosity, Ashryn can often be found wandering through stores, markets, taverns, and settling in with scholars to ask a thousand and one questions including, "Is there food?". She's often been compared to a kitten exploring the world. Though she can be mistaken for childish and whimsical her temper has often lead to... explosive consequences.

Biography & Lore

At birth, it was rather obvious that if nothing else, Ashryn would always look different from her parents and be smaller than most elves. It was a startling contrast at birth, her parents having long, lustrous hair so black it almost appeared as if the very light were sucked from around it and into the depths of the locks. Ashryn, with her striking white locks and dazzling green eyes that seemed to sparkle with curiosity even at birth, was immediately welcomed into the world with apprehension. How could one little girl be so different in appearances from her parents?

Time moved forward as it always does and the white-haired child grew into a rather curious, intelligent, and energetic little girl. Her raven haired parents grew to love the little girl and would often woo her with stories of scholarly duties, past battles, and the whimsical lore of their past and that of other races. As the child grew more independent she could often be found wandering the immediate forestry of Falwood that surrounded Fal'Addas. It was often rumored that travelers and merchants would catch glimpses of the young Ashryn dancing, frolicking, and playing among the animals that had come to be her friends. At night, much to her parent's annoyance, Ashryn could be found tucked away in a tavern listening to the drunken tales of merchants and travelers. With the beasts growing larger by the pint and the men growing braver it was a wonder the little girl, who seemed to always live in her own little world, wasn't out trying to slay these beasts.

As time continued to move forward, Ashryn began to learn how to interpret the noises and gestures of the animals within the forests surrounding her whimsical home. Those that knew her best or watched her often had surmised that it was only a matter of time before she put together a way to communicate with the critters she called friends. To everyone's delight, and to some's displeasure, she did learn. Truth be told, it was rather simple though tedious. There was a pecking order of intelligence so to speak. It was a matter of finding the more intelligent, yet least deadly animals and studying them, befriending them, and learning their noises and gestures. It helped that Ashryn had spent years within the trees, bushes, and caves of the immediate area around Fal'Addas. She already had so many little critter friends and without realizing it, she had set the groundwork every time she frolicked with her friends. And so she continued to frolic, learn, and hone her skill.

It was much to the pleasure of Ashryn when she unearthed the little green glowing sphere, measuring the size of a small melon, in the dirt beneath the roots of a fallen tree. The day really was rather dull and boring with her digging through the roots of an uprooted tree. She wasn't looking for anything in particular but when her hands slid over the smooth, round orb she couldn't help but dislodge it from its place nestled within the dirt and roots of the fallen tree. Her dazzling green eyes locked on its depth and the world faded away. Suddenly what was whimsical and fantasy was real. The orb released her from its grasp after what felt like hours of being pulled into its magical depths. Through time she learned how to pull herself from its grasp and escape the dangerously addictive detachment from reality that the orb provided. Now, the orb can be found tucked away in a silken pouch within the depths of her knapsack.

As Ashryn grew and continued to age she sought out and learned hand to hand combat with proficiency in daggers. This was done out of a pure need to survive and an understanding that she needed to generate some sort of income. What better way to do that than stabby-stab some bad people was always Ashryn's thinking.

At 239 years old one would think a small little elf-like Ashryn would have settled down and at least starting acting like something resembling her age. But, no. That wasn't the case here and nor would it probably ever be. Ashryn had grown up around the scholars, world travels, and merchants that made of the whimsical world of her childhood. A world that was centered in Fal'Addas where her own parents were scholars.



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