
Arrachion of Alliria

Biographical information
Alliria 34 varies
Physical description
Human (Cursed) Male 5'10" 520 lbs Bronze Bronze Bronze
Political information
None Former Pugilist, Current Vagabond None
Out-of-character information
Grapple Fiend Unknown (If found, please do tell me.)


Arrachion strikes the silhouette of a beautiful sculpture, chiseled from a bronze colored stone with such detail one could imagine the statue might suddenly come to life - it is likely a great surprise to many when he does. Standing at 5'10" and with a build suggesting a life of physical activity Arrachion was an intimidating man in flesh made all the more in stone.

A full beard sits unmoving on his face, his mid length hair swept back by sweat frozen in it's unkempt position. A pair of cauliflower ears give the first hint to a life spent fighting. Tight fitting shorts cover his lower body with a long ceremonial single sided loincloth covering his right leg, looking at a glance as stiff as his skin yet somehow moving as he does - though it's weight prevents anything like the wind from effecting it.

His upper body is bare, revealing a wide shouldered and well muscled frame of a life long grappler. His hands are large and rough, made more so by the stone he has become. A living statue Arrachion is extremely unsettling in motion, his movements feeling deeply unnatural and giving those of the flesh a deep sense of 'wrong' most cannot easily explain. 'Uncanny' is often used, for while he appears vaguely flesh his skin does not give, his eyes do not blink and while his mouth can move and his expression change, his range is far less then is normal due to his 'skin'.

Skills and Abilities

  • 'Stone' Man - Arrachion is a cursed man, a man turned to stone given motion by a price far too high. Superficially similar to a magical construct Arrachion does not eat or drink, nor must he sleep or breathe. He does 'age', though not in the traditional sense - instead the magic which fuels his motion slowly fades, as all magic does; while Arrachion is made of stone he is not as timeless as he appears.
  • Limitless Physicality - Arrachion does not tire, no matter how strenuous the task or force needed. A side effect of what he is he can run until he would cease to be 'alive' or any other such action. Furthermore he is far stronger and heavier then a man his size should be, his strength a parallel in stone what it was in flesh. He can easily lift his own weight over his head, crush rocks with his hands or bend metal.
  • Unnerving Speed - Arrachion is disturbingly fast for his size and weight, being as fast as he was as a man of flesh but without the limitation of his cardiovascular system to force him to slow his speed to save energy. As a result in conflict he is always 'sprinting' with his motions, moving as fast as possible without any hope of slowing for his opponents.
  • Senses - Arrachion retains all his original senses, from touch to taste and beyond. They are neither impaired or improved, perhaps most important is that he feels pain as any man would. To chip his stone skin while minor for his 'health' would feel as painful as a deep cut. As a result of his feelings it isn't rare to see him 'breathing' and even eating, trying endlessly to quell a feeling he cannot remove; the unending twang of hunger.
  • Grappling - Arrachion was a famed pugilist in flesh, and in stone his potential for it has only grown. A 'grappler' in skill set Arrachion prefers to grab a hold of opponents and slam them into the ground where he plies his trade of joint locks, artery and tracheal chokes and simple bare fisted bludgeoning. While hardly looking as graceful as the boxer or the striker Arrachion's style is deeply effective and supremely difficult. It was once said by a great grappler 'The ground is the ocean, and most pugilist's don't even know how to swim'. Since becoming a man of stone Arrachion has found his grappling to have only improved, his tremendous weight, strength and the reality that no counter holds work on him make him a terrifying force.
  • Pugilism - While not a 'striker' by trade Arrachion has picked up some techniques in his many bouts; often using them to convince opponents to trade blows with him where he would then drag them down to the ground suddenly. As a 'striker' Arrachion is a 'boxer' in style, preferring punches over kicks or knees - along with the punches he mixed in many of the other skills of the 'boxer', including a high guard and weaving ones body to avoid blows while aiming for the grapple. As a man of stone his blows are thunderous, like being struck with a warhammer from unusual angles and with terrifying speed.


Once a braggadocious man who reveled in excess Arrachion has become a somber and quiet man since his transformation. A life of great success through pugilistic skill granted Arrachion a life of acclaim and luxury, and it was a life he took full advantage of drowning himself in the hedonism of the moment. From wine to women and everything in between Arrachion was famed for his trash talk, his aggression and his skills as a fighter. Most who came to watch him fight hoped he would lose, betting against him no matter how hopeless his opponents chances and growing only angrier when they lost their money. Their anger seemed to fuel Arrachion, and it wasn't rare to see him taunting the crowd and his fallen opponent.

