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  2. The Void Dragon

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The Void Dragon

Biographical information
Unknown Unknown Undiscovered Island in the Blighted Sea
Physical description
Dragon - Corrupted by the Void NA NA 10 Metric Tons
Political information
Out-of-character information


The Void Dragon appears as matte-black figure that is vaguely in the shape of a dragon, with stars glimmering upon its surface. No shadows ever appear on the dragon, and thus an onlooker would find no features on its 'skin' nor would they see any scales - as such, the Void Dragon is all but invisible when flying in the night sky. The creature itself is massive; with a total body length of 30 meters, it towers over most other dragons and monsters.

Skills and Abilities

The Void Dragon constantly emits a magic-dampening field around it - stretching for several kilometers - which causes spells to become much weaker than they otherwise would be, or simply fail altogether - flickering away into nothingness. This dampening field also affects enchantments and the like, making them much weaker and than they should be.

Breath - The Void Dragon is capable of unleashing a massive plume of black flames that tear apart the constituent molecules of anything it hits, essentially turning any matter into free-flowing atoms in the air. However, the Void Dragon is incapable of using its breath attack in rapid succession and cannot use it for one minute after using it once.

Telekinesis - The Void Dragon has incredibly powerful Telekinetic abilities that allow it to easily level entire forests and mountains. However, much like its breath attack, the Void Dragon cannot use its Telekinesis in rapid succession - though this depends greatly on the mass of the object it used its telekinetic powers on.

Singularity - The Void Dragon rends a tiny hole in time and space that creates a Singularity, which attracts all matter towards it in a radius of ten kilometers - essentially causing massive objects to pile on top of each other in a spherical fashion. The effect is powerful enough to rip out entire cities and level forests, even destroying vast swathes of land. The singularity, however, only lasts for five minutes as the hole in time and space repairs itself.

Bend Space - The Void Dragon is capable of bending space around it to some degree, allowing it to redirect projectiles or even displace an attacker. Though the ability has no cooldown, the Void Dragon can only use it on one object at a time as it requires much of its attention.

Weakness - The Void Dragon is vulnerable to physical attacks, be they ranged or melee. The creature is also easily distracted by dazzling displays of light like fireworks.


The Void Dragon has no actual personality, and is an entity driven primarily by its need to devour magic. As such, it is attracted to areas where there is plenty of magical artifacts and the like. Particularly, the Void Dragon seeks places with a high magical content so that it can feed on the magic there.

Biography & Lore

No one knows for certain the origins of the Void Dragon, and those who've even seen the creature throughout history could be counted on with two hands. Though it could be linked to strange magical anomalies where spells randomly fail and wane just as a massive black figure can be seen briefly flying overhead. The creature - if it is a living thing at all - can be seen throughout the myths and legends of the earliest tribes - in their paintings and murals - as a black, starlit, dragon flying over the night sky.


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