Anirian Guard
The Anirian Guard is and has been the central military force of Vel Anir for well over a Thousand years.
Perhaps the best and most well trained military force in all of Arethil, the Anirian Guard stands as the back bone for all military activity conducted by the Great Fortress City. For over two thousand years the Guard has acted as both an offensive and defensive force for Vel Anir.
Every man and woman born in Vel Anir and it's territories serves in the Guard for at least a year. Undergoing full training and even being issued with basic gear that is kept after deployment.
This means that most of the population of Vel Anir has served in the Guard at one point or another. This means the citizens of Vel Anir are a decent fighting force in their own right. Those that stay in the Guard are often far more skilled and receive additional training. With lifetime soldiers being some of the best in the world.
The Anirian Guard is far more than a City Watch, far more than a militia. The Guard is a standing army ready to protect Vel Anir and conquer it's enemies.
The Anirian Guard encompasses all of the official state military forces controlled officially by the Royal Line of Anireth and the Seven noble Houses.
The Guard itself is now controlled by the Anirian Parliament, though by actual law deployment of the Guard itself is decided by the Prime Minister. It was deemed important that the command structure be quickly outlined, and while votes from the legislature are able to influence the Guard's deployment, the Prime Minister is in fact in control of the Guard itself.
Of course the Guard can be mobilized at shorter notice, but usually only in smaller contingents. Deploying an entire army requires the consent of the Prime Minister.
The Guard also folds beneath it the Anirian Navy, The Dreadlords, and many smaller auxiliary forces. This is mostly for a streamline of command bureaucracy, with the Anirian Navy's Admiral standing at the same rank and with the same stature as those who have attained the rank of General.
The Anirian Guard is a highly organized, highly focused force split into five main sections. With an additional section which now manages the Dreadlords.
The Army of the North, East, South, West, and then the Navy itself.
Each of these five armies are controlled by a single General or Admiral. These men and women are incredibly skilled, intelligent, and cunning. The Anirian Guard is above all a meritocracy. There is no almost no nepotism within the Guard, and in order to be promoted one must be smart, skilled, and a little bit lucky.
The Guard itself is now controlled by the Anirian Parliament, though by actual law deployment of the Guard itself is decided by the Prime Minister. It was deemed important that the command structure be quickly outlined, and while votes from the legislature are able to influence the Guard's deployment, the Prime Minister is in fact in control of the Guard itself.
Of course the Guard can be mobilized at shorter notice, but usually only in smaller contingents. Deploying an entire army requires the consent of the Prime Minister.
The Guard also folds beneath it the Anirian Navy, The Dreadlords, and many smaller auxiliary forces. This is mostly for a streamline of command bureaucracy, with the Anirian Navy's Admiral standing at the same rank and with the same stature as those who have attained the rank of General.
The Anirian Guard is a highly organized, highly focused force split into five main sections. With an additional section which now manages the Dreadlords.
The Army of the North, East, South, West, and then the Navy itself.
Each of these five armies are controlled by a single General or Admiral. These men and women are incredibly skilled, intelligent, and cunning. The Anirian Guard is above all a meritocracy. There is no almost no nepotism within the Guard, and in order to be promoted one must be smart, skilled, and a little bit lucky.
The Five Armies
Army of the North: Headed by now General Volstes Erran, the Army of the North has long stood as a bulwark against northern raiders of the Aberresai Savannah. The men and women of this force have seen more combat in the last century than any of the other four armies. Especially with the rise of the Empire to the north.
They are well trained and well drilled soldiers, often known for their use of brutal methods and no nonsense attitude in dealing with threats. The Army of the North is one of the more active of the five armies, and news is often heard of their battles back home.
Even after the Revolution the Army of the North has been a strong constant. One of the few not used in the reclamation of Anirian cities, the North remains a strong bulwark against outside foes such as Cortos and the tribals of the Savannah.