A reprehensible character in flesh he often made advances on his defeated opponents women, taunted or jeered his opponents families and even harassed them before the fight often going to an upcoming opponents house late at night and simply making a ruckus to keep them awake and anger them further while telling tales of their wives loved him.

Hated by the pugilist community for his antics he was still respected for his tremendous skill - most viewers when truly pressed would concede he was likely only to be beaten once his age caught up with him.

Tragedy due to his antics has muted the stone mans nature, his somber and quiet nature replacing his antics. He is calm, respectful and even somewhat friendly if given the opportunity. It is rare to see him raise his fists in anger, understanding the horrendous damage they can inflict.

In truth Arrachion is single minded, seeking only a cure to his curse and as a result, his own death. This macabre quest for his own doom has made Arrachion a surprisingly pleasant character, fond of dry humor and friendly conversation. He can longer become intoxicated and therefore has quit his hedonistic lifestyle cold turkey, seemingly for the better.

Biography & Lore

Arrachion's early life is of little consequence, a simple son of a simple family. Where his tale truly begins is during his first pugilist match at seventeen years old. A quick victory by strangle quickly garnered Arrachion a reputation as a skilled young man to be watched. Those lovers of pugilism in Alliria made note of the young man, and with each victory his fame grew higher and higher.

Within three years he was the Outer City champion, and a super fight was planned against the orcish Areck Slum champion for the coming summer. It was on this summer that Arrachion had his first and only child with a woman who quickly wanted nothing to do with him or their new daughter, being the wife of one of his opponents. Arrachion's daughter Emilia was a constant sight with the famed pugilist, often seen carrying her on his back through morning runs.

When the super fight began Arrachion saw it as a way to put food on his daughter's plate and he crushed the Areck Slums champion with relative ease, becoming the first double champion in Outer City history. Murmurs began of challenging the famed Inner City Champion, a man who had held the throne for six years and was well respected as the best pugilist in Alliria in 50 years.

It was here the Arrachion truly began his antics, taunting the Inner City champion in every public event he could - suggesting that Emilia was his wife's daughter and even going to his home in the Inner City and making a ruckus for hours on end. It was this sort of behavior that would one day become his signature, but it was here he first truly began the antics which would one day change his life forever.

Eventually the Inner City Champion agreed to the bout, and after thirty four hard fought rounds Arrachion emerged victorious. The first three district champion in Alliria in over seventy years his minor celebrity grew to incredible proportions.

Dozens and dozens of fights followed, each build up more exciting then the fight itself. What antics would he pull next? Soon Arrachion was in his mid thirties, his daughter herself a budding competitor and darling of the pugilist world - a true antithesis to her father she was well mannered, fair and a brilliant striker.

Arrachion realizing his time had passed and his daughter's was coming announced his next fight would be his last, and it would be against an outsider! The strange man and his cloaked manager were unknown quantities in Alliria and many wondered if age and the anonymity of his opponent would finally mean his defeat.

Arrachion for his part seemed disinterested, boasting about how he would like to see what was under that manager's cloak, as he could smell it was a woman. He was correct in his assumption, and soon he was relentless; constantly making advances on her and even sitting outside their inn and singing drunken ballets to her, often crude and more filled with lust then anything.

Arrachion's opponent eventually grew tired of the antics, not knowing when he signed up for the fight what he would be forced to deal with. One night it came to blows outside the inn, and in a drunken stupor Arrachion had killed the man when he suplexed him on onto stone, snapping his spine.

Furious at the loss of her 'lover' and champion the cloaked manager arrived to Arrachion's house the following night. Fooled by her coy act he allowed her in, where she took his daughter hostage by crossbow point and forced him to watch as she used her life force for a foul magic.

When Arrachion awoke the next morning his daughter was still and cold, and he was stone. Arrachion of Alliria, unable to live with what had happened to him and his daughter he fled the town and many wondered if he hadn't simply killed his daughter in a drunken rage he was so known for. None knew the truth of what he had become.

It has only been a few weeks since his transformation, and only time will tell what becomes of him....


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