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Countless eons ago, the Great Spirit Tree Niwalis watched over a nameless land, brimming with light, shadow, and nature in all their purity. To safeguard its home and lands, it brought forth the spirit guardians, its children. The Wandering Shadow plucked a single spirit feather from its branches, a plea from the Tree that the entity raise it in a world far forward in time.
That feather is now Kouri, the Shadow's constant companion. Its destiny in the world of Arethil is unknown, but with the enigmatic figure's guidance and teachings, perhaps it will find a way.
A small white creature with a similar stance to a human, or a rabbit. A cat-like tail and large black eyes with white pupils. Two short horn-like tufts sprouted from the top of its head, and underneath them there are larger ears, straight and alert. It can trot or run on its two legs, but it is still slow for its size. A grown man could catch it, were he nimble enough.
Skills and Abilities
Young and childish, this young spirit has yet to mature enough to develop abilities of its own.
A child, in all respects. But within that child exterior is a rather sharp mind, and a fierce determination to live and survive. Traits inherited from its parent tree, as Niwalis weathered the fiercest storms and the hottest of suns to keep its lands protected. Traits that will serve Kouri well in the journey ahead.