Army of the South: Headed by General Harkon Yarl, the Army of the South has long been once of the most important linchpins in all of Vel Anir. For a thousand years this force has stood as the bulwark against the dreaded Elven Menace of the Falwood. Though activity has been slow as of late, the Army of the South has a reputation as being an utterly unbreakable force.
This army of the Anirian Guard is perhaps the most well known picture of what the Guard itself is. These men and women are incredibly well disciplined, intelligent, and brutal fighters. It is said that when Vel Anir falls, it will be the Army of the South that will break last.
After the revolution the army of the South was extensively used in maintaining order. Because of their discipline and swiftness, almost no Southern Anirian cities broke away. The army has maintained a constant vigilance against forces standing against the Republic.
Army of the West: Headed by General Varok Blackforge, the Army of the West is often called the Guard's 'expeditionary force'. Though still organized as an army itself with classifications such as divisions and regiments, this force is more segmented and specialized than any of the others.
Unlike the other four, the Army of the West prides itself in it's composition of unique soldiers and talented individuals. The Army of the West has a long standing tradition of creating and even encouraging more unique Units such as the Anirian Rangers, the Black Guard, and several others.
Both during and after the Revolution, the Army of the West has been instrumental in the hunting down and imprisonment of rebel Dreadlords. First and foremost they act as a spearhead against enemies of the new Republic, working with the army of the East to maintain order and reclaim Anirian territories.
Army of the East: Now under the command of General Garret Marr, The Army of the East is often called 'The Homeguard'. These men and women are those who often enjoy the comforts of home. It is this section of the Guard that garrisons Vel Anir itself along with dozens of villages, forts, and other cities under the control of Vel Anir.
Of course, just because these men and women serve as the largest section of the Guards Garrison does not make them any less dangerous. The army of the East still consists of well trained and organized soldiers, often eager to protect the places they've made their homes.
During the Revolution the army of the East was absolutely crucial in the success of the entire coup. It was them that took control of Vel Anir proper and carried arrests of many loyalists. Since the Republic's founding, the Army of the East has seen more action than it has in centuries before. They are the main driving force behind the reclamation of Anirian territory, often working in conjuction with the army of the WEst.
Anirian Navy: Lead by Admiral Vala Jarun, the Anirian Navy is one of the greatest Naval forces in the entire world. Charged with the protection of dozens of ports, merchant vessels, and maintaining Vel Anir's influence at sea. The Anirian Navy works incredibly hard to be on the cutting edge of training, technology, and strategy.
The Anirian Navy is one of the most technologically advanced forces among the Five Armies. Admiral Vala has worked incredibly hard in gathering scholars, alchemists, and shipbuilders to her side in order to ensure that the Anirian Navy remains one of the Greatest Forces at sea. Though dwarfed in size by the Allirian navy, and manned by far less skilled sailors, the Navy is still
Since the Revolution the Navy has been absolutely instrumental in keeping Anirian hegemony intact. Keeping supplies flowing, allowing trade, and ensuring the safety of coastal cities.
They are well trained and well drilled soldiers, often known for their use of brutal methods and no nonsense attitude in dealing with threats. The Army of the North is one of the more active of the five armies, and news is often heard of their battles back home.
Even after the Revolution the Army of the North has been a strong constant. One of the few not used in the reclamation of Anirian cities, the North remains a strong bulwark against outside foes such as Cortos and the tribals of the Savannah.
Army of the South: Headed by General Harkon Yarl, the Army of the South has long been once of the most important linchpins in all of Vel Anir. For a thousand years this force has stood as the bulwark against the dreaded Elven Menace of the Falwood. Though activity has been slow as of late, the Army of the South has a reputation as being an utterly unbreakable force.
This army of the Anirian Guard is perhaps the most well known picture of what the Guard itself is. These men and women are incredibly well disciplined, intelligent, and brutal fighters. It is said that when Vel Anir falls, it will be the Army of the South that will break last.
After the revolution the army of the South was extensively used in maintaining order. Because of their discipline and swiftness, almost no Southern Anirian cities broke away. The army has maintained a constant vigilance against forces standing against the Republic.
