...It is with deep regret we write to inform you that as of the next Vendredi we will no longer be able to have you in our service.
In line with the Republics new mandates, we must release all Dreadlord's from their oaths and with it retract our patronage. As written in the new Constitution, it is within your rights to join the new order under the Guards, or retire to a profession of your choosing.
Whilst I am in no position to advice and the choice should be yours, from a personal standpoint it is with a hopeful heart I urge you to accept the latter. Continue your studies and work in Vel Zrada under the masters of art and make a name for yourself without the title Dreadlord. It would be a crime to lose you and your works to the drums of war.
Aramis is a tall, well built man seen always with smudges of ink or paint across his skin. Though not the stature one usually attributes to an artist and more to a warrior, the almost constant far off look in his eyes, or the way in which he can pause to stare at a building or a single flower gives him a look many, wrongly, use to dismiss him as an air-head or unthreatening.
With auburn hair and unusual eyes of blue and brown Aramis is a striking person to look at and over the years has been the subject of many an artists inspiration for sculptures and paintings. Despite the careless disregard for his clothes when he is working, Aramis is quite picky with what he chooses to wear and prides himself on picking pieces which are in themselves works of art.
With auburn hair and unusual eyes of blue and brown Aramis is a striking person to look at and over the years has been the subject of many an artists inspiration for sculptures and paintings. Despite the careless disregard for his clothes when he is working, Aramis is quite picky with what he chooses to wear and prides himself on picking pieces which are in themselves works of art.
Skills and Abilities
Art Manipulation: A power not to be sniffed at and relegated to the 'weaker' strains of magic, Aramis as the unique ability to manipulate not only the materials he is working with - predominately ink and paints - but he can also breathe life into the creations around him and command them. He carries a curious stack of cards on him of ink-drawn creatures and weapons that he draws upon in times of need.
A Soldiers Life: As with all Dreadlords his age, Aramis went through the hellscape of the old Academy Life and has gained the skills of a hardened warrior. His preferred weapon is a quarterstaff and amongst those who know his name, he is famous for a series of feather-light touches which can render a person paralyzed for up to ten minutes.
A Soldiers Life: As with all Dreadlords his age, Aramis went through the hellscape of the old Academy Life and has gained the skills of a hardened warrior. His preferred weapon is a quarterstaff and amongst those who know his name, he is famous for a series of feather-light touches which can render a person paralyzed for up to ten minutes.
Aramis is the sole survivor of his year group. Such a fact should put anyone wisely on edge for it is no easy feat to come out on top of the Tower games. However, the cold and murderous person he must have been in order to have survived the Academy alive is never evident in the man most people meet. Gentle, relaxed, with an almost care-free nature to life's problems. He has very much become accustomed to the finer things in life and expects people to treat him with the dignity and respect his art demands.
When it comes to his work however Aramis can almost become obsessive and feverish. He is known to lock himself away for weeks on end to finish a particular pieces and has several quirks befitting a mad artistic genius.
When it comes to his work however Aramis can almost become obsessive and feverish. He is known to lock himself away for weeks on end to finish a particular pieces and has several quirks befitting a mad artistic genius.
Biography & Lore
Aramis Marc was born to the famous painter Otto Marc and sculptor Elisabeth Bauer. Great things were expected of the child from two such talented parents, but nobody suspected that that greatness might materialise in the gift of magic. It was with delight his parents discovered that his powers in particular seemed to be related in some way to the subject they both treasured so much and whilst they believed they could train him in the Arts, how to control magic they did not. At the tender age of four, they sent Aramis off to the Academy.
With both his parents being patroned by House Luana, it was no surprise the young initiate was courted by its Dreadlords too. In order to ensure his artist talents were not squandered, the House arranged for his parents to provide lessons. As it related directly to his magic the Proctors begrudgingly allowed it.
The result was a deadly Dreadlord but also a fantastic artist who was earning acclaim far younger than both his proud parents. Once he graduated from his class as the only surviving initiate, Aramis split his time between working covert missions for House Luana and further his artistic career. When the Revolution occurred however, Aramis lost the patronage that had come from being a Dreadlord in House Luana - and a prized one at that. With the rifts in the House and the uncertainty of his future, Aramis decided to cut all ties with the Anirian Kingdom and strike out to find his own kingdom where he could make a name for himself without having to rely on others.
With both his parents being patroned by House Luana, it was no surprise the young initiate was courted by its Dreadlords too. In order to ensure his artist talents were not squandered, the House arranged for his parents to provide lessons. As it related directly to his magic the Proctors begrudgingly allowed it.
The result was a deadly Dreadlord but also a fantastic artist who was earning acclaim far younger than both his proud parents. Once he graduated from his class as the only surviving initiate, Aramis split his time between working covert missions for House Luana and further his artistic career. When the Revolution occurred however, Aramis lost the patronage that had come from being a Dreadlord in House Luana - and a prized one at that. With the rifts in the House and the uncertainty of his future, Aramis decided to cut all ties with the Anirian Kingdom and strike out to find his own kingdom where he could make a name for himself without having to rely on others.
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