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Slavingrad is a small city under the rule of a military dictatorship and influence of a strong clergy. The city, up until recently, was a kingdom ruled by the Krol family, a dynasty of Saxon nobles. The city has a moderate population and a strategic position, but that being said, it is extremely isolationist and does not allow many outsiders within it's walls. Though once rich and prosperous, the city has become one of slums and violence, with the military everywhere and the only evidence of it's great past being the beautiful walls which surround it.
The population of Slavingród is mostly human. This is due to the city's closed off nature. The state is militaristic enough and isolationist as to rarely allow outsiders in.
While the city is mostly that of humans, the southern section outside one of the secondary gates does contain a minority of Elves and Orcs. These minorities are legally given the same rights as the rest of the population, but minorities in Slavingród often find themselves to be treated as outsiders.
While the city is mostly that of humans, the southern section outside one of the secondary gates does contain a minority of Elves and Orcs. These minorities are legally given the same rights as the rest of the population, but minorities in Slavingród often find themselves to be treated as outsiders.
Slavingrad is situated south of the Gulf of Ryt on the North-west side of the river delta. It sits upon a high hill and has river access from the north and east. The city is over a hundred miles from the closest city.
The city is in a temperate and, sometimes cold, environment. Though summers are usually warm and temperate, the winters can be long and unforgiving. Due to the gulf-front location, seasonal cyclones tend to hit and can occasionally damage the area. The city's walls tend to hold back the massive waves, and the elevated city is usually safe from moderate storms, but the elevated nature leads it susceptible to winds. It is often called the "Wietrzne Miasto" or in basic, "Windy City."
Political Situation
Slavingrad or Slavingród, was a kingdom ruled by the Saxon kings for nearly ten generations. The kings of the realm ruled free of checks and balances, and their power was immense. Over time, a strong clergy of nobles and religious zealots began to form around the absolute, and the office of monarch became less of service, and more of serving.
As the King's power was on the decline, the military's power was increasing. The military had fended off war after war in defense of their homeland, and a special detachment of hussars was formed to lead the charge in the event of war. Over time, the military itself slowly became a political entity, throwing its own hands into the King's affairs.
King Alexsandar Krol III of the Saxon throne ascended to the throne upon the death of his father. By this time, the monarch was in every way a puppet of the elite. Alexsander wanted to show representation to the masses and send relief to struggling farmers after four seasons of bitter cold and failing crops. Rather than support the King, the clergy turned on him and enlisted some overzealous general to help revolt. The King and his family were attacked and escaped into the wild, traveling for years.
It has been a generation, few remember the times before the military held absolute power and the last king of the Saxons has recently died in exile, leaving his son to claim the throne. The future is uncertain, but the past shows that any change of power will not come without bloodshed.
As the King's power was on the decline, the military's power was increasing. The military had fended off war after war in defense of their homeland, and a special detachment of hussars was formed to lead the charge in the event of war. Over time, the military itself slowly became a political entity, throwing its own hands into the King's affairs.
King Alexsandar Krol III of the Saxon throne ascended to the throne upon the death of his father. By this time, the monarch was in every way a puppet of the elite. Alexsander wanted to show representation to the masses and send relief to struggling farmers after four seasons of bitter cold and failing crops. Rather than support the King, the clergy turned on him and enlisted some overzealous general to help revolt. The King and his family were attacked and escaped into the wild, traveling for years.
It has been a generation, few remember the times before the military held absolute power and the last king of the Saxons has recently died in exile, leaving his son to claim the throne. The future is uncertain, but the past shows that any change of power will not come without bloodshed.
Politics Today
Slavingrad is currently ruled by General Riccard Savoy of the Imperial Army. He is Chancellor and rules with total control of the state. His cabinet is chosen by loyalty, skill being second.
Within the city it's self, it is not technically illegal to, but frowned upon to speak poorly on the Chancellor. Public protests are illegal and citizens aren't allowed to form political movements. Any opposition will be crushed, and 'dangerous' speech will find you in a cell.
Within the city it's self, it is not technically illegal to, but frowned upon to speak poorly on the Chancellor. Public protests are illegal and citizens aren't allowed to form political movements. Any opposition will be crushed, and 'dangerous' speech will find you in a cell.
The Military is a strong body. Soldiers patrol the streets and harass the populace. They are all armed with segmented armor and swords for defense. The military is broken down between Hussars, who ride horseback and are trained from 3 to ride a horse and swing a sword, and the Infantry, who are regular soldiers that are highly trained and can assemble in moments notice to defend the city.
As if the Military patrols weren't enough, the city is surrounded by a massive white wall and a sea wall to restrict access to the Saxon river. Along the wall, gates for entry and multiple sentry towners for archers and spotting assembling forces. The wall is made of polished white stone with gold accents lining the top to show the past wealth of the city, though today they are the most expensive part of the failing city-state.
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