Army of the West: Headed by General Varok Blackforge, the Army of the West is often called the Guard's 'expeditionary force'. Though still organized as an army itself with classifications such as divisions and regiments, this force is more segmented and specialized than any of the others.
Unlike the other four, the Army of the West prides itself in it's composition of unique soldiers and talented individuals. The Army of the West has a long standing tradition of creating and even encouraging more unique Units such as the Anirian Rangers, the Black Guard, and several others.
Both during and after the Revolution, the Army of the West has been instrumental in the hunting down and imprisonment of rebel Dreadlords. First and foremost they act as a spearhead against enemies of the new Republic, working with the army of the East to maintain order and reclaim Anirian territories.
Army of the East: Now under the command of General Garret Marr, The Army of the East is often called 'The Homeguard'. These men and women are those who often enjoy the comforts of home. It is this section of the Guard that garrisons Vel Anir itself along with dozens of villages, forts, and other cities under the control of Vel Anir.
Of course, just because these men and women serve as the largest section of the Guards Garrison does not make them any less dangerous. The army of the East still consists of well trained and organized soldiers, often eager to protect the places they've made their homes.
During the Revolution the army of the East was absolutely crucial in the success of the entire coup. It was them that took control of Vel Anir proper and carried arrests of many loyalists. Since the Republic's founding, the Army of the East has seen more action than it has in centuries before. They are the main driving force behind the reclamation of Anirian territory, often working in conjuction with the army of the WEst.
Anirian Navy: Lead by Admiral Vala Jarun, the Anirian Navy is one of the greatest Naval forces in the entire world. Charged with the protection of dozens of ports, merchant vessels, and maintaining Vel Anir's influence at sea. The Anirian Navy works incredibly hard to be on the cutting edge of training, technology, and strategy.
The Anirian Navy is one of the most technologically advanced forces among the Five Armies. Admiral Vala has worked incredibly hard in gathering scholars, alchemists, and shipbuilders to her side in order to ensure that the Anirian Navy remains one of the Greatest Forces at sea. Though dwarfed in size by the Allirian navy, and manned by far less skilled sailors, the Navy is still
Since the Revolution the Navy has been absolutely instrumental in keeping Anirian hegemony intact. Keeping supplies flowing, allowing trade, and ensuring the safety of coastal cities.
Without a doubt the training one receives within the Anirian is very likely the best Arethil has to offer the world of ordinary men.
Every man and woman is required to join the Anirian Guard within two months of their eighteenth name day. From there they attend one of the many Academies located throughout Anirian Lands. Here they are tested, taught, and their aptitude is honed.
People are placed in divisions where they are most apt to succeed. Everyone receives basic training in the use of the sword, crossbow, and of course spear, however once a particular skill is found the Soldier is encouraged to increase said skill.
This basic training continues on throughout a Soldiers Career, which lasts a single year. After this term of service is up, a person may return to civilian life or extend their time in the Guard itself. Once extended, a soldiers training can be expanded through several different ways. Soldiers are almost always promoted through merit, guided by officers to their best chosen path. Many career Guardsmen end up in services such as the Anirian Knights, Rangers, Stalkers, or other units.
Every man and woman is required to join the Anirian Guard within two months of their eighteenth name day. From there they attend one of the many Academies located throughout Anirian Lands. Here they are tested, taught, and their aptitude is honed.
People are placed in divisions where they are most apt to succeed. Everyone receives basic training in the use of the sword, crossbow, and of course spear, however once a particular skill is found the Soldier is encouraged to increase said skill.
This basic training continues on throughout a Soldiers Career, which lasts a single year. After this term of service is up, a person may return to civilian life or extend their time in the Guard itself. Once extended, a soldiers training can be expanded through several different ways. Soldiers are almost always promoted through merit, guided by officers to their best chosen path. Many career Guardsmen end up in services such as the Anirian Knights, Rangers, Stalkers, or other units.
