Angharad ver Eyildr

Angharad ver Eyildr

Biographical information
Physical description
Elf Female 6'6 Blonde Blue/grey Pale
Political information
Out-of-character information
Ceithernach Wizards of the Coast


Angharad is a typical elf, tall and beautiful. There is no mistaking her for a human with her sharp features and alien gait. She moves with a feline grace, every movement perfectly calculated. Regal and imposing, her burnished armour speaks of high craftsmanship, second only to dwarven handiwork. Her piercing eyes are bright, seeming to burn with the fury of the stars.

Skills and Abilities

Shieldmaiden. A talented swordswoman and archer, Angharad favours them as her chosen weapons though she is proficient with others. She has studied most of her life in the ways of elven war.

Rash. Though she is no loremaster or sorcerer, Angharad has the groundings of a scholar as any in her race. She has knowledge on a wide variety of topics though the knowledge is broad rather than deep. Her passion for the martial arts have meant her studies have suffered so she is ignorant when compared to experts or even talented students in their field.

Lady. Angharad despite her age has still not mastered interacting with her inferiors. She speaks in a condescending and patronising manner to non-elves, finding it hard to treat with them as equals. This attitude rarely wins her friends.


Angharad is arrogant. One of the long lived, she has a tendency to talk down to the lesser races. She may find mortals amusing, even forge something akin to a friendship, but she would never equate their lives equal to one of the Firstborn's.

Biography & Lore

Angharad is a knight of Fal'Addas, loyal to the council of elders that rule in the Falwood. An elite fighting force from the ranks of the brave and noble, they serve as a heavy cavalry corps in times of war and enforce the will of the Council during peace.


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