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Scholar's End
The book itself is inconspicuous in appearance. It has a solid brown leather cover, bound by twine and human hair. The title proudly displayed on the spine in gold foil: 'The History of Poisonous Cats in Elbion'. A frankly ridiculous name, yet it's victims are numerous. Really tells what kind of people the students of Elbion were. If you flip to page 333, right after the one going over the 'Cancerous Potentials in Atypical Cat Glands' is a cavernous maw, which will eagerly chomp onto whatever sentient is in front of it. It hunts like an apex predator, and will not let it's jaws loose of it's prey until said prey stops breathing. By then, it is rumoured to flap away back to a different perch, leaving behind a bloody and gnawed corpse of an unfortunate student.
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