Main Ranks:
- General/Admiral
- Major
- Commander
- Lieutenant
- Sergeant
- Soldier
Specialized Units
Anirian Knights: These men and women are those Guardsmen who have shown themselves to be incredibly skilled in a particular field of combat. Varying between Archers, Swordsmen, and even those who fight with only a shield. Anirian Knights are incredibly skilled soldiers that have set themselves apart from their fellow soldiers.
These men and women are granted a specialized position among their peers. They are given extra training, adorned with specialized armor, and given gifts of items crafted by Dreadlord master forgers.
The Role of an Anirian Knight can greatly vary depending on what set them apart. Most of the time these soldiers act as escorts for Dreadlord's on particularly dangerous missions. Anirian Knights are skilled soldiers, more than a match for most elite forces.
Anirian Rangers: As their name implies, the Anirian Rangers are a group of soldiers dedicated to scouting, reconnaissance and more subtle work. This unit is under the purview of the Army of the West, and works almost entirely within the Falwood and surrounding regions.
The Anirian Rangers tend to be skilled Hunters, excellent trackers, and Archers matched only by the Elves themselves. These men and women lead a more decentralized life, often working by themselves for months on end before reporting to a superior.
Black Guard: Often whispered of in taverns and backrooms, the Black Guard are an incredibly fierce and exclusive fighting force found within the Army of the West. These men and women serve as a vanguard, wearing enchanted black armor, black cloaks, and even wielding weapons forged of meteorites.
It is said that this unit itself was singularly responsible for one of the greatest victories in the second Elven War when they charged headlong into an Elven Druid's spell that would have sundered the lines of the Anirian Forces had it been allowed to continue.
The Black Guard is extremely exclusive. Like the Aniran Knight's, they take only those who have proven themselves into their ranks.
Anirian Corsairs: An Anirian Corsair is a Guardsmen who has set himself apart from others that serve within the Imperial Navy. Though not technically a single unit, the Corsairs are an order apart from regular Anirian Seamen.
They are often incredibly skilled sailors, fantastic ship born fighters, and knowledgeable about everything one could hope of a sailor. Their duties include coordinating boarding actions, amphibious assaults, and several far more specialized duties.
Anirian Stalkers: A relatively new addition to the special branches of the Anirian Guard, Stalkers take on a very specific role. Usually working by themselves or with only a single other person, Stalkers have been tasked with rooting out and finding aberrant mages and Dreadlords.
These men and women tend to be former Anirian Knights, Dreadlords, or Black Guard. Their chief duty is finding Rebellious Dreadlords. Marking them so they are easy to track down, and then reporting back to the Guard so the Dreadlord might be captured or executed.
Stalkers are highly skilled in stealth, trickery, and other more underhanded tactics. They tend to be more spies than soldiers.
The Vestigare: Created long ago, the Vestigare are the Guards investigative branch. They function as almost the police arm of the military. These men and women investigate crimes of all sorts, whether they involve ordinary people, Guardsmen officers, or government figures.
Granted an extreme amount of authority, the Vestigate are entrusted with quite a bit of power. Within their rights lays the ability to arrest people, bring formal charges, and investigate almost all walks of life. They are an incredibly important part of not just the Guard, but Anirian Society.
The Dreadlords of Vel Anir:Though once a separate entity, the Dreadlords of Vel Anir are now part of the Guard itself. Placed in a rather awkward circumstance, all Dreadlords were officially made part of the Guard upon the Republics founding.
They are, technically, within the command structure of the military. Each Dreadlord is given a rank commensurate to their training, skill, aptitude, and experience. With even the most recently graduated Dreadlord beginning at Sergeant.
This has of course caused an immense amount of friction, particularly between long serving Dreadlords and Officers. It is not rare for the two to butt heads, and more often than not operations involving Dreadlords are carefully crafted to avoid arguments of who is in charge. The delineation made clear when a mission or operation is assigned.
Anirian Marshalls:An old position, and one not often seen in the interior of Anirian Territory. The Marshalls were created as an extension of authority out into even the most distant colonies.
