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Character Overview
Let there be no confusion in these moments of understand little ones, a particular fascination lies nurtured under her oppressive seams. An insatiable thirst for somatic superiority as the spider weaves her web of destiny~ She has long been Obsessed with all things that shimmer, shine, captivate and delight. Be it gold, trinkets or even flesh itself. The beautiful, the superficial husk to which her eyes long to ravage and her claws ache to purge from the pearly bone!
To render tissues and paint her own canvas of grisly disfigurement! Though such drastic pleasures are tempered beneath her simple desire to covet and assimilate, to substantiate herself over those who dare threaten her glorious hive and make them crawl upon the floor in quiescent conquest.
Subservience. Sweet slavery of the unworthy and the crowning of true champions in her eyes, overvalued liberty pilfered. Everything of corporeal splendor must be owned! Her light will burn away the unworthy in merciless and perverse devastation. Her jealous rage, Her demoniac beguilement. Adonian rite, the smoldering grace of Apollo and the intentful lavish of Artemis's hunterian demand, she is the last remnant of a time lost, The bow and arrow that brought down the erymanthian boar! the sharpened drive of the sword through the impassable flesh of nemean lion, and that severed the screaming heads of the lernaen hydra all within the single, fell blow of hardied hands; famed bane of Hera, the lustful fault of Zeus, within her, she carries the heritage of divinity's past.
Fitting for they who devour gods~
Skills and Abilities
Azure Prime
Bloodline Overview
The Azure Spider
As her nickname entails, Dima possesses an extremely unique anatomy compared to her Hiveborn cousins who tend to share traits with lesser species. Being the firstborn of an Elder Prime in the Hive's complex caste system she possesses what is known on the outside as 'Royal Traits', special anatomy considered only to be found within the Hives nobility known to very few as 'Primes'. Dima, daughter of Riven possesses a dazzling anatomy, independently evolved from the rest of the colony deep within the Crystal Fade. Her very bones shine and shimmer as if glossed in azure sapphire, the color radiating through her very being with obsidian scales that split apart and glow vibrantly with luminescence. Four powerful arms each equipped with razor sharp, dagger-like claws decorate her hands which are capable of cleaving through solid steel. Segmented jaws split apart viciously, allowing The Spider to consume her prey with a destructive bite force. Additionally, from her back sprout four intentional arms designed for scaling incredibly tall objects that can also be utilized as effective weapons against most species. Capable of gripping, tearing or impaling whatever they get ahold of and even spinning the blue silk that allows the young Spider to imprison her prey. They are also capable sticking to nearly any solid surface, allowing Dima to scale large structures effortlessly thanks to her four arms and four extra climbing climbs for a sum of eight.
Blue Silk
Devour & Assimilate
Dima, while not possessing in natural magic or even a basic understanding of arcane arts does possess a number of useful natural traits that add to The Hives survival. Capable of taking intelligent, sentient creatures and devouring them slowly gives Dima two advantages. The first being that the devouring of prey restores her energy as well as provides sufficient healing of wounds or illnesses should the prey be healthy enough. Secondly, is Dima's ability to essentially 'jack into' another living creatures brain and intercept the electrical signals sent from the brain in order to replicate whatever or whoever they devour. Feeding from the memories, experiences, skills and knowledge and assimilating the behaviors. It is how all Hiveborn learn and contribute to the Colony they hail from. Hatchlings are often born in a target rich environment for them to hunt and grow, capable of evolving depending on the creatures they assimilate and even physically developing traits overtime from their prey should they find a trait to add to the Hives gene pool for future young. Older Hiveborn may do this less as they grow and retain more information but Dima, being young often has a ravenous appetite that is constantly calling for the slaughter of others.