Created as central figures of law and order, Anirian Marshall's combine the roles of General, Investigator, Ranger, and sometimes even Governor. These men and women are figures of absolute authority, appointed usually only in remote areas though sometimes seen in smaller towns and villages where the Guard simply does not wish to station a garrison.
Though rarely seen in actual Anirian Cities, Marshalls generally tend to be highly respected figures. Their authority allowing them a great amount of autonomy.
These men and women are granted a specialized position among their peers. They are given extra training, adorned with specialized armor, and given gifts of items crafted by Dreadlord master forgers.
The Role of an Anirian Knight can greatly vary depending on what set them apart. Most of the time these soldiers act as escorts for Dreadlord's on particularly dangerous missions. Anirian Knights are skilled soldiers, more than a match for most elite forces.
Anirian Rangers: As their name implies, the Anirian Rangers are a group of soldiers dedicated to scouting, reconnaissance and more subtle work. This unit is under the purview of the Army of the West, and works almost entirely within the Falwood and surrounding regions.
The Anirian Rangers tend to be skilled Hunters, excellent trackers, and Archers matched only by the Elves themselves. These men and women lead a more decentralized life, often working by themselves for months on end before reporting to a superior.
Black Guard: Often whispered of in taverns and backrooms, the Black Guard are an incredibly fierce and exclusive fighting force found within the Army of the West. These men and women serve as a vanguard, wearing enchanted black armor, black cloaks, and even wielding weapons forged of meteorites.
It is said that this unit itself was singularly responsible for one of the greatest victories in the second Elven War when they charged headlong into an Elven Druid's spell that would have sundered the lines of the Anirian Forces had it been allowed to continue.
The Black Guard is extremely exclusive. Like the Aniran Knight's, they take only those who have proven themselves into their ranks.
Anirian Corsairs: An Anirian Corsair is a Guardsmen who has set himself apart from others that serve within the Imperial Navy. Though not technically a single unit, the Corsairs are an order apart from regular Anirian Seamen.
They are often incredibly skilled sailors, fantastic ship born fighters, and knowledgeable about everything one could hope of a sailor. Their duties include coordinating boarding actions, amphibious assaults, and several far more specialized duties.
Anirian Stalkers: A relatively new addition to the special branches of the Anirian Guard, Stalkers take on a very specific role. Usually working by themselves or with only a single other person, Stalkers have been tasked with rooting out and finding aberrant mages and Dreadlords.
These men and women tend to be former Anirian Knights, Dreadlords, or Black Guard. Their chief duty is finding Rebellious Dreadlords. Marking them so they are easy to track down, and then reporting back to the Guard so the Dreadlord might be captured or executed.
Stalkers are highly skilled in stealth, trickery, and other more underhanded tactics. They tend to be more spies than soldiers.
The Vestigare: Created long ago, the Vestigare are the Guards investigative branch. They function as almost the police arm of the military. These men and women investigate crimes of all sorts, whether they involve ordinary people, Guardsmen officers, or government figures.
Granted an extreme amount of authority, the Vestigate are entrusted with quite a bit of power. Within their rights lays the ability to arrest people, bring formal charges, and investigate almost all walks of life. They are an incredibly important part of not just the Guard, but Anirian Society.
The Dreadlords of Vel Anir:Though once a separate entity, the Dreadlords of Vel Anir are now part of the Guard itself. Placed in a rather awkward circumstance, all Dreadlords were officially made part of the Guard upon the Republics founding.
They are, technically, within the command structure of the military. Each Dreadlord is given a rank commensurate to their training, skill, aptitude, and experience. With even the most recently graduated Dreadlord beginning at Sergeant.
This has of course caused an immense amount of friction, particularly between long serving Dreadlords and Officers. It is not rare for the two to butt heads, and more often than not operations involving Dreadlords are carefully crafted to avoid arguments of who is in charge. The delineation made clear when a mission or operation is assigned.
Anirian Marshalls:An old position, and one not often seen in the interior of Anirian Territory. The Marshalls were created as an extension of authority out into even the most distant colonies.
Created as central figures of law and order, Anirian Marshall's combine the roles of General, Investigator, Ranger, and sometimes even Governor. These men and women are figures of absolute authority, appointed usually only in remote areas though sometimes seen in smaller towns and villages where the Guard simply does not wish to station a garrison.
Though rarely seen in actual Anirian Cities, Marshalls generally tend to be highly respected figures. Their authority allowing them a great amount of autonomy.
Said to be founded by Anirius himself, the Guard has been one of the few constant institutions since the inception of Vel Anir itself.
Though it has changed form over the centuries, the basic concept of the Guard has always been the same; Service and Citizenship are one and the same. The founder of Vel Anir knew that he could not always protect his people, and thus decided that they had to be capable of protecting themselves.
The Guard is born of that tradition.
For over ten centuries the Guard has remained as a bulwark. Fighting in constant battles, wars, and minor skirmishes. Ordinary people have always been the center of the Guard, and through the various branches many heroes and villains have been born within the structure of Vel Anir's military.
To list all the battles the Guard has fought would be to fill a dozen books, and to scribe it's whole history would be as filling a library.
Put simply, the Guard is an incredibly historic and long lasting institution. Respected and feared, though suffering it's own humiliations throughout the years. The greatest of these was the first ever Elven War, where the Guard found itself thrown into utter chaos. Encountering forces and magics that they simply could not defeat. This lead to the founding of the Dreadlords.
After the creation and separation of magics from the Guard, the military of Vel Anir began nearly four centuries of constant malignant mistreatment.
Gradually the Guard became more of a whipping boy, still strong and powerful in it's own way, but beholden to both Dreadlords and the Great Houses which now ruled Vel Anir. Over the years resentment began to grow, eventually nurturing into outright anger.
These feelings eventually sparked into outright revolution. The Five Generals of the Guard, along with several civilian leaders and a cadre of rebellious Dreadlords launched a coup. Moving swiftly, and after an assault that saw Vel Anir weakened, the Guard toppled the Government of Vel Anir.
Through days of chaos and uncertainty, the rebellious government arrested and executed many loyalists until eventually a new government was founded.
The Republic, now created, was ushered into being. Elected by the people of Vel Anir and it's various territories, the new government had the full backing of the Guard. The Anirian Military making it's position known and returning to full prominence within the state.
Though it has changed form over the centuries, the basic concept of the Guard has always been the same; Service and Citizenship are one and the same. The founder of Vel Anir knew that he could not always protect his people, and thus decided that they had to be capable of protecting themselves.
The Guard is born of that tradition.
For over ten centuries the Guard has remained as a bulwark. Fighting in constant battles, wars, and minor skirmishes. Ordinary people have always been the center of the Guard, and through the various branches many heroes and villains have been born within the structure of Vel Anir's military.
To list all the battles the Guard has fought would be to fill a dozen books, and to scribe it's whole history would be as filling a library.
Put simply, the Guard is an incredibly historic and long lasting institution. Respected and feared, though suffering it's own humiliations throughout the years. The greatest of these was the first ever Elven War, where the Guard found itself thrown into utter chaos. Encountering forces and magics that they simply could not defeat. This lead to the founding of the Dreadlords.
After the creation and separation of magics from the Guard, the military of Vel Anir began nearly four centuries of constant malignant mistreatment.
Gradually the Guard became more of a whipping boy, still strong and powerful in it's own way, but beholden to both Dreadlords and the Great Houses which now ruled Vel Anir. Over the years resentment began to grow, eventually nurturing into outright anger.
These feelings eventually sparked into outright revolution. The Five Generals of the Guard, along with several civilian leaders and a cadre of rebellious Dreadlords launched a coup. Moving swiftly, and after an assault that saw Vel Anir weakened, the Guard toppled the Government of Vel Anir.
Through days of chaos and uncertainty, the rebellious government arrested and executed many loyalists until eventually a new government was founded.
The Republic, now created, was ushered into being. Elected by the people of Vel Anir and it's various territories, the new government had the full backing of the Guard. The Anirian Military making it's position known and returning to full prominence within the